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Dave Meltzer

Brewster McCloud

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I said something a bit silly about him in the Dynamite Kid thread, but I'd be interested in hearing what yous think about the guy. I'm an Observer subscriber, but I seldom read it now as I just don't care much about wrestling anymore. I think it's incredible that he's never had a week off, and you can perhaps put that down to autism as others have suggested. I don't like it when people like Prichard and Bischoff use the "you weren't there!" argument, as the people that were there are bunch of lying self-serving carnies who wouldn't recognise a true statement if it power bombed them through a Spanish announce table. One doesn't need to be a chicken to know a bad egg. So, four and a quarter stars from me. 

This was supposed to be in the other forum. I do apologise. 

Edited by Brewster McCloud
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Yes he needs to leave Twitter well alone.

However I think the newsletter is still good and his historical/obituary pieces are must reads. The recent one on Larry Matysik and St Louis Wrestling was excellent especially if you want to learn about the history of wrestling and the territories. 

Edited by The Ratt
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Just now, IANdrewDiceClay said:

His twitter is embarrassing. Good on audio, though.

The same could be said about plenty of people associated with wrestling.  He's not been too bad recently, but I've gone through stages where I've had to mute him for periods because he was unbearable (usually when he tries to deal with the Russo trolls who are purely trying to get a rise out of him).  If he just stuck to answering the genuine questions, offering his views, opinions and ignored the trolls (like he said he would on plenty of occasions) he would be fine, but he can't himself with the smarmy replies at times and I'm just back shaking my head at him.  For what it's worth I do believe he is heavily and unfairly scrutinized by folk who are waiting to twist his words and jump on anything, however innocuous, he says (Peyton Royce situation as an example), but then think he's reaping what he sews for his previous behaviour.

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19 hours ago, IANdrewDiceClay said:

His twitter is embarrassing. Good on audio, though.

Yes, it's quite surprising that for a writer by trade he expresses himself so badly on a platform like Twitter. However, when you hear him speak off the cuff, he comes across as passionate, smart and even quite funny sometimes. When he talks about the early Wrestlemanias on the Lapsed Fan podcast, for example, he just sounds like a super-into it guy who knows a lot more than most about the wrestling biz than most. I really liked the story he told about him driving around as a young man, desperately trying to find somewhere to watch Wrestlemania 2 and ended up just gatecrashing someone! He does say "y'know" a lot, though.


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Hes admitted many times that that side if his Twitter is a gimmick for entertainment purposes. Whether you find it entertaining is a different matter of course. He's an unbearable cunt on Twitter and when talking about new Japan but he generally has more good attributes than bad. 

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1 hour ago, hallicks said:

Any excuse to post this:


"Ladies and gentleman, the best there is, the best there was, the best there ever will be... Bret 'The Frugal Canadian' Hart!"


My touchstone for how out of touch he is has to be when Chris Champion died and he talked about his 1989 Memphis gimmick with his brother Mark Starr as hair rockers Wild Side... which was of course named after the Terry Funk Western show, according to Dave.


Even though they came out to which Motley Crue song? Go on, have a guess.

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I know he isn't to everybody's taste but Vince Russo's Castrating the Marks is great, that's a must listen for me every week. If the show achieves anything it's in proving that Meltzer is a very strange bloke.

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13 minutes ago, Egg Shen said:

I know he isn't to everybody's taste but Vince Russo's Castrating the Marks is great, that's a must listen for me every week. If the show achieves anything it's in proving that Meltzer is a very strange bloke.

I pay to listen to that, wade keller booking is the funniest thing by a mile. If russo ever dies it will be laughing at that

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Even Alex Ferguson made some shocking signings that didn't work out but I think what annoys me is the whole "Well Meltzer said it so it must be true" thing that people have.  How accurate is he usually, and what are his biggest howlers?

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