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WHAT PLAY YOU!? Version 2.0


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Fallout 4 question. What is the purpose of building you're own settlement? I've dabbled in it a little bit, and whilst it is a bit addictive, I can't see how it benefits me.


Does it have a purpose or just a fun little extra?


Resource-farming. It takes a *lot* of scavenging to start up and get anywhere useful, but it's an eventual good source for food - when you're able to set up supply lines between settlements.

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Food? Am I meant to be eating?


Selling. Caps are hard to come by early on, and you'll need junk for customising your loadout / settlements.

Edited by seph
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I'm looking to buy an Xbox One over Christmas, or maybe as soon as this week if the sales are good. What I was wondering was: is it worth paying extra for a 1TB machine or should I just buy the 500GB for cheaper and get an external hard drive when I need one? My instinct is always to go for the bigger machine but does it make much difference? All the best deals are on the 500GB, but I worry about whether playing off an external makes a difference to speed/loading/glitching etc. Anyone with any knowledge or experience who could point me in a direction?

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Games are installed onto the Xbone and they take up a lot of space. If there is a good deal for a 1TB version then it could be worth getting it, but if not then no major deal- you can just get an external hard drive if you end up running out of space.


FYI mine is around 27% full at the moment, and I have installed FIFA 15, Witcher 3, Far Cry 4, Fallout 3 (significantly smaller than the other games, as it is a 360 game) and a few smaller arcade-ish games and demos.

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I've bought and been playing Fallout. I'm enjoying it but I don't think I'm doing it right. First of all I've been playing ten hours and haven't really progressed much with the main quest. I haven't gone to Diamond City yet. Also I come across people and they start talking about stuff, like The Institute, and my potential responses seem to indicate I should know what that is. But I don't. Also I've checked a couple walkthroughs and I get worried by stuff I'm missing. Loot and shit. There is too much to this game.

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Does there feel like there's more variety to it than Skyrim? Once Skyrim's original magic fades you realise you're actually just killing bandits or fetching things from caves and that's it. And then suddenly everything looks really flat and one dimensional.


And secondly, is it more colourful than New Vegas because even if that is a suitable colour scheme it is fucking depressing. It's like how almost every telly cop show and big budget movie has to put in that bloody grey tint and mute all the colours so that it's depressing enough to be grown up.

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It's very bland compared to previous Fallouts. The game is bigger but to compensate it's about 80% raider and super mutant camps. Main mission is a bit shit and very short. Preferred 3 and NV.

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Games are installed onto the Xbone and they take up a lot of space. If there is a good deal for a 1TB version then it could be worth getting it, but if not then no major deal- you can just get an external hard drive if you end up running out of space.


FYI mine is around 27% full at the moment, and I have installed FIFA 15, Witcher 3, Far Cry 4, Fallout 3 (significantly smaller than the other games, as it is a 360 game) and a few smaller arcade-ish games and demos.


Alright, cheers. I can get a 1TB external for about £40 so if the 1TB Xbox costs any more than that over the 500GB I'll just settle for that.

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Is it me or is Star Wars Battlefront a bit average? Once you get past the spectacular graphics and sound effects I found it a bit boring and repetitive. Would have been nice to have more single player options or a campaign mode. I'm getting served up every time I play online. I think I preferred the PS2 version. 

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Is it me or is Star Wars Battlefront a bit average? Once you get past the spectacular graphics and sound effects I found it a bit boring and repetitive. Would have been nice to have more single player options or a campaign mode. I'm getting served up every time I play online. I think I preferred the PS2 version. 


I only have fun when I'm playing with a mate. It's really weird because on some maps I get completely dicked, and then other maps it's really easy to do well.


Sometimes though, I'm just complete shit. 

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