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Neville has been fucking brilliant since he came back hasn't he. Honestly he seems a touch above the rest of the guys, even his character and mic work has been good.


He would just be lost in the shuffle but going back on to one of the main shows which is a shame because this is by far the most interested I've been in him

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Corey Graves gave Tom Philips an on camera dressing down for "wrecking homes" after the opening Rich Swann vs Ariya Daivari match this week. Philips smiled his way through the moment. What a cad!

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That was quite good. I really like Graves on commentary.

205 has become a show that can be skimmed through quite easily though. You usually get at least 3 matches each episode, and even though the occasionally bring in some no name jobber, it's the same few guys in completely interchangeable matches. Even Cedric Alexander's injury doesn't seem to have opened up a spot for anyone to take.

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What's happening with Metallik? He had his debut then nothing since. Tajiri seems to have vanished too.

I quite like what they're doing with Drew Gulak, it's taken them a while to find something for him

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I've really soured on 205, I can literally get through the show in about 10 minutes, simply skip the 145th Dar/Swann match, skip forward the minute I hear the Tony Nese music, watch a Neville or Aries interview and maybe catch some of the main event which at least usually carries a bit more significance in terms of story or title picture. It's so bland and just there, Swann dances and jives his way to the ring, wrestles a bit then jives back up the ramp, no edge, no personality. Nothing.


Nese just makes me want to stick pins in my eyes, stupid move set, awful face and the character and charisma of a watering can.

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What's happening with Metallik? He had his debut then nothing since. Tajiri seems to have vanished too.

I quite like what they're doing with Drew Gulak, it's taken them a while to find something for him

I spotted him (Metalik) in tag team action on Main Event last week. The sensational flyer from the Cruiserweight Classic doesn't seem to translate. It was a bit depressing. Edited by gadge
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What's happening with Metallik? He had his debut then nothing since. Tajiri seems to have vanished too.

I quite like what they're doing with Drew Gulak, it's taken them a while to find something for him

I spotted him (Metalik) in tag team action on Main Event last week. The sensational flyer from the Cruiserweight Classic doesn't seem to translate. It was a bit depressing.

I thought that about his first and only 205 Live match. Whatever he had in the CWC seemed to have been left at Full Sail, and I got a sense of the original Sin Cara about him from the little I saw...

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205 was a breeze this week. The post-Mania 205, eh? 

Tozawa teaching Kendrick a lesson was great. Tozawa is a beautiful man. Fun chants in the arena jazzing up the battle cry AAH! thing. Just how on earth does he does those dives? That's the top of his skull he's leading with, it's fucking brutal

Good match between Swann and Oney Lorcan. They used to team on the indies right? Remember they were signed at the same time. Lorcan will be a good addition to this, especially if he's used as a heel. Never disappoints in the ring

Swann revealing it was him sending Alicia Foooooox gifts was lame though. Noam Dar, the heel is meant to be the sleazy one mate

Drew Gulak has found his thing, crusading against the flashy risktakers. Good little segment with Mustafa Ali.

Another brilliant Neville promo who somehow keeps getting better. Fantastic fatal 4 way main event, these multiman #1 contender matches really give the show some more of the identity it was lacking early on

Yeah I still like this show! In fact, it's getting better by the moment 

Oh and Bate, Dunne, Andrews, Seven & Wolfgang popped their head around the curtain to say hi, and confirmation that this is turning into a weekly show! Fucking get in. 

Cant wait to see all these guys in Norwich

Edited by sj5522
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Highly recommend the main event from this week, Gallagher vs Perkins, for some reason I loved this match, Gallagher gave a simply brilliant performance, great selling throughout. I honestly thought Perkins had snapped his neck on a belly to back from the tope rope, I literally winced and looked away for a second fearing what might await me if a looked back but he seemed ok.

I like this reinvention of Perkins, good looking flashy bastard that can finally go "yeah fuck off" to the fans, I also like the way they have worked Neville in to it, in a "I Hate everybody on this roster but TJ is my boy" type of way, as long as he plays along of course and don't eye up the title. Good stuff.

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