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WrestleMania XXXI Discussion thread *SPOILERS*


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I thought Bryan/Brock would be a fantastic bout, still do. The story would be fantastic and I think they'd compliment each other well. I even thought that other than Reigns, he'd be the best option to end Brock's run. But after seeing Brock absolutely destroying Reigns, I can't even buy Bryan as a contender at the moment. Bryan has been faffing around since returning, losing to fucking Ziggler, whilst Brock looks totally unbeatable now. They'd need a long process to bring them closer to one another.

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I'm not Bryan's biggest fan but I'd love to see a Bryan-Lesnar match. The story would be different than any other wrestler to face Lesnar because Bryan is sold as a wrestler. They even let him use the W word. So the match would be all holds and leverage and escaping the Beast, forcing Lesnar to wrestle, too. It would be a fascinating spectacle. Actually, I just remembered who books this shit. It would suck.


This is an absolutely horrible, mental suggestion.

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I'm not Bryan's biggest fan but I'd love to see a Bryan-Lesnar match. The story would be different than any other wrestler to face Lesnar because Bryan is sold as a wrestler. They even let him use the W word. So the match would be all holds and leverage and escaping the Beast, forcing Lesnar to wrestle, too. It would be a fascinating spectacle. Actually, I just remembered who books this shit. It would suck.


This is an absolutely horrible, mental suggestion.


Yeah, heaven forbid there's some wrestling on a wrestling show...

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I think you could absolutely make Bryan vs Lesnar work, because the fans would be into it in a big way and that's what really matters. The vast majority of the audience are willing to suspend their belief more than usual where Bryan is concerned, because he has such great heart and fire. Plus he's a former RoH Champion. In wrestling, or any other medium for that matter, the David vs Goliath story will always hold a great appeal.


David didn't trade chinlocks with Goliath though. Nobody would have bought that story.

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Yeah, heaven forbid there's some wrestling on a wrestling show...


There's plenty of wrestling on their shows. But surely a major factor in a good wrestling match is suspension of disbelief, the ability to pretend it's still real so you can truly get into it and forget it's just make believe?


I think a lot of us would have a problem believing that Bryan would have had any chance to take down Lesnar. I just about believed that Chris Benoit in 2003 was able to out-manoeuvre the Brock Lesnar of 2003 and get him down to the mat and make him tap, but the Brock Lesnar of 2015 is a completely different animal. There have been good grapplers, monsters and psychopaths, but there has never been anything like Brock Lesnar right now. Brock Lesnar makes you believe in the fight, rather than just the co-operation wristlock ballet that wrestling at its worst can be, and this is a world where..... yeah, all that stuff I wrote about Cena and Reigns and what kind of character has made me believe they can (or at least might) beat Lesnar, and it's the kind of character Bryan isn't.


Of course, nobody's going to convince anyone of their viewpoint. I'd still like to see the match, although like 'Step mentioned it needs a nuclear fuckton of work on Bryan to make me forget him losing to other midcarders on TV and letting Ziggler call him a turd before I'd want to see him in the ring with Lesnar without knowing the beast was going to grind him into houmous in two minutes flat. I'd still enjoy the spectacle, but it loses something massive in that at this point, I don't give Bry a cat in hell's chance of beating him, and if he does beat him, I doubt they'll make me believe it. 2003/04 maybe, but not today.

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I'm not Bryan's biggest fan but I'd love to see a Bryan-Lesnar match. The story would be different than any other wrestler to face Lesnar because Bryan is sold as a wrestler. They even let him use the W word. So the match would be all holds and leverage and escaping the Beast, forcing Lesnar to wrestle, too. It would be a fascinating spectacle. Actually, I just remembered who books this shit. It would suck.


This is an absolutely horrible, mental suggestion.



It really is appalling. Heavyweight boxers don't fight featherweight boxers. Giant monster NCAA/UFC champion Brock Lesnar being outwrestled by a bloke half his size with a UFC Fightpass subscription.

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I think with the way Lesnar is being booked at the moment it simply wouldn't be believable. Why would he go from brawling and smashing his way through guys who are legit heavyweights to chain-wrestling a cruiserweight? I know it's the whole suspension of disbelief deal, but fucking hell...

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I think Bryan vs Brock could work. You'd have to have Bryan escape, dodge and reverse all of Lesnar's moves with the story being 'Can Lesnar hit any of his moves or does Bryan have an answer to everything?'. If Bryan reversed an early F5 into a DDT and hit him with three of those running knees then the story could work. Lesnar could no sell almost all of Bryan's moves but with Lesnar unable to hit any of his then it'd create a different dynamic. Bryan eventually realising that none of his own offence works. Use Lesnar's strength and speed against him. Pull out all the shortcuts. Running headfirst into the ringpost, commentary table spots, the lot. Even make it a no DQ submission match, WM13 style. I don't know how you could do a finish other than Lesnar finally hitting his moves and destroying Bryan for the win, but the first 10 minutes would be fun. No matter what anybody says, Bryan sells like a boss and I'd like to see him take a Lesnar beating (depending on whether his body could handle it). 

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The way the Bryan and Lesnar match works, is if they have him chopping the tree down as it were. The match starts with Lesnar suplexing the fuck out of him, throwing him around, pounding on him, toying with him, maybe even pick him up and have Lesnar put his head in his mouth and make his hair like one of those troll dolls. Then Bryan boots him in his gut, where its established that's King Kong's weakness and then Brock goes somewhat on the defensive. There's a way to do that match (and because of who is in it, it would be amazing), but no way should this be two equal powers grappling. Generally the smaller babyface should fight from underneath. And especially against the scariest man alive. Roman Reigns had to fight on the back foot, let alone Bryan.

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How weak can they get away with booking Brock Lesnar's belly, though? Daniel Bryan can't even beat Dolph Ziggler with about five hundred kicks, so he's not packing much of a shot. Two Roman Reigns spears are tantamount to over a million Bryan kicks, and Lesnar kicked out of that. They'd need to do some booking to weaken Lesnar and strengthen DB to make it seem more feasible.

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If they need to book Lesnar (who's the best thing they've had in years) in a way that weakens him just so he can fight someone who can't match him then it's not worth it. No one wants to see Lesnar made to look weak for a while just to get people's hopes up that Bryan can beat him.

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