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New content for the network on the cheap


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Theres soooooo much historic content that they have, that needs to be uploaded, before more modern kak. I just assumed that the costs to edit and server space is the issue.

This would be the same for any show.


The process of digitising everything is problem a massive time sink as well.


Just spent the last couple of weeks converting over 100 hours of footage from across half a dozen hard drives (end vague plug). Digitising the footage from analogue tapes would be tear-inducing.

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How about a WWE TODAY thing. Just a one hour show from the control centre in Titan hosted by Renee or whoever with wrestler interviews, people calling in on skype, kayfabe news. Like a Byte This for 2015. Everything they need for it is already there, only I'd splice in handheld camera footage from House Shows of things in matches pretending they're important to try and drum up interest for live events too.

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Wrestler Roast: A random mix of old guys and young guys all ripping the piss out of each other for the sake of it could be great. Wouldn't be mega cheap, but shouldn't break the bank too much.


Did anything ever happen with Steve Blackman the Bounty Hunter? Did I watch a trailer for it or did I dream it?

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'The Steve Austin Show', workout videos and alternate commentary on old ppvs the best ideas here for me.


Though if rumour be true and the above-expectation Network take-up freeing up funds (that aren't used for a Lesnar renewal), they might be able to put some money behind a few new series and 'cheap' might not be necessary. If so, new 'Tough Enough' please.

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I'm surprised they've not tried to come up with a deal to show DDP Yoga or even Trish Stratus's Yoga stuff. You'd think that would be an easy one to come to a mutually beneficial deal on, as they are on great terms with both. Lots of flabby wrestling fans would try out the DDP Yoga to try and get all buff and shit, while also watching the Trish stuff for... other reasons.

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Why in the fuckity fuck haven't WWE picked this up? Looks absolutely superb.


Because it'd be massively expensive to produce. Total Divas costs about $500k an episode. Anything that isn't just done during the day at TV tapings or done with very few people at the WWE studio is costly.

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As discussed by a few on here before, a sit down in the studio/ behind the music session with Jim Johnston would be very welcomed. (A proper 1 hour plus session).


As would more, lets look in the warehouse, or wwe superstars personal memorabilia collections.

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I like the alternative commentary idea. Be great to get Vince and Triple H talking over some older stuff getting Vince's thoughts now on stuff like Pig-pen matches!


My idea is a "Where are they now?" show. I'd combine that with Teedy Kay's idea. Have a sit down career review and splice in a bit of footage of what they do these days. Episode 1 - Haku.

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