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Haven't seen it. But if it's anything like the match they had at EVOLVE, it'll be an impressive display of athleticism with zero psychology.

Completely. Sometimes you just need that though, and everyone knows what they're in for.


Someone on Twitter said it was a spot fest and over choreographed...no shot Sherlock

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It's incredible. I'd have it above their Evolve match at Mania weekend easily, just a far more polished display.


Although the reaction is overwhelmingly positive, all day I've seen people critique it for lacking psychology or just moaning about "pacing" but those people never give any detail about what they mean. Essentially if the style isn't for you your mind won't be changed here, but for me it was a breathtaking match, just pure spectical. It felt like something important was happening - and they probably have better in them.

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The shows almost always go up in full and then later they also add individual matches. The exception has been this tour where for the small shows they've only uploaded individual matches.

Edited by Benno
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I watched the match last night and while I thought it was fantastic, I could see, that if I showed that match to some of my non-wrestling friends they would probably see it as nothing more than a fancy gymnastic routine.

Edited by Mr Tibbs
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So, O'chet vs OSPLAY has caused an amusing reaction on Twitter, or rather a short gif of one of the opening sequences has, from that renowned expert on modern juniorweight wrestling, Vader. (text quoted underneath for those that can't be bothered to click)



"This is a memorized gymnastic/dance rountine it saddenens me to see the direction wrestling is headed"


The reactions have been hilarious from fans and wrestlers alike. Here's Nick Jackson doing nothing more than retweeting tagging some other accounts in it, including those of Ricochet and Ospreay themselves ;



Ricochet replies, with exactly the right response ;


"yeah I saw this! Haha Vader hates me!! It's awesome!"


Ospreay simply went with ;


"Glad you shared it man. (heart)"


Some of the fan replies are terrible, especially ones starting arguments with Jackson, who is surprisingly sharp in response, but there are some that made me genuinely chuckle. Have a look at the conversation yourselves if interested, some of them are bound to push big ole Leon's buttons. Although my favourite was "I am pretty sure I saw you and Stan Hansen do something similar."


As for my opinion..... I have no problem with most of the sequence as it looks like two guys trying to do moves to each other at fast speed with the other finding counters as quickly. However, that last bit where both do a handspring then a backflip for no apparent reason just to simultaneously pose and let the fans cheer? That can suck more dicks than Sasha Grey. That was fucking terrible. "Let's both pick the same moment to do the same flip sequence but without trying to do a move to each other cos the fans know its just show and so let's pose to get cheers." BULLSHIT. The very first "standoff" spots I saw in the early 90s were OK, they felt natural. Both guys ending up opposite each other, eyeballing and needing to catch their breaths before going for each other again. Fine. Think it may have been Liger and Ultimo Dragon I saw do it first, and it was fine. Over the years wrestlers have started doing simultaneous nip ups or handsprings to get back to their feet and eyeball, and it looks quite contrived. But THIS ONE was