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The White Dog Turds Thread


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At the risk of getting a bit Peter Kaye - a thread for stuff you don't see any more. REMEMBER WHITE DOG TURDS?

I was talking to someone the other night about how, as students, we used to be able to reliably end up finding a couple of quid on the floor almost every night out. We were joking about how we factored it into our weekend budget, it was that inevitable.


So what do you remember that you don't see any more? Porn mags left in hedgerows etc.

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Porn mags left in hedgerows was a tremendous secret library. I once found a cracking issue of Razzle stuffed inside a bush on the local church grounds, such blasphemy.

You don't see rag & bone men these days. Used to get them drive down my folks' road every now and then on a Sunday, ringing their bell. I haven't seen one for about 10 years, when one parked up outside our office and proceeded to empty our skip.

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Anyone still have a lemonade man? I miss them. The supermarket have hundreds of flavours of fizzy drink. But it's not the same as all those flavours on the back of a van. And getting 10p back for the bottle. Wasn't even my bottle, found it.

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16 minutes ago, tiger_rick said:

Fuck sake, Hull. Punky's gonna have a field day with this:

We still do around here.

I just gave an electric fan to our local Rag and Bone. Monday's and Fridays round here.

Penny sweets. Going into the local newsagent (or P**i Shop as they were un-affectionately known in the 80's) and getting a paper bag and picking up 10-20p's worth of sweets was a beautiful thing

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2 minutes ago, PunkStep said:

You're 100% making that up to bait me aren't you. A LEMONADE MAN

Come on, Rick.

I shit you not, Punky. Like the milk man but with bottles of fizzy joy. If you want to start the hovis music again, I remember after my Dad left, when we were hard up with many mouths to feed, I'd see the lemonade van coming down the street and the momentary excitement was followed with the crushing realisation that my Mam couldn't aford it so there was no point asking and it was going to be Netto's version of Rola Cola for me, bah tat.

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The brass band from our local community hall used to play a parade through the streets every Sunday when I was a kid. It was annoying as fuck but the combination of being woke up by trumpets then going to watch the pub's sunday league game on the field outside with my Grandad is something I still miss.

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4 minutes ago, PunkStep said:

You're 100% making that up to bait me aren't you. A LEMONADE MAN

Come on, Rick.

Various people used to come around selling a multitude of things. Pop, fish, bread, milk, ice cream, and tea. 

We still have a butchers van come around once a week, or the Carnist Carriage as we call it these days. They do very good scotch eggs and pork pies. 

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The mobile shop was something I found seriously exciting. Never came down our street as there was a corner shop but when I went to my cousins, one came down theirs. Just seemed so advanced when I was little. A shop on wheels. Seemed to sell all sorts of shit that your average corner shop didn't. I'd spend ages looking and then just by the 20p mix bag of penny goodies.

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29 minutes ago, PunkStep said:

You're 100% making that up to bait me aren't you. A LEMONADE MAN

Come on, Rick.

We had a "lemonade man" in Barnsley back in the late 80's/early 90's. He used to sell Ben Shaws fizzy pop in glass bottles that you washed out and gave back to him for 10p. He had a big fuck off version of a milk float with what seemed like hundreds of flavours of fizzy pop...

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I don't think I've drunk Dandelion & Burdock since the pop man stopped coming around.

Off-topic, but this talk of pop men and bread men and cheese men got me thinking - we still get a 'fish-man' who goes from pub to pub locally selling mussels, cockles, crabsticks etc. Does anyone else have this? A mate of mine from Liverpool came down once and saw this and was really weirded out by it.

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