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Minor PPVs that don't deserve a thread *Spoilers*


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Brock/Braun was massively underwhelming. I was so up for it because of the pure chaos between the two at Summerslam and the great build but it was just absolutely damp. Brock can do one. Raw PPVs and the whole brand will suffer for the rest of the year cos of this but THE PLAN has spoken I guess

Tag titles MOTN. Loved it. Cesaro is a tough bastard. Also really enjoyed Roman/Cena and the women's match though I'm getting tired of Alexa as champ as much as I like her. Roman/Cena was a bit kickout-y but it popped a cynical crowd several times so deserves credit. Interesting to see where Cena ends up. Been very candid about coming towards the end. A Taker-like near-exclusive to Mania role for a few years?

Less said about Enzo the better. His cheat-to-win thing is rubbish, he's not endearing like Eddie for example, just makes me Want to hate him and he's really not that over with the crowd anymore. Between him, Reigns, Jason Jordan, Bayley and Sasha, it's clear they have no clue how to book babyfaces currently

Edited by sj5522
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Yeah. Exactly as expected. That same sense of disappointment that I felt coming out of Great Balls of Fire, when they similarly ignored the momentum of Samoa Joe, cutting the bollocks offanother potential new star in favour of THE PLAN. Fuck's sake. If this is genuinely all leading to Roman vs. Brock at Wrestlemania then they've lost their minds. Unless Roman turns heel, of course, but as if. 

The match itself was a bit shit too, wasn't it? Brock's matches are at their best when they're quick and/or full of insanity. This just felt long and boring, completely lacking in the fun shenanigans of their Summerslam interractions.

When was the last time they put someone through the ring? Not the ring implosion when Big Show gets superplexed, I mean breaking through the ring like Bam Bam against Taz or Undertaker getting chokeslammed by Big Show. This was the match to do something like that. Five minutes before the bell has even rang of them throwing each other through announce tables, chucking swivel chairs at each other's heads, smash a couple of ringside barricades, then ring the bell just as Braun puts Brock through the canvas and wins the title. That would've been awesome. This was shit.  So dissapointing. I can't think of a time when they've been more tone deaf at the top of the card.

What the hell are they doing with Enzo? Never has someone's act and character been so at odds with how they insist on booking him. It's insane. I caught him on Raw Talk after the show and he was an absolute megastar on it, super endearing and likable, pissing charisma, doing everything he could to make Jerry Lawler laugh, talking about celebrating with his mates and shagging some random girl. You'd never guess this was the guy they booked to get the shit beaten out of him forever, before cheating to win. I'm not even convinced they're trying to do the Eddie Guerrero thing. I think they're simply doing their best to sabotage him and make him look like a bell end at every opportunity. Also, it's getting to the point with his matches that it's genuinely uncomfortable to watch. He's not portrayed as a plucky underdog. He doesn't get hope spots. He just gets stiffed to fuck, has the shit beaten out of him for what feels like an enternity, then they do the finish. I'm sure some of it is good selling, but a lot of it is a guy who isn't particularly good in-ring, who should be being carried and protected, being rag dolled and fucked up, seemingly for the amusement of anyone who dislikes him backstage. It's grim viewing. Proper Bob Holly stuff. He's a lawsuit waiting to happen.

Finn Balor's change of trunks colour made it look like he was going for a swim.

Cesaro is a maniac. I'm fine with Cesaro and Sheamus feuding with Ambrose and Rollins forever. They've got awesome chemistry.

The women's match was surprisingly great. I'm more than happy with Bliss keeping the belt until Asuka murders her. 

Roman vs. Cena was great fun by the end of it. I'll miss Cena when he's gone for good. 

Edited by Supremo
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What a lot of shite. I appreciate they have this unwavering plan of getting us to like Reigns, but they picked about the least interesting and predictable ways to go about it on this show. Auto-pilot bollocks always takes me out of the show.

Anyway, Cena v Reigns was very good. Again, I hated the handshake, as it was more tin-eared Reigns booking from Vince, but the match was solid. Cena eventually retiring makes me sad.

IDK what they were thinking with the main event. Genuinely one of the worst booked matches they've had in a while. I expected destruction, but all we got was a longer version of all the beatdown angles they did on Raw. It's hilarious looking back, because I expected them to protect a losing Braun by having him maul Brock in some way, instead the way Vince McMahon saw fit to protect him was have Michael Cole briefly go "aye, he lost here, like, but he's no bad". Fuck sake.

The matches were decent, but it's such a dull show.

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That crowd didn't give a shit about Brock/Strowman even one tenth as we do on here. Absolutley dead. Strowman chucking Lesnar around should have been mind-blowing and then Lesnar hitting five German's in a row on a guy as big as a tank should have been WOW-WOW-WOW territory but they didn't give a toss. Result is boring. At least they committed to a finish though. You've got to establish the hierarchy. Can't just wishy-wash it.

Cena/Reigns was good but both have had better matches. Crowd were into everything though which gave it a bigger match feel. Reigns was great winding the crowd up between spots, sometimes with just a smile. Cena just doesn't look or feel the same to me. Hasn't all year.

Glad Enzo won. Crowd fucking loved Miz, eh? Brutal spot knocking Cesaro's teeth out. Good match too. Predictable show. Good action. Hasn't moved anything though.

