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6 minutes ago, Chris B said:

I'm assuming it's a gimmick which is going to get boring very quickly.

Not that age has anything to do with it mate but I’m 38 and just use this place as an outlet and try to have some discussion with other humans, I’m certainly not trying to have a gimmick. The original comment was an opinion with a flippant comment. I still think that opinion is valid, others don’t. I tried to explain further and we won’t agree which is fine I’m not gonna comment on that anymore. Just because I’ve not agreed with something you perceived that I should’ve doesn’t make it a gimmick, if you don’t like it you can always ignore/block my posts. 

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34 minutes ago, stewdogg said:

Not that age has anything to do with it mate but I’m 38 and just use this place as an outlet and try to have some discussion with other humans,

Humans? It a forum made up of wrestling fans. Good luck with that. 

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