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All Tories Are Cunts thread

Devon Malcolm

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Looks to me like hes working the gimmick, brother. He will be back being the 'lovable buffoon' character he was working pre and during his Mayoral days, he will be prepping the zip line for his honeymoon.  

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20 minutes ago, Duke said:

It's a man dancing badly at his own delayed wedding reception. The worst behaviour is whoever thought this private occasion should be videoed and put up on social media.

There's so much appalling behaviour he's actually done, getting angry at this complete nothing just dilutes from the important stuff.


It’s orchestrated as fuck in my opinion. An official video would be crass so an “Unofficial” one that honestly shows him what he’s like when nobody is watching suddenly appears and gimps are all “Aww look at that lovely man having fun after those horrible Judas wankers got rid of him, isn’t he lovely and cuddly really”

Bunch of cunts. It’s as staged as those pics of Sunak cheering England scoring in the final where two official photographers just happened to be there and capture it. 

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24 minutes ago, Keith Houchen said:

It’s orchestrated as fuck in my opinion. An official video would be crass so an “Unofficial” one that honestly shows him what he’s like when nobody is watching suddenly appears and gimps are all “Aww look at that lovely man having fun after those horrible Judas wankers got rid of him, isn’t he lovely and cuddly really”

Bunch of cunts. It’s as staged as those pics of Sunak cheering England scoring in the final where two official photographers just happened to be there and capture it. 

I can completely believe someone official there took the opportunity to take a video with that exact mindset, but if you don't think that's exactly how Boris would dance not expecting to be on social media I don't know what to tell you.

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I couldn’t give a fuck how he dances or even think about how he dances on or off camera. What I do know is he’s a fucking sociopathic narcissistic cunt who feeds on being popular and would do anything to portray himself as some kind of victim. Fuck him, his whole family, and any cunt invited to that shit. 


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3 minutes ago, Keith Houchen said:

I couldn’t give a fuck how he dances or even think about how he dances on or off camera. What I do know is he’s a fucking sociopathic narcissistic cunt who feeds on being popular and would do anything to portray himself as some kind of victim. Fuck him, his whole family, and any cunt invited to that shit. 


I don't disagree, but there's plenty of actual examples of him doing that and there will be more without having to get angry at dots that only exist in the collective amygdala of those who hate him. 

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It’s possible to be angry at both though, it’s not like I use up one of my “Hate Johnson” cards on this. Are we meant to feel sorry for him that this has leaked or something?
Maybe it’s the old wrestling fan calling everything a work so they aren’t fooled in me coming out but I don’t believe that anything that comes out about him isn’t orchestrated via his large cabal of friends in journalism and PR, and he is incredibly skilled at it. 

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9 minutes ago, Keith Houchen said:

It’s possible to be angry at both though, it’s not like I use up one of my “Hate Johnson” cards on this. Are we meant to feel sorry for him that this has leaked or something?
Maybe it’s the old wrestling fan calling everything a work so they aren’t fooled in me coming out but I don’t believe that anything that comes out about him isn’t orchestrated via his large cabal of friends in journalism and PR, and he is incredibly skilled at it. 

Oh no, definitely not. I'm just saying that getting angry at nothing, and this is nothing, is pointless, and sometimes a guy dancing like a fanny at his wedding is just that. 

At worst this is just taking valuable focus and brain space off the real issues, like how he's still somehow prime minister. At a media level I mean, not specifically in your head.

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To be honest, when it first popped up on my Twitter feed, I didn’t even clock who it was. I thought it was, as you put it well, some berk dancing like a fanny. 

I do agree with you though, don’t get mad at the dead cat on the table, get mad at what they put it on the table to cover. 

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Trigger warning (self harm)

Kin hell. I don’t know if people are aware of the Archie case, it’s been big news down south but long story short a child wanted to unalive themselves, he’s been on life support ever since, no brain activity and the family have been trying to make the hospital continue life support in various legal challenges. He was taken off life support today.

This was taken in June when the doctors and hospital already confirmed they thought he had no brain activity.







Edited by Hannibal Scorch
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