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WHAT PLAY YOU!? Version 2.0


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Finally managed to get my hands this old survival horror (OK horror is probably pushing it from what I have played so far) recently and I'm really enjoying it so far especially the corny ass dialogue. Camera angles can be a bit of a bitch at times but not the worst I have ever come across.


Honestly though this post is really nothing more than an excuse for me to say that I fucking love the Dreamcast.

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I recently started playing Freespace 2 again. The source code was released a few years back and now there's quite a hefty open source community for it, tons of mods and the like. The single player stuff still holds up fantastically well, if you're into space fighter sim type games, I can't recommend it enough. You can get a cheap download of it from gog.com.

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It's mad how much me and a flatmate have gotten into Magic: The Gathering over the last day or two. I had the 2013 edition on my Xbox from that free Games with Gold promotion, had only played one or two games and didn't really get it. We cracked it on last night for a bit of a change and we were up for hours playing it. We've been playing it all today too and just bought the 2014 edition. Whatever slim bit of cool I had left is now gone forever.

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Blacklight Retribution. I downloaded the beta when I first got my PS4 and played it every now and again. It seemed like a half decent multiplayer (despite how shit I am at these), but didn't really play it that much.


Because I've been off work this week I've been pretty bored, so have been playing this a lot more. I'm still pretty shit at it but it is quite addictive. I'm having real bad lag/stutter problems though which isn't helping with my shitness. This wasn't happening when I played it a couple of times around Xmas. Should I just be blaming this on the fact it's a beta? I don't have any connection problems and I have super duper broadband, and a Google search doesn't indicate that I'm not alone.


Anyone else been playing this? Having the same issues?

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Very late to the Minecraft party, but it's eating my life up :(

Not as late as me. I downloaded the demo version after watching "Ashens plays Minecraft for the first time" three days ago, and now that I've found a way of resetting the timer without losing everything I've gone a bit nuts on it. I'm currently living on a houseboat. With a cellar.

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Minecraft people: sell this game to me? I feel like...I might be interested...but then I think I can't be arsed. Help me out here.

You build stuff in a world made of right angles. However, before you can build anything, you need to create building materials. And before you can create building materials, you need to make some tools. So you end up punching a tree to get some wood to make a simple axe, and it all spirals from there.


My first beach front cottage.




And my current houseboat.




And then to complicate it further, monsters start wandering around once the sun goes down, so you need to get a basic shelter up pretty sharpish.


At the moment, I'm after some black wool, which means either a) finding a naturally occurring black sheep and sheering it, or b) sheer a white sheep and dye the wool using ink from a squid. And to do that, I need to start breeding squid. Also, all my sheep have recently disappeared.


It's rather addictive, and the map is absolutely huge. I'm just using the demo version that's free from their site.

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My lad has been playing Minecraft for a while. I've watched him do stuff on it and it just looks as boring as balls to me. I honestly can't see the fascination, nor can I see its purpose.


Same could be said for Tapped Out. I just don't get games like that at all.

Edited by Steve Justice
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