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WrestleMania XXXI Discussion thread *SPOILERS*


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nexus it was just emotion, the build up is so intense, the messages she got were in the thousands it's the ultimate show in wrestling and Mum was front row just hit home bud.


Ah cool.


How proud were you guys?!


Also can't get over 'Norwich, England' being called out on WWE programming!

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Cena/Rusev screamed Rocky 4 to me and really felt like Rocky against Drago. The Rusev entrance was a designed perfectly to absorb heat, Rusev looked incredible as did Lana for that matter. If last night doesn't tell WWE that a baby face John Cena or just Cena in general just isn't working then I don't know what will, they threw everything heelish and heat radiating in to this match they had Russia arguably the most hated and controversial country in the world at the minute, along with a super Russian heel in Rusev heeling it up like a mad man, they had the tried and tested angle of good vs evil, USA vs a foreign country, a video of American history and speeches and iconic moments that nearly brought a tear to my eye and gave me goosebumps, they threw all that in to this match and still John Cena got booed out of the building. What else can they do?


It's the 21st century and a global brand, Rusev is fairly popular with a lot of people so would have an element of support but all of that USA flag waving nonsense and Dubya posturing wasn't going to fly for a lot of people. During the video package there were Ryder Cup style "Europe" chants going on and it became a rest of the world vs America thing. It probably didn't help that the Rusev entrance was one of the best Mania ones ever*, not wise to have made him look even cooler when it was always going to be divisive due to the nature of the story they wanted to tell.


It's not necessarily down to Cena not working, it's down to a bad choice of storyline for their massive international showpiece. Cena did get a decent response but a fairly popular Rusev being made face for say 20% (random figure, I don't know ticket sales by nationality) of the crowd meant they were going to create a divide deliberately or otherwise.



*okay debateable but it was enjoyable and suitably ridiculous for the occasion

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nexus it was just emotion, the build up is so intense, the messages she got were in the thousands it's the ultimate show in wrestling and Mum was front row just hit home bud.



Ah cool.


How proud were you guys?!


Also can't get over 'Norwich, England' being called out on WWE programming!

We were very proud buddy.
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"Cena didn't need to win that match" - go fuck yourselves, smarks. It's not about needing anything, it's about telling stories.


Cena, whether you personally like him or not, is the hero in his stories.

I know man, good post. Some wrestling fans are fucking rotten, I never thought after all this time watching wrestling the one thing that would come closest to ruining it for me is shit fans talking shit and behaving like idiots at the live shows.

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Cena/Rusev screamed Rocky 4 to me and really felt like Rocky against Drago. The Rusev entrance was a designed perfectly to absorb heat, Rusev looked incredible as did Lana for that matter. If last night doesn't tell WWE that a baby face John Cena or just Cena in general just isn't working then I don't know what will, they threw everything heelish and heat radiating in to this match they had Russia arguably the most hated and controversial country in the world at the minute, along with a super Russian heel in Rusev heeling it up like a mad man, they had the tried and tested angle of good vs evil, USA vs a foreign country, a video of American history and speeches and iconic moments that nearly brought a tear to my eye and gave me goosebumps, they threw all that in to this match and still John Cena got booed out of the building. What else can they do?


It's the 21st century and a global brand, Rusev is fairly popular with a lot of people so would have an element of support but all of that USA flag waving nonsense and Dubya posturing wasn't going to fly for a lot of people. During the video package there were Ryder Cup style "Europe" chants going on and it became a rest of the world vs America thing. It probably didn't help that the Rusev entrance was one of the best Mania ones ever*, not wise to have made him look even cooler when it was always going to be divisive due to the nature of the story they wanted to tell.


It's not necessarily down to Cena not working, it's down to a bad choice of storyline for their massive international showpiece. Cena did get a decent response but a fairly popular Rusev being made face for say 20% (random figure, I don't know ticket sales by nationality) of the crowd meant they were going to create a divide deliberately or otherwise.



*okay debateable but it was enjoyable and suitably ridiculous for the occasion


Don't try and reason with the thick bastard, it'll only drag you down.
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Enjoyed most of Mania. Really didnt like the overbooked farce of HHH vs Sting. HHH's entrance was cringe inducing and the match didnt need the theatrics and then a hand shake after a hammer shot to the face. I wasnt watching wrestling at the time of the NWO and D-X in full swing and as such, their appearance doesnt fill me full of nostalgia, is just a bunch of really old guys . Sorry


Rusev's entrance was superb. I loved the match and these two work well together, I like that Cena had to bust out a spinning DDT and a springboard Stunner and would love these two to go at it over a World Title somewhere down the line as


Wyatt vs Taker was good, Wyatt has pretty much done that feud on his own and has certainly upheld his end of the bargain well, set forever if he wants it I would think.


