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WWE Draft

The King of Old School

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4 hours ago, HarmonicGenerator said:

I wonder how far in advance they planned the split in 2002. Would they have unified the two World titles they had in late 2001 if they were already thinking of splitting the roster?

Apparently they were planning the brand split during the Invasion angle in 2001. The original plan was once the Invasion was finished, they'd bin off Smackdown and restart WCW as the second brand and the two shows would be WWF Raw and WCW Nitro. Then after the Invasion, they realised that the WCW brand had been tarnished and didn't have the pulling power it once had so they decided not to go with that and spilt the roster into Raw and Smackdown brands instead.

The first draft was going to be set for the first Raw of 2002 at MSG, then it got pushed back. At one point there was talks of the 2002 rumble match being used to do the draft. Instead of 30 men, you'd have the entire roster. All the even numbers get drafted to one show and all the odd to the other. SOunded like a cool idea to me. Makes the rumble a bit more exciting and you can get even more invested in it. Doing it this way would also mean they could avoid doing a draft, because if they do a draft, that means all the lower draft picks are automatically seen as jobbers. This way, it seems random and nobody is made to look like the last kid picked for a team. I don't think it was ever seriously considered, just an idea they had knocking around.

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8 hours ago, WyattSheepMask said:

Jesus Christ, not more fucking belts. The ones they have now don’t mean anything as it is

More throwing around of this lazy opinion. Aside from the really peripheral ones, the belts are the most important aspect of their show. They dominate all of their story telling. Nothing that isn't related to a title means a thing these days. Title changes make shows feel meaningful. Nothing else does.

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Disagree strongly.  The titles have felt like props for ages.  Outside of Lesnar and Rousey is struggle to remember who's held which belt in the last 12 months.

The brand split has never worked for me, and the shared PPVs are particularly problematic.  Seeing 2 "World Titles" defended on the same show just demeans both.

NXT often feels special because it is so separate from the main brands.  For my money, with both main brands on separate but important networks, they need to properly cut the ties and have two utterly separate brands that only meet once a year - Wrestlemania.

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The Raw Tag belts in the last month or so have been held by an odd-couple and then they lost it to two guys who were thrown together for no reason and won it at the first try. How is anyone supposed to care when seemingly any pair of fuckers can win them.

The Intercontinental title, which used to be the second most important belt, I’d genuinely forgotten that Shinsuke Nakamura was the Champion, and I had to look up who he beat and when.

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32 minutes ago, Loki said:

Disagree strongly.  The titles have felt like props for ages.  Outside of Lesnar and Rousey is struggle to remember who's held which belt in the last 12 months.

Props that tell all of their stories and create all of their drama. 

There shouldn't be such importance on them but there clearly is. That's why they keep adding more and more.

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But unlike Thor's hammer, which got a ripple of excitement when it was first shown in a post credit scene, the Intercontinental Championship is seen with horrific indifference.

Sure they are props, but they have meaning and significance to the viewer.

Like championships, Thor's hammer would mean dick if there were too many. Would Captain America picking up the hammer mean anything if there were 12 of the fuckers and each member of the Avengers managed to pick one up? Course not.



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4 hours ago, King Pitcos said:

Wrestling belts have always felt like - and always been - props. Like Thor’s hammer in the marvel films.

Thor's hammer is one of the most over properties in the Marvel films.

Our minds were meant to be blown when Vision tooled about with it in 'Age of Ultron' and it was perceived as Captain America getting the biggest rub ever by commanding its powers in 'Endgame'.

Comparing WWE and Marvel in terms of attributing prestige or importance to their intellectual properties is redundant anyway. WWE have an embarrassment of riches at their disposal and can't even get their top stars over. Marvel turned a whole slate of their lower midcarders into powerhouse box office draws.

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5 hours ago, andrew "the ref" coyne said:

But unlike Thor's hammer, which got a ripple of excitement when it was first shown in a post credit scene, the Intercontinental Championship is seen with horrific indifference.

What we need is an angle where someone wins the belt and promises to restore the credibility it had when it was held by Mr Perfect, Bret Hart and Randy Savage. They've not done that before...

5 hours ago, andrew "the ref" coyne said:

Sure they are props, but they have meaning and significance to the viewer.

They still do. Anyone who thinks otherwise hasn't watched wrestling in the last 20 years. They don't mean as much because of the massive over-exposure of the product caused by 300+ hours of first run TV and PPV a year. PPVs themselves, gimmick matches, etc have all suffered and always will. But their entire TV output is driven by title belts. Very few stories are told without them. It's certainly not driven by stars because there aren't any. It's a lazy cliche to say the belts don't mean anything. Take them away and you've got absolutely nothing left.

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2 hours ago, StrongStyle said:

Thor's hammer is one of the most over properties in the Marvel films.

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Our minds were meant to be blown when Vision tooled about with it in 'Age of Ultron' and it was perceived as Captain America getting the biggest rub ever by commanding its powers in 'Endgame'.


Yes, that was my point. Prop doesn’t really work as a pejorative.

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They just did a PPV where every single title was defended, and I would still struggle to remember who holds most of them. So they're not doing a very good job of making them important.

Off the top of my head, I couldn't tell you who the Intercontinental or US champs were, and had to really work to remember the Women's and Tag champs, and still aren't sure I'm right. There's two World titles and it took me a few minutes to remember who has the RAW one. 

More titles won't help. They matter more than a lot of other things happening on the TV shows, but that's not much of a stretch. To continue the Thor's hammer analogy, lifting Thor's hammer wouldn't have meant as much if there were eight smaller magic hammers being lifted by less important characters.

Edited by BomberPat
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1 hour ago, tiger_rick said:

What we need is an angle where someone wins the belt and promises to restore the credibility it had when it was held by Mr Perfect, Bret Hart and Randy Savage. They've not done that before...

They’ve done better!


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