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Where does the WWE go from here? Would they survive?

They've done a fantastic job of building and then toppling all their stars like a giant sweaty game of Jenga over the past decade or so. Not many of them, if any, have been built as equal to Cena, or if they have, Cena has immediately went over them to put them in their place.
The ones they have pushed, like Reigns now, have been pushed either too late, too early, or against the fans' wishes. So all we really have is Cena. 

He's got everything they want. He's earning them god knows how much money, almost single handedly draws the crowds, flogs merch like Del Boy, does all the make a wish and public appearances, and puts on a fantastic match nearly every match he has.

But now he's dead. Who's basket do they put all their eggs in? Reigns? Ambrose? A full time Lesnar or HHH? 

I think just by pure fact they'd need that feel good moment, they'd need to absolutely pander to the crowd.
Ambrose is a good shout in terms of fan support and being over, but if you saw his Hall of Fame appearance it's plain as day he can't be sent out to all the press appearances. With a bit of building someone like Sami Zayn could be a super over face and he's relatable so public appearances and make a wish would be fine, but he's nothing at the minute and we're hypothetically speaking right now, not months down the line.

Personally, I'd put Roman in a tournament, like the WWE John Cena Memorial Tournament. Have it go from now until Summerslam, make the thing company wide. Nearly everyone is eligible. You have everyone from Tyler Breeze and Stardust to Ambrose and Lesnar in it. Anyone ready to come back soon like Orton and Rollins (if they are) can get put in the later brackets as surprises. Have this thing like the Rumble, anyone can win it. 
I'd fit Ambrose vs Lesnar in it somewhere down the line and have Ambrose go over clean so he looks a star. I'd have Owens, Zayn, Styles go far, with big upset wins. Have Zayn go over HHH or something like that. Make (or attempt to make) stars out of it. 
I know on any other day it would sound daft but WWE have been pushed to the edge of the plank now, they need to throw all sorts of shit at the wall.
I'm honestly not even sure who I'd have win it. Ambrose probably, with Roman turning slowly heel throughout the tournament. It's not going to be Cena, but a properly built Ambrose vs heel Roman with a Rollins involvement somewhere, those on the cusp like Owens, Styles, Zayn, maybe even Joe, Balor or some other NXT stars rising right up the card with strong pushes.
He's got downfalls, but they need to work on getting the fans to stick around before worrying about who's going to rep them on Good Morning America.


Or maybe nothing would work and they'd dwindle down to TNA levels in a year or two.

Sorry for the bait-y title, by the way but I figured it might get people properly thinking.

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He's 39 and regularly injured. He's pretty much a part timer now. He isnt as important to the company as he was 2 years ago. If he died, they'd exploit his death but life will go on. They sort of already are moving on already.


This thread probably needs a title change.


Cena still has a lot left in the tank, some of his best work came from last year.


He's injured now yea but he'll be back.


On the replacement front it's obvious they want Reigns in that spot, I could see Balor or Rollins taking over in a year or so

  • Paid Members

Cena still has a lot left in the tank, some of his best work came from last year.


He's injured now yea, he'll be back


But if he didn't come back? Because he's dead? Because..... that's the thread?




Cena still has a lot left in the tank, some of his best work came from last year.


He's injured now yea, he'll be back

But if he didn't come back? Because he's dead? Because..... that's the thread?

I realised that and was editing my post above before this.

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Key hypothetical question is why has he died? Is it a scandal. Has he killed his wife and then himself? Was he killed by the Canadian mafia over a tobacco smuggling ring? Did he have an enlarged heart from years of steroid abuse?


I'm not sure WWE shrugs of another one of those.

  • Paid Members

Key hypothetical question is why has he died? Is it a scandal. Has he killed his wife and then himself? Was he killed by the Canadian mafia over a tobacco smuggling ring? Did he have an enlarged heart from years of steroid abuse?


I'm not sure WWE shrugs of another one of those.


Taken out as part of a Daniel Bryan breakdown and spree over Thanksgiving weekend


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