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WHAT PLAY YOU!? Version 2.0


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Iv'e been playing Saints Row 2 the benefit of being fairly new to this gen gaming and being able to buy all the best games off CEX for under a tenner and working through them, it's incredibly fun and even reminds me of GTA:SA in places helps that their seems to have been thought put into the missions and their not all generic shooting or car chases, I do hate the mini games I have to play to do the missions though. Recently completed Fable 2 aswell which was incredibly dissapointing given it was a GOTY. Some nice ideas but it was incredibly flat, short and repetitive.

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Been playing the new Tomb Raider for the past week. I was looking forward to playing this but I have to say that I'm a little underwhelmed. It's not bad, but if they were going to reboot the franchise they would have done better than making it into a poorer version of Uncharted (in terms of how it plays).The button selection for different sequences, whether it be a counter attack or saving yourself from falling off an edge, could do with being mixed up instead of the same button for the same sequence. It's now predictable, unchallenging and boring. Another, albeit small, criticism is I'm finding Lara Crofts voice very irritating. Oh and she's always fully clothed. WTF?

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I really enjoyed Tomb Raider. Nice platformy shooty melee stuff. Makes me want to get a Sony machine to play Uncharted if they're in any way similar. The story was what made Tomb Raider for me, it carried the whole thing forward without getting bogged down in too much convoluted stuff, like my current game Assassin's Creed 3 does on occasion. And dumping you straight into PERIL and ALMOST RAPE invested me from the start. I liked it, is the point.

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Like I said, I don't think it's bad but as there hadn't been a new TR game for a while, the franchise becoming a bit stagnant, Uncharted taking over as the better archeological action game, as well as this being a reboot, I was expecting better. I know they had to shake it up a bit to give it a bit of freshness, I think they could have done better than trying to replicate Uncharted. I know there are some differences like the upgrades, but one of the things I was looking forward to when I first started was the animal attacks and hunting. I'm quite a way into the game now and have only been attacked by wolves twice. Why go to the trouble of including something in the game and then not utilising it. I think they would have done better to do the reboot but keep there original format. I might go back and play some of the originals to see how I like them compared to this one. Oh and definitely play the Uncharted games, they're great. If it helps my lad is selling his PS3 for

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The Tomb Raider reboot was very much an origin story, so I can forgive it for being less about exploring and more about surviving. If they continue down that path with the next one, then it's clear they've gone in a different direction which would be disappointing. Hopefully the next one does end up as more of a traditional tomb raider game utilising the new engine.I really enjoyed the game, but it did play like Uncharted more than Tomb Raider.

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Went to trade in some games yesterday and had a look round the Wii U section in Game. It's now been relegated to one of the stands in the middle of the floor, up the back, facing a wall. Not easy to find and when I got there not a great selection, about half the games were preowned. Couldn't really set anything worth getting, so went a picked up Red Dead Redemption and Super Street Fighter for the PS3 instead. The Wii U is really turning out to be the biggest waste of money, something good better be announced at E3.With regards to Red Dead Redemption, what a game! I've been meaning to get in for years and it is just marvelous. Sitting at 15% completed and really enjoying it. Rockstar are great developers.Does anybody else find Street Fighter really hard? I'm on easy mode and getting defeated after my third opponent most times!

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Does anybody else find Street Fighter really hard? I'm on easy mode and getting defeated after my third opponent most times!

I've always found all the street fighter games unbelievably hard and am dreadful at them.I got HD remix and, while I love it, have never got further than two or three opponent in. Edited by Tommy!
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The Wii U is really turning out to be the biggest waste of money, something good better be announced at E3.

I doubt anything good will be announced at E3, Nintendo aren't even hosting a big conference this year- instead just opting for smaller stands to reveal their upcoming games. I really can't fathom why they rushed the Wii U out so early with little decent/interesting games. It's not as though they were doing it to get ahead of the pack for the next generation, as Nintendo constantly state they are not in competition with them and aim for a different market (which isn't true, certainly not these days with the likes of Kinect around). I know Nintendo in recent generations haven't been about performance and high-level specs, but if they don't have a shit-hot hook (like the DS or Wii did) or top-class first and third party titles (like the N64 did) then the console will fall down the wayside a bit like the Gamecube did- but much worse. The other two are leagues ahead of them in the hardcore gaming market (and always will, with their further improving specs and third-party support) but also closing the gap on the casual market more and more.

With regards to Red Dead Redemption, what a game! I've been meaning to get in for years and it is just marvelous. Sitting at 15% completed and really enjoying it. Rockstar are great developers.

Incredible game. Very rarely have I played a Rockstar game I haven't thoroughly enjoyed. Manhunt 2 was awful, but to be honest by the time it was released the game had been changed so much to avoid being binned that it probably contributes to it being so bad. There are still a few games I haven't played and probably won't (Max Payne, Midnight Club, Smugglers Run etc) but those I have played are superb. Obviously the top games are GTA, Red Dead, Manhunt and Bully but LA Noire is also a very decent game and The Warriors was a very interesting game that had a lot of decent concepts. Table Tennis was even fun, too.

Does anybody else find Street Fighter really hard? I'm on easy mode and getting defeated after my third opponent most times!

I have SF4, and that's really hard. Playing online is worse, I just get absolutely spanked. The hardest thing about the game is unlocking achievements/trophies, I think I have a score of about 120 and I can't see myself unlocking many more of the achievements.
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The Wii U is really turning out to be the biggest waste of money, something good better be announced at E3.

I doubt anything good will be announced at E3
Oddly enough this is looking to be one of Nintendo's best E3s in ages. Confirmed to be shown/officially announced at E3 are -Wind Waker HDSuper Smash Bros 4A new proper 3D Mario gameA new Mario KartSonic Lost WorldsThen there's these games we know exist and will likely be shown -Pikmin 3Wonderful 101Bayonetta 2Pokemon X and YGame and WarioSuper Luigi UThen there's heavy rumours of these appearing -The 3rd Nintendo exclusive Sonic gameSomething from Retro Studios (most likely a new Metroid)Earthbound on the Virtual ConsoleStar FoxA Wii U price dropHopefully the Wii U does what the 3DS did and start shit, but then just hammer us with top games and take off. I've played my 3DS more in the last few months than I have since it launched.
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The videos of Sonic Lost World shown so far look really enjoyable. Like you would have imagined a 3D Sonic to be before they came up with Sonic Adventure.

Edited by gadge
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Is it worth a download? Im not a fan of RPG type games.

It's a free retail game, so I'd say yes. I really enjoyed it, as I have all 3. It's a very light RPG game, with some good British humour in it.
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