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The Jeffrey Epstein case !!


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You have to then ask, why was he taken off suicide watch?  This is a guy who was apparently suicidal and a key player in an emerging scandal with vast social and political implications.  He was also being kept in a "suicide proof" cell where even the bedsheets are designed so you can't hang yourself with them.  It should not have been possible for him to do this, so even the fact he killed himself is suspect.

I'm many years past my X Files days but this really does stink to high heaven.  For decades the rumours of a high level paedophile ring have always been dismissed as paranoid fantasy.  Now it turns out there really WAS one, and it could potentially involve royals and Presidents, perhaps we all need to re-calibrate what we think is tinfoil and what is not.

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The cop killed four people in a drug deal for a fair amount of cocaine. Five kilos or something in that area.

It’s also weak and dismissive to say people are picking and choosing data, when really there is just huge amounts of unconfirmed data being reported everywhere because it’s the latest click bait title. 

Regardless it surely is a huge story which must be investigated, because something has gone very very wrong 

Edited by UK Kat Von D
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7 minutes ago, UK Kat Von D said:

It’s also weak and dismissive to say people are picking and choosing data

But some are.  They have decided as soon as they heard he was dead that he was murdered and nothing will change their minds, that's the MO of conspiracy theorists and always will be.  I'm not saying he wasn't offed but even a stopped clock etc.

Personally, I think that instead of being outright killed, people were encouraged to look the other way while he did himself in.  AOC has celled for a full investigation and there should be one.  Of course, the results of said investigation would do nothing to change the minds of the aforementioned cherry pickers, unless it supports their claims.

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3 minutes ago, Keith Houchen said:

But some are.  They have decided as soon as they heard he was dead that he was murdered and nothing will change their minds, that's the MO of conspiracy theorists and always will be.  I'm not saying he wasn't offed but even a stopped clock etc.

Well it was my first thought for sure. I had even been having a conversation the night before about how he needs to be kept alive for trial. The people he can implicate all have the power to have him done in. Maybe not one of the big names being thrown around by the media for attention. It could have been an old wealthy nonce, unknown to the general public.  

I also don’t really see why he would kill himself either. Between the amount of money he has and the plea bargains he could make, no chance was he looking at a proper nonce’s punishment. 

Lets be honest, this isn’t basic conspiracy stuff. This is genuine cause for questions to be asked 

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38 minutes ago, tiger_rick said:

Why would you murder someone hell bent on killing themselves?

In case he changed his mind and didn't go through with it.  He knew where the bodies were buried. (Posted only from the point of view that he was in the paedophilic elite illuminati and not my own view)

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9 hours ago, UK Kat Von D said:

The people he can implicate all have the power to have him done in. Maybe not one of the big names being thrown around by the media for attention. It could have been an old wealthy nonce, unknown to the general public.

But do they though? They might have the money, but not the power to arrange contract killings inside prisons. The idea that rich, powerful people have the power to do whatever takes their fancy is a fallacious one, as it also takes criminal connections in the right places which they don't usually have. It's difficult to imagine Prince Andrew or one of his stooges sat outside a prison attempting to bribe random prison officers with a briefcase full of cash, you need to know who would be susceptible to a bribe. 

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5 hours ago, Tamura said:

But do they though? They might have the money, but not the power to arrange contract killings inside prisons. The idea that rich, powerful people have the power to do whatever takes their fancy is a fallacious one, as it also takes criminal connections in the right places which they don't usually have. It's difficult to imagine Prince Andrew or one of his stooges sat outside a prison attempting to bribe random prison officers with a briefcase full of cash, you need to know who would be susceptible to a bribe. 

Everybody's got a price...

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5 hours ago, Tamura said:

But do they though? They might have the money, but not the power to arrange contract killings inside prisons. The idea that rich, powerful people have the power to do whatever takes their fancy is a fallacious one, as it also takes criminal connections in the right places which they don't usually have. It's difficult to imagine Prince Andrew or one of his stooges sat outside a prison attempting to bribe random prison officers with a briefcase full of cash, you need to know who would be susceptible to a bribe. 

Are you saying you are surprised that serial nonces (who take trips on the Lolita express to an island full of underage girls) could be capable of breaking the law? 

We don’t know who is on his lists, other than they are rich and dodgy as fuck. It is entirely within the realms of possibility that one of the people on the very large list is capable of arranging someone to be killed.

Sex trafficking on private jets is probably a lot harder to pull off than having someone killed in prison.

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1 hour ago, UK Kat Von D said:

Are you saying you are surprised that serial nonces (who take trips on the Lolita express to an island full of underage girls) could be capable of breaking the law?

When did I say anything remotely like that? I never doubted any intent, more the means of carrying it out.

1 hour ago, UK Kat Von D said:

We don’t know who is on his lists, other than they are rich and dodgy as fuck. It is entirely within the realms of possibility that one of the people on the very large list is capable of arranging someone to be killed.

Yes, I'm sure Prince Andrew has the leadership of the Aryan Brotherhood prison gang on his speed-dial. It's all about bailiwicks you see. If I asked a builder if he could hook me up with a plumber, an electrician, a painter or a plasterer or similar he'd have no problems at all, if I asked him if I knew someone who could fix my motorbike he might struggle, unless he was a biker himself. Or if that analogy is a bit difficult for you to comprehend, if I asked my local dealer for an ounce of weed he'd have no problem, but he might struggle if I asked him for a couple of Asian ladyboy prostitutes or someone who'd be prepared to break a leg or two, especially if the person whose legs needed breaking is currently residing at Her Majesty's pleasure.

1 hour ago, UK Kat Von D said:

Sex trafficking on private jets is probably a lot harder to pull off than having someone killed in prison.

Again, it depends who you know and you're not backing that speculation up with any kind of evidence, it's just as easy to assert the opposite and claim it to be true. Fallen UK property tycoon Nicholas van Hoogstraten would have no problems getting some of his thugs to evict some tenants or kill business rival Mohammed Sabir Raja, but there's no evidence he had any real connection to organised crime.

Short of hiring a whole bunch of mercenaries to storm a prison, there's two ways to get a prisoner killed. Firstly you can get a prisoner to do it. That's best accomplished through a prison gang (or organised crime group outside prison with members in prison, such as the Mafia, biker gangs and so forth) with members in different prisons, unless of course you're lucky enough to know a would-be-hitman in lots of different prisons. Secondly you can get a corrupt prison officer to do it, and again you're faced with the problem of needing your corrupt prison officer to work in the right prison. Could one of Epstein's more seedy associates have the connections to have pulled it off? It's not beyond the realms of possibility, but it's over to the people making the claim to come up with a viable suspect and, gasp, evidence that proves their involvement.


1 hour ago, TibBo said:

Everybody's got a price...

They may well, but they may be equally wary of FBI or other law enforcement sting operations. Although I'm not speaking from first hard experience, from what I've read and heard organised criminals tend to be on their guard against strangers who turn up out of nowhere wanting to buy a kilo of charlie or have someone murdered.

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