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Developmental wrestlers who never made it


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Inspired by the chat this morning in 'Random Thoughts' about the guy they hired just so they could have his 'Last Outlaw' name for The Undertaker, then by the otherforum thread linked to below.


Who are some of your favourites who were in developmental, but never got to WWE proper? They might have made it to developmental TV at some point, maybe they were used on Raw as security or enhancement, maybe they never got past the glories that were the OVW, DSW and FCW roster pages.

I know Ron Waterman will be the first name most people think of, but I believe the latter years of FCW and early years of NXT were truly the pinnacle of developmental nobodies. 

This thread on another forum from which I mostly nicked this idea has collected many of the best ones. Some wonderful, wonderful nobodies in that thread.


I personally still feel aggrieved we never got Marcus Louis on the main roster in some form


Ridiculous man. Never gonna go anywhere. But I loved his screamin' gimmick, even if that wasn't supposed to be what it was.

And of course, the greatest missed opportunity of the decade, Jacob Novak.




Guys like this are fewer and farther between these days, as NXT's average workrate level gets indier and indier, but in the last few years we've still had Sawyer Fulton and Dan Matha and CJ 'Good In Japan' Parker so it's not a dead tradition yet. But five/ten/fifteen years ago, almost everyone in developmental was one of these guys. Usually with a shit, shit name. Briley Pierce, Dante Dash, Eli Cottonwood and so on. The NXT Name Generator was a thing for a reason.

Who did you like? Whose picture on the roster pages grabbed you as Mr "why the fuck did they hire that guy"?

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Steve Bradley's the one that jumps out for me. He was talkmed about for years as some new kind of RVD figure with the tools to go to the tippy top. Did an absolute shedload to get Kurt Angle ready. Did a long stint in Puerto Rico for WWE.


Dead now.

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Richie Steamboat is one that comes to mind. Always tipped as a can't-miss prospect and if you look at his time in FCW almost everyone else there ended up on the main roster. Unfortunately, injuries ended his career before he got that far, but he never did quite make it.

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1 hour ago, Snitsky's back acne said:

Daniel Rodimer/Dan Rodman. Just oozed 'cocky prick' and had the height and look WWE normally wet themselves over. 

Image result for dan rodman ovw


I hated him on Tough Enough. Came across as a total cocky twat, and I was convinced it went beyond a gimmick.

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2 hours ago, cobra_gordo said:

Not that he ever got to developmental but what happened to Britwres' own Valkabious? Aced his tryout, went to America and then nothing.

I’ve often wondered this. I know he was apparently arrested over here for fighting but that was back in 2012, no idea if that  scuppered any chance at the time. Saying that, I assume he’s not signed or you’d have heard his name being mentioned. He’s only 26 I believe.


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Old Ron Waterman as mentioned earlier is always my first thought 

The guy with the shoot fighter gimmick, great physique and looked abit like Scott Steiner 

Think he was around 35-36 when in OVW



Carved out a decent b level career in MMA 

Daniel Puder is another. 

Won Tough Enough, the their was the Angle issue and then disappeared.  Was 8-0 in MMA then jacked that in as well



Was only 23 at the time. Attitude may be an issue as memory hazy but heard he had a massive ego for a trainee and personality was the shits. 



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6 hours ago, PowerButchi said:

Steve Bradley's the one that jumps out for me. He was talkmed about for years as some new kind of RVD figure with the tools to go to the tippy top. Did an absolute shedload to get Kurt Angle ready. Did a long stint in Puerto Rico for WWE.


Dead now.

Steve Bradley! Was he referred to as Steve 'who's your daddy' Bradley? I swear the mention of his name has unlocked a previously lost memory.

Flash Flanagan never made the main roster proper, did he? There are loads I remember from the days when WWE had OVW, UPW and HWA as farms for them.

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8 hours ago, Snitsky's back acne said:

Daniel Rodimer/Dan Rodman. Just oozed 'cocky prick' and had the height and look WWE normally wet themselves over. 

Image result for dan rodman ovw


Story at the time was that he was Stephanie McMahon's favourite, and was getting groomed for a main event spot, as she saw him as the future of the company. Few dark matches then nowt.

The thread title immediately made me think back to the early '00s, and everyone in developmental that PWI and Powerslam would rave about, who all had amazing stats in EWR, but no fucker had probably ever actually seen wrestle. 

Anyone remember Russ McCullough? He was a big lad down in OVW, just shy of seven foot, off the back of a couple of photos of him in Powerslam I thought he'd be the next big thing, and he dropped off the face of the Earth.

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2 hours ago, PunkStep said:

Steve Bradley! Was he referred to as Steve 'who's your daddy' Bradley? I swear the mention of his name has unlocked a previously lost memory.


He was called that at one point, yes.
Sadly, as good as he was [as has been said, he really helped develop Kurt Angle], he was always going to struggle getting called up in late 90's/early 00's WWF with his normal physique and smaller stature.

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