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LPW Nemesis - A real treat (Mention UKFF at the door for free entry)


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Jimmy Somerville.

LPW has gotten word that the announced rumble competitors are still set to do battle in the Annual UKFF Rumble Match. Entrant no. 5 will be announced later.

We have some huge entrants to announce in the Rumble.


But Who do you guys want to see in the Rumble?


Jimmy Somerville.



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its not the official twitter, wont ever use twitter


You might think this is going to be a joke but I am serious I am looking into taking legal action on UKFF and that twitter page. I am going to go to the advice bureau to see what they say

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its not the official twitter, wont ever use twitter


You might think this is going to be a joke but I am serious I am looking into taking legal action on UKFF and that twitter page. I am going to go to the advice bureau to see what they say



Smart money is on "fuck off", although they may couch that in softer words.

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Hi Adam,


As a huge fan of the independent wrestling scene, I take a keen interest in new promotions and after seeing a 40+ page thread for an event I knew little about, suffice to say I was excited to see what all the hype was about.


Now, I havent had time to read all 44 pages, only this one, but it seems to me that if your promotional efforts arent as well recieved on here as you'd previously envisaged, perhaps an adviseable course of action might be to cease contributing to this thread, and perhaps focus on a more targeted campaign, say via one of the prominent social networking sites which i gather are ideal for this sort of endeavour. I'm perhaps guilty of teaching your grandmother how to suck eggs here, but have you considered registering for a page on the Facebook? I'm reliably informed by a friend of mine that it's quite something and a very popular way to engage with ones fans, professional or otherwise.


Forgive me if you've already considered this course of action, i'm a mere fan and by no means a professional promoter, so i've every confidence that you'll have given that some thought already. 


On another note, I have significant experience of using  the industry leading graphics package Microsoft Paint and wondered whether you have any positions available for a designer? Perhaps you need covers for the videos of your events once theyve been taped?  Do you have an address where i could post a CV for your perusal? I don't wish to appear boastful, but i also own two recording devices which you can connect with a simple SCART lead, allowing you to create duplicate copies of videos in just under a couple of hours, again, if there are opportunities in distribution, i'd be keen to discuss those further. 


P.S. - Someone was kind enough to post the official LPW Twitter details above - i assume it's official? It's called @OfficialLPW and states quite clearly that its the officiall twitter account of LPW, it even says OFFICIAL in capital letters which appears even more official than it otherwise might if it werent.  Although dissapointed to see that Rocky Future is no longer performing, i take some comfort in the knowledge that the post event spread should be first class.


Kind regards, and I wish you the very best of luck with your upcoming event.




Steve Wong.

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its not the official twitter, wont ever use twitter


You might think this is going to be a joke but I am serious I am looking into taking legal action on UKFF and that twitter page. I am going to go to the advice bureau to see what they say

They'll advise you to say what the great prizes are in the raffle.


However, the OFFICIAL Twitter account answered it straight away. I'm with King Coco, you're a fraud and a charlatan hell bent of besmirching the good name of LPW. I'm not going to believe another word that comes out of your pretty little mouth, official Twitter account is the way to go.


Friends of the UKFF, don't believe Bowler and his lies.

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Well this kept me entertained reading it all on a slow day at work. One bit of advice Adam you don't prove your a good promoter on the night of a show, Any crazy racist can book some guys and a ring and there might be a few good bouts. The way you show your a good promoter is before the show promoting it not hanging round a forum you claim is bullying you.

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