Reigns vs Lesnar was great because Lesnar is a hoss and watching him beat snot out of everyone is fun the cash in was great and that could turn Rollins Face as there were loads of cheers and not boos, time to ditch the Authority? as he doesnt need them anymore?


Didnt see a lot of the ladder match, looked pants and the headbutt's were meh to finish


The women's tag match was just there, though the antics at the PCW aftershow were apparently, a bit mental.


Rousey Rock was a big FU to Dana? The Tapout Promos,  was just  to piss UFC off? Right?


Overall good but not great mania, look forward to seeing what happense next 

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The only reason Ronda did that was because Dana said she could. It, and anything that comes from it, is all agreed with Dana and UFC. That should be pretty obvious really. If Dana didn't want his biggest star to be involved then she wouldn't have been. It's a positive for everyone involved, including UFC. I don't think she will wrestle, but being a second in the Triple H/Rock match at Mania 32 seems perfectly plausible. She's a bigger star than any of their full timers so WWE should ride it for as long as they can.

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Here's the thing, Triple H is a massive douchebag heel. He's also, in effect, the boss. Would really recommend that outstanding Max Landis film to anybody that still doesn't understand what his character is all about. Of course he's going to have a ridiculously pompous cringeworthy entrance on the show that he sees as being 'his show' now. The Terminator entrance was so brilliantly self-indulgent, all it was missing was a giant metallic cock and balls swinging between his legs with a laser pointer bell end. Was brilliant seeing the reaction on Twitter.


Sting vs Triple H was about a hundred times more fun than I ever expected it could be. As smoke and mirror jobs go, it was perfect. It wasn't brilliant from a quality standpoint, but I can't remember the last time I had that much fun watching a match. I lost it when Scott Hall took a fucking back body drop on the floor. I have to admit that I was so into it that I wasn't really paying too much attention to the slightly irritating commentary. Was fun watching this with the missus, some of her comments were great.. 'They are going to break all these old men!'


The only downer was the handshake at the end. Sting really should have dropped him.

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I really loved this show. The build wasn't the best, but it more than delivered on the night. I never thought it would live up to last years effort but, I think this show surpassed it with a little bit of everything thrown in. Quality stuff from the preshow matches, IC Ladder match and Orton/Rollins, That Curb Stomp to RKO spot was amazing. Some overbooked wrestling awesomeness with Sting/HHH/DX/NWO, that Rusev entrance and Ronda Fucking Rousey slapping the authority about. A Cracking Main event with a nice twist to keep things moving forward. Rollins will make a brilliant heel champ.


I loved the show being in daylight, it really enhanced the stage setup which looked clean and swanky as fuck. I loved all the entrances too, including Terminator H. Fantastic show.

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I loved the show being in daylight, it really enhanced the stage setup which looked clean and swanky as fuck. I loved all the entrances too, including Terminator H. Fantastic show.

Same here man, I'm surprised at all the people complaining it was in daylight, as soon as it showed the stadium any doubts I had about the buildup dissipated, it felt like Mania. Obviously daylight isn't ideal for Taker, Wyatt or Sting's entrances and the crowd will never sound as loud outdoors but it's a small price to pay for the show feeling special.


The RKO to finish the Orton/Rollins match was so excellent, I wouldn't expect anything less from those two, I knew they'd have great in ring chemistry.

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I won't quote it all again but that's a belter post by air raid a page or so back.


Loved the show. They played a blinder with Sting and Triple H. Wyatt/Undertaker and Lesnar/Reigns were still to come and were always going to be booked as super serious epics. The show would've been a bit of a chore if they'd done the same with the old guys. Couldn't believe my eyes when Hogan and the lads came out and then I nearly shit me kecks when Michaels appeared in the ring out of nowhere. Fucking brilliant.


I would've had Sting go over and I'd have done away with the post-sledgehammer handshake, but fucking hell life's too short to complain about fine grain details like that, and it's only the wrestling anyway.

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I also thought the show looked brilliant in the glorious sunshine. Obviously certain entrances suffer for it, but the in ring action looked great and the main event felt extra special being the only match to take place as the sun was setting.

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I also thought the show looked brilliant in the glorious sunshine. Obviously certain entrances suffer for it, but the in ring action looked great and the main event felt extra special being the only match to take place as the sun was setting.


Yes! These other fools don't know what they're talking about. One of the first things I noticed was how bright the crowd looked. People were wearing loads of loud, energetic colours. Blues, yellows, pinks, reds. It looked ace. Better than the sea of black that crowds used to be.


As far as fun Wrestlemanias go, this is up there with the best. It was like Trips was planning an uber serious match against Sting and then watched the Wrestling Isn't Wrestling video and thought 'fuck that', let's have some fun.


The backstage skit with Bryan and the legends was gold. Flair chopping Steamboat was one of the best moments from last night.

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