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It's today then ... (Trump thread)


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To put Biden's route to victory into context:

* There's no obvious prospect of him losing a state that Clinton won.

* He's currently 6-8% ahead (and over 50% meaning Trump can't rely on undecideds) in Wisconsin and Michigan, both of which Trump won by less than 1 percent and which were not well polled in 2016. 

* From there he simply needs any one of Pennsylvania, Arizona, Florida and North Carolina to win the Electoral College. (With NC he'd be tied but would likely get one vote from Nebraska which isn't winner-take-all.)

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I've heard the "shy Republican" thing recently and honestly...they don't seem to be shy about it now. Could be wrong, but anyone who is still on Team Trump seems to be very proud about it.

I was starting to feel slightly optimistic about Biden actually winning this until the other night when I heard them talking about how the Republicans are already starting to sow seeds of doubt into the trust of the vote, so for any state that goes to Biden they'll use that to get Republican governors to send alternate electoral college voters to say they are the true vote rather than the Democratic electoral college votes.

Guess who gets to determine that mess, the Supreme Court...who is about to get a Trump crony on the bench. Truly terrifying and the kind of thing that makes you start believing that there could really be a civil war.

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2 hours ago, neil said:

I've heard the "shy Republican" thing recently and honestly...they don't seem to be shy about it now. Could be wrong, but anyone who is still on Team Trump seems to be very proud about it.

Oh, absolutely - I was thinking less about the out-and-out Trumpers, and more about those Republicans who are embarrassed by the current administration to be seen amongst their friends as Republicans, but not embarrassed enough to vote against. Although, given that there's now a contingent of more traditional Republicans who are quite vocal against him and campaigning for Biden, that may be quite a small segment of the electorate.

Edited by Carbomb
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On 10/22/2020 at 12:43 PM, Carbomb said:

One reason to be wary is, as someone pointed out on Al Jaz (and I'm sure others have pointed out elsewhere), "shy Republicans", like we had "shy Tories" here.

The numbers of shy Trump voters would have to be pretty astronomical to undo Biden’s lead.

I think a lot of people are once bitten twice shy after 2016. Biden is absolutely winning this barring either an unprecedented turn in the polls in the final week or pretty widespread vote suppression by the Republicans, though again this would have to be on such a scale to imperil the result that I don’t think its plausible.

Even the worries about the Supreme Court deciding a tight race in Trump’s favour seem unfounded after they ruled in favour of Trans rights to the Republicans’ consternation several months ago. The bottom line is Trump has blown it and there’s no plausible way back.

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51 minutes ago, Pinc said:

Even the worries about the Supreme Court deciding a tight race in Trump’s favour seem unfounded after they ruled in favour of Trans rights to the Republicans’ consternation several months ago. The bottom line is Trump has blown it and there’s no plausible way back.

The Supreme Court's just ruled against an extension of vote counting in Wisconsin during a period of USPS postal delays caused by Trump's installed lackey, so that votes posted before election day but received after will not be counted.

One of the SC judges, controversially appointed by Trump, voted for this despite arguing for the opposite as a lawyer during a prior election, which helped Bush win.

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I think Trump will lose, but they going to paint it as a crooked election and try their best to overturn it. Unless the public collectively turn on them, meaning GOP voters actually get turned off not just angry democrat voters, then it's going to be absolute chaos. I'm sure they'll be riots and all sorts.

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His latest Supreme Court appointee, rushed into the role last night before partying at the White House, has declined to recuse herself from any litigation over the election results. So Biden and the Democrats need to win with decisive margins to avoid the courts having a say.

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If Trump loses then he ceases to be president on inauguration day, no matter what. If Biden dies in the interim then I think the job passes to the VP (Kamala Harris) and then, if necessary, to the House Majority Leader, which is currently Nancy Pelosi of the Democrats (who also takes over if no winner has been declared by that date).

Hope I've got that right, but it's definitely not just a case of offing the president-elect and staying in power. Not yet, anyway.

Edited by Uncle Zeb
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1 hour ago, Uncle Zeb said:

If Trump loses then he ceases to be president on inauguration day, no matter what. If Biden dies in the interim then I think the job passes to the VP (Kamala Harris) and then, if necessary, to the House Majority Leader, which is currently Nancy Pelosi of the Democrats (who also takes over if no winner has been declared by that date).

Hope I've got that right, but it's definitely not just a case of offing the president-elect and staying in power. Not yet, anyway.

If The West Wing has taught me anything, it's that the job of President goes to the Speaker if the incumbent's removed/compromised, and there's no VP to take over the office.

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