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WWE Payback 2015 Discussion


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The Ziggler abuse for cutting his head is daft and a prime example of the unwarranted shite he gets. If it had been someone else, we'd all be saying what an awesome visual it was, and I don't really care much for Dolph.

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Overall a fun show. The opener and Barrett/Neville were forgettable but fine. Skipped the divas match. I actually really enjoyed Wyatt/Ryback. Some brutal shots, loved the fat flop senton off the apron to the floor...it was a match which I had low expectations for so that might have helped. Really though it was a match where neither would have gained anything from winning but both been hurt by a loss. The tag match was obviously fantastic but the "all black people look the same" ending was a bit dodgy. Cena/Rusev had some cool spots but was pretty rubbish overall. I don't think the gimmick suits a lot of feuds...Cena's had loads of them but only 1 or 2 good ones. The main event was generally great stuff. Reigns for the fourth month in a row puts in a fantastic performance. How can anyone still boo him? His punches alone are a thing of wonder. All four were awesome in this.

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I loved that Shield tease... They got me. Highlight of the show by a mile for me.


Other than that, the main event was fun with lots of twists and turns, and I really liked the tag title match. I was a bit nonplussed by everything else, but it was worth watching because the good bits were really good.

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Only bothered to watch the main event but it was a really exciting match, Reigns has got to be the best in-ring performer in WWE this year unless someone is having lots of great matches on Raw that I'm not seeing.

I haven't watched the PPV yet, but if the main event was the best match then Reigns has probably been in the MOTN for 4 out of the 5 PPVs this year. Seeing as Raw means jack shit, I'd agree that he's the man this year so far.

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Absolutely loved the main event, it's ridiculous the amount of flak that Reigns gets from some people, the guy has been a machine all year.


With regards to Money in the Bank, I'd like to see Wyatt win the briefcase, would be interesting to see Wyatt win the briefcase, the threat of him lurking around tormenting whoever is champion could be very interesting.

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I enjoyed the show, especially the main event, but Michael Cole is ruining every PPV for me with his incessant "for the win/victory/title" which never actually coincides with the finish. 7 times he said "for the win" in the opener. It's getting stupid.




Why is this happening? Louch did the same in the "is Dolph Ziggler shit" thread. Well, that might as well be what its called.


Lesnar winning Money in the Bank could be interesting. Can't see passed it being Ambrose though.


Brock Lesnar, who can pretty much lamp anyone he wants, is the last character who gains anything from walking around with the magic Win The World Title By Being Sneaky briefcase. And he'd look daft climbing a ladder in the first place.


The tag match was obviously fantastic but the "all black people look the same" ending was a bit dodgy.


Don't give me that. Woods' face was concealed in the small package. You're reading something into it that isnt there. Tully and Arn and other white tag teams have done it many times over the years too.

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I thought the opener was actually pretty solid and a good, enjoyable match.

Personally thought they both looked good in it. Sheamus looked strong and the most I've liked him since his return and Dolph took a kicking with good offence without taking over the top bumps.


The tag match was marvellous. I haven't seen a great deal of the new day, but enough to catch my attention and they nailed it last night. Had a chuckle at the 'freebirds rules' chatter towards the ref too.

Kid and Cesaro are sooo close to being a brilliant tag team. Theres something which doesn't quite fit them together for me just yet, but not far off. Kid was on form and although some of the spots were slightly mistimed or a little bit daft, they are really fun to watch and i can't wait to see them develop further as a team.

Gutted for Cesaro that he misfired the power bomb attempt on Big E, but it didn't really detract from the overall showing. Really fun match.


I'm a fan of Neville, i really like him and have been a fan since his very early days in local newcastle feds. I was chuffed with his Raw debut and his efforts so far, but last night just didn't click. It was a watchable match with BNB, but this has been Nev's least impressive match yet. As someone mentioned earlier, its a shame they didn't make any attempt to a little back story, even something simple such as Barrett claiming he remembers him from back in the day, didn't like him then and doesn't now. I'm interested to see what Neville can do in a gimmick match though.


I started to snooze a bit for the Bray vs Ryback match but what i did see, well... Didn't keep me awake. Not keen on the direction of either character at present personally. My intrigue for Bray has diminished more through his singles run. Whilst my keenness for Ryback dwindled a while ago. I do agree with some others and think that Bray needs a clan in which he can lead. His persona shines through, where it seems a bit lost as it is. Actually, i'd be happy for Ryback to ditch supermans pyjamas and have a go at being one of Brays henchmen. His face is mental, his voice is mental, his body is mental but he looks like a packet of opel fruits.


Missed the apparent best half of the Cena vs Rusev match. Glad its finished now but i'm not sure where each man goes. I was a fan of that US open challenge thing... Possibly carry that on for a few weeks until a big return, or interesting debut. God knows with Rusev but i want him to be a machine again.


Womans match... Honestly didn't realise there was one, must have been asleep.


Main event.... Fucking great. Each man did enough to keep me interested, although i expected a bit more involvement from Orton. Although what he did was spot on.

Some cool as fuck spots/sections whatever, the shield tease, the double 'Kane through table' attempts, just great stuff. Not going to nitpick as it doesn't require it.


Overall, i was lucky to fall asleep through arguably the lesser bits of the show.

From what i did see, it far outweighed what i was expecting.


Crowd were generally pretty decent, yeah they boo cena and roman, but whatever, at least they made noise for the vast majority of the show. Although it was the one thing missing from the Nev / BNB match.


I'd give it a solid 7/10.

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I'd like to see Reigns win Money in the Bank.


He's still chasing Rollins after the Wrestlemania cash-in, and the way Reigns reacted to Rollins after breaking up the pin on Ambrose last night makes the 2nd time on PPV were Rollins has cost him the title. Sure, it won't mean as much as Reigns finally getting his hands on, and beating the living shit out of Rollins, but it gives Reigns the "turnabout is fair play" ending.


Reigns can't keep losing these world title matches, no matter how great he's been this year, sooner or later he's gonna become one of those "can never win the big one" guys. He's not in desperate need of the title win, but when the next time he challenges for the belt, he really ought to win it.

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