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New content for the network on the cheap


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A complete Wrestlemania review would be excellent,especially dependant on reviewers. 


Having Austin, Hall, Nash and say an Egde deconstruct each Wrestlemania, commentating on matches, giving their opinions on how angles and matches affected their love. What works and what doesn't comparing things to modern day or their time would be excellent. 


Then onto Royal Rumble, Summerslam and Survivor Series and then onto Starrcade and Clash etc.


Austin would be a must.


Hall's already proven his worth doing this thing on youtube, he was brilliant although half cut at times.


Nash would be great obviously.


Edge is a different generation but has the charisma to hang with the above and his comments on their matches would be funny.


Surely getting four chaps round a set of mics and letting them adlib and tell stories would be fantastic.


Incorporate the odd different guest like the occasional Foley mix, or even Sting for his thoughts on WWF PPVs would be good programming that surely wouldn't cost that much.

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Yeah, it was specifically for Bret Hart-Marty Jones for the Dungeon set, though they've also enquired about buying the archive rights outright. In the former case the quoted price seems to have been a polite way of saying no and in the latter case there's some question about whether ITV's charter/legal set-up allows it to sell complete rights rather than licensing footage for use.

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I think it was on Bauer and Pollock where they mentioned the idea of going to someone like Bruno's house for a day or two and talking with him for a good few hours, basically asking as many questions as they can think of. These guys aren't going to be around for long, so they should banking as much footage of them talking about different subjects as they can before it's too late. How much can it cost to send Renee and a camera crew to Bruno's house for a day or two?


One of the main gripes I have with the Network is the lack of consistency, particular with the stream. There is no rhyme or reason to the schedule, like when they showed Summerslams at Christmas instead of anything festive.


One thing people always pine about old Wrestling is that they had a routine. Every weekend, they knew when the show was on and their lives were worked around the fact that Smackdown was at 10AM on Sky One for us over here or WCW Saturday Night was on at 6:05PM on TBS in the States. You have the biggest back catalogue in Wrestling at your disposal, so why not use it effectively. Take maybe three weekly shows and show them on the stream from the start every week at a set time. Keep them on demand for 31 days, letting people binge a few weeks if they get behind. While I'm not saying fans'll be cracking out the Frosties and having breakfasts in front of their network stream, it gives them a consistency. If you know these things are coming every week, then you're more likely to not cancel than if you have no idea what to expect week-to-week. The prime example is WCW Saturday Night. Every die-hard fan knows it was shown at 6:05PM every Saturday, so why are the Network not showing it then? What do the Network show at 6:05 on Saturday evenings in the US? Is that such prime airtime that they can't put on some WCW? It's not going to boost numbers sky-high, but it's a little thing that shows attention to detail and implies the possibility of more in the future, whereas now they have no clue.


Before they start spending money on new content, they should really look at using the content they have already more effectively.

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Dry technical question regarding the expense of transcoding old footage. What kind of tape format would the early to mid 80's stuff be recorded on? I can't believe anything from the early 90's onwards is particularly expensive to do because they should still have the decks to do the capturing on.

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