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LPW Nemesis - A real treat (Mention UKFF at the door for free entry)


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Nostalgia Nonce let me ask u something Do you have kids? or does anyone here have kids, if so How would you feel if they were getting the same treatment as I am getting from all you?



Adam - you are not a child though 


From what you say you are a fully fledged Adult so why do you keep comparing the situation to bullying a child.


Please think long and hard before replying - you are an adult right , you are sensible enough to make Adult decisions - like for example running a wrestling show

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I have kids, and if they wouldn't stop replying to people who are clearly taking the piss thus ultimately winding themselves up I'd say they deserve any shit they get.


You've been told many times now dude, just leave it out. You rage quit the thread about 10 times and come back for more, your sound like a crazy girly sending texts to a lad that's just dumped her.

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Fuck's sake Adam, don't announce you're leaving wrestling BEFORE the show. Book yourself into the MC match or the karaoke contest and add a Loser Leaves Wrestling stipulation. Booking 101, that.


And get WHY DO YOU LIKE UPSETTING PEOPLE? on a t-shirt, pronto. That's your 'Hustle, Loyalty, Respect' you've come up with there.

Edited by HarmonicGenerator
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Nostalgia Nonce let me ask u something Do you have kids? or does anyone here have kids, if so How would you feel if they were getting the same treatment as I am getting from all you?

I do have a kid and believe me, she gets ribbed far worse than you are doing here. She understands that it's all in humour though and either laughs along or ribs me back. Some of our ribs have been going on for almost 15 years now, so quit you're unnecessary whining. You're getting off lightly and - like I said before - it's helping keep your thread at the top of the page. Do we get any appreciation for this help? No we don't. You're coming across as really ungrateful.
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I want to know what the (imaginary) conversation with the police went like


9 .... 9 ....... 9

'hello 999 emergency services'

'Police, please its an emergency'

'Hello police'

'Hello, I have tried to advertise a show I am doing on a forum for wrestling , however no one wants to go becasue of my past record. I have tried begging, verbal abuse and threatening pysical violence but they still won't attend unless its free, please can you monitor chatter on the forum and make arrests as appopriate'



as an aside .. I wonder how many phone calls a year police receive from Britwres promoters.

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