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Do we think they're actually going to do Miz vs. Kurt Angle at some point? It was watching this pay per view that I realised how awesome that would be. It's like the Daniel Bryan vs. Miz feud, only with the (potential!) ability to actually pay it off. I'd love nothing more than for Miz to keep poking at Kurt, continuing to hold the Intrrcontinental Title, until Kurt eventually snaps and challenges Miz for it the title at Wrestlemania. 

I feel like not enough is said about how great The Miz is. For the longest time he had the aura of, "I can't believe they ever main evented Wrestlemania with this guy," but he refused to let bad booking get the better of him and continued to deliver no matter what. Honestly, I enjoy his work so much now that I wouldn't have a problem with him one day main eventing Wrestlemania again. I would never have thought that back when he was hosting the beginning of the women's revolution, when it was Team Bella and the rest of them being bitchy and shit and he had to just stand there suffering it like a dickhead.

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17 minutes ago, tiger_rick said:

Cena just doesn't look or feel the same to me. Hasn't all year.


It's his stupid haircut, isn't it? It's bloody awful and he hasn't been on par since. It's far too long at the back.

15 minutes ago, Supremo said:

Do we think they're actually going to do Miz vs. Kurt Angle at some point? It was watching this pay per view that I realised how awesome that would be. It's like the Daniel Bryan vs. Miz feud, only with the (potential!) ability to actually pay it off.

I don't think so, for the further example you've given. They built Miz/Bryan FAR more, to the point where you thought a match between them must be the only payoff. Only for there to be no payoff at all and they just fizzled the whole thing out. I don't think they know what the payoff for Angle/Miz is going to be. Probably won't be one.

Anyway, my interest levels have completely gone again. Now that the Mae Young Classic is over and No Mercy was disappointing, I'm out until the Rumble. Cancel the network for the winter months as usual methinks.

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I only had time to watch one match before I left for work this morning so went with Strownman/ Lesnar due to Braun being bae. What an utter bag of shit. The crowd seemed to be shitting all over it with the boos and "BORING" chants although not sure how that came across in the arena. It was just dull really, didn't really flow and just sort of plodded along. It's the one time I've heard a chant for tables and thought it might actually improve the match. The camera catching Braun talking to Lesnar a couple of times took me out of it too. Gutted really, it could have been utter chaos.

Let's hope they let Braun go mental on Raw and drive a truck through Vince's office or some other crazy shit to get some rage back. They won't though, 'cause The Plan.

Edited by cobra_gordo
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Brock Lesnar probably has the best contract any wrestler could dream of. Be champion, hardly lose and work part time but get paid full time wages.


Would have been better ending with a count out or DQ. 


Cena vs Reigns and the tag title matches were both good. Everything else felt like a normal raw show. And now Lesnars off again I presume, I can see Roman Reigns defeating the Miz and becoming IC champion and have that belt moved up into a higher position story wise until Lesnar comes back for his next challenger.

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To get in before Woolybot, Forbes have an article up "5 things we learned"

Braun Strowman's Momentum Has Been Halted

The Cruiserweight Division May Be Coming To An End

Raw's Midcard Still Needs A Lot Of Work

Brock Lesnar Will Hold The Universal Title Until WrestleMania 34

John Cena Vs. Roman Reigns Is Likely One And Done

And I find nothing to argue with.

Strowman is back to midcard purgatory, with it looking like Miz taking a feud with Reigns potentially. What do we do with Balor, apart from continue the story with Wyatt ad nauseam. Lesnar not set to appear before the Rumble, further devalues the belt. 

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1 hour ago, tiger_rick said:

That crowd didn't give a shit about Brock/Strowman even one tenth as we do on here. Absolutley dead. Strowman chucking Lesnar around should have been mind-blowing and then Lesnar hitting five German's in a row on a guy as big as a tank should have been WOW-WOW-WOW territory but they didn't give a toss. Result is boring. At least they committed to a finish though. You've got to establish the hierarchy. Can't just wishy-wash it.


It reminded me of Ryback v Punk at HIAC. A cracking build, but come the match no one was really into it. I just think a lot of it had to do with the action during the match, which was too slow and essentially a lot of spots we've seen on Raw, before Brock got his comeback. We were promised destruction and violence, but it was just spots we've seen (for the most part).

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1 minute ago, ColinBollocks said:

It reminded me of Ryback v Punk at HIAC. A cracking build, but come the match no one was really into it. I just think a lot of it had to do with the action during the match, which was too slow and essentially a lot of spots we've seen on Raw, before Brock got his comeback. We were promised destruction and violence, but it was just spots we've seen (for the most part).

Nah, they were never into it. The first 2 minutes of Cena/Reigns, before anything happened, was full of boos, cheers and chants. The mean event never had any of that. Paul Heyman was more over than either guy. I think they could have got them into it with some table breaking stunts or something and it showed how green Strowman was that between spots, he just stood there staring at the hard camera rather than playing to the audience but they weren't with it to start with and the booking wasn't going to salvage it.

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IDK, even if the crowd aren't into it to begin with, I think if you do something a bit dynamic you're probably going to get a reaction (table spot, as you mentioned) and get the crowd into it. Instead it was just this slow, plodding big man spotfest. Quite the comedown from the action we got during Reigns v Lesnar not long before.

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Maybe I'm remembering it wrong, but before the ring introductions, as Brock entered the ring, he went face to face with Braun and the crowd definitely reacted. It was probably the highlight of the entire match. I don't know. I think the crowd, like us, were expecting bedlam, so the moment it became just another Lesnar match their enthusiasm vanished.

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