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I personally find it hilarious when developers (or writers, directors and anyone else in the entertainment industry for that matter) get pissy on the internet over negative reviews or negative comments.


I remember making a short comment about how I thought it was a bit silly that everyone demanded a pay rise when their contracts were up in TEW (in the suggestions section of the official forum no less) and got an arsey sounds like you want an easier game to me response from the developer.

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If you're smart, you stay off gaming forums. No good can come of it. Outside of wrestling fans, gaming fans are probably the most quick to criticise and the least aware. Yes, it's galling to work for 4 years of your life on a project only to have it called "teh gay" by a scrotty 14 year old, but no good will come of taking him to task on it.


In larger developers, it's actually forbidden to fraternise with the public outside of proper press releases or conferences. Probably wise.

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Guys need some advice.


In a nutshell i have had all the Guitar Hero and Rockband games and all the spinoffs but only blasted through them on the guitar and thats a couple of years ago now, however i've taken a notion to getting the drums and giving it a whirl through with them. The thing is there is a lot of talk and chat between equipment in terms of what is best and it's all a bit confusing in terms of buying a Guitar Hero drumset or a Rockband version.


The consenus seems to be Rockband ones are more sturdy and less prone to breaking if you give them a good tanking however the Guitar Hero ones are better and somewhat easier to use? Is this a fair assesment?

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Guys need some advice.


In a nutshell i have had all the Guitar Hero and Rockband games and all the spinoffs but only blasted through them on the guitar and thats a couple of years ago now, however i've taken a notion to getting the drums and giving it a whirl through with them. The thing is there is a lot of talk and chat between equipment in terms of what is best and it's all a bit confusing in terms of buying a Guitar Hero drumset or a Rockband version.


The consenus seems to be Rockband ones are more sturdy and less prone to breaking if you give them a good tanking however the Guitar Hero ones are better and somewhat easier to use? Is this a fair assesment?


Both have a similar issue in that they tend to move across the room. Also the main problem is normally the foot pedals. RB ones are better but we managed to go through 3 since buying the game. If you see a spare one, always worth picking up.

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Currently enjoying Action Arcade Wrestlin 2 on the XBox. A great little arcade style wrestling game from an indie developer. 240 MS points well spent! Even made myself some CAWs! They look a little oddly shaped in the editor, but they look fine in game. I've made a few arenas also.




Edited by truthofsin
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That's class thanks Dead Mike. Have an xbox 360 controller with a usb port that I can use on my laptop for games, is there any way I can use it to play these? Bit of a noob in this area, any help would be much appreciated.

Edited by Maverick
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Seemingly every Megadrive game available on your browser.


Great link, even though have many on the real thing and emu'd stuff, is still a great find. Just completed Altered Beast because I could. Proper nostalgia hit as not played it for aeons and was the first MD game of my own that I played. The first MD game I played was DJ Boy. Me mate Vinny had an import MD way before it was cool to have one. He had that and Rambo III which was cool! I have also drank like a fish ce soir, so apologies for boring the pants of peeps!

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Saints Row 4 Limited Edition announced:


Those with more money than sense can now buy the Saints Row 4: The Super Dangerous Wad Wad Edition for the princely sum of one million dollars, Deep Silver has announced.


The one of a kind special edition contains:


Saints Row IV : Commander in Chief Edition

A full sized replica Dubstep Gun

A full day of spy training

A trip to space with Virgin Galactic

One year's membership of E25 Super Car Club and a Lamborghini Gallardo to make it worthwhile

Plastic Surgery of the purchaser's choice

A shopping spree with a personal shopper to create the ultimate Planet Saints capsule wardrobe

7 nights for two at The Jefferson Hotel in Washington

Hostage rescue experience

A brand new Toyota Prius and insurance to give something back to the environment

7 nights stay in the Top Royal Suite at the Burj-al-arab with flights for two


Best thing about it? The website says you can pre-order it from Game. :D

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