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Doomed anecdotal megathread #2

Sergio Mendacious

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My favorite Alex Jones rant is still the one about how the lining of drinks cartoons contains a chemical designed to turn all all our children gay as a means of population control, and cited the (then rather androgynous) Justin Bieber as proof of this.

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I was actually able to get a couple of those seemingly mythical 'early advance' train tickets that are released 12 weeks before departure this morning. There were only 2 remaining when I received the email at 5:40, but bought what are normally £120 tickets for £48. Result.


Also, Alex Jones is a complete tool. God forbid he ever dies in an accidental car crash or something like that, the resulting fallout from that part of the internet would be unbearable.

Edited by KJHenley
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In fairness I haven't actively seeked them out that often (used to be on a season ticket between Bath and London so didn't have to worry about finding cheaper fares) so you're no doubt right, it's only because I was up and received an email alert that I looked this morning.

Edited by KJHenley
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Seems like the best place to put this....

I just managed to trace my family tree all the way back to Odin. 

Well...I was a bit cheeky with it, once I'd managed to trace it back to the famous Mcleod clan I skipped straight to their founder, Olaf The Black, who's lineage can be traced back to the semi-mythical kings of Sweden, who, like most royal family's of the time, claimed to have a divine bloodline. At this point I was mostly just picking and choosing from conflicting historical texts based on what got me back furthest, but eventually found my way all the back to Odin himself.

So yeah. That's...something.

Edited by CoreyVandal
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The real life Birch Barlow is Rush Limbaugh. 




He's also an idiot.


Limbaugh's a shit. He'll even tell lies to try and push his agenda; to no-one's surprise, he campaigned against Obamacare, and, to support his argument, he claimed that the vast majority of British people hate the NHS. Turd.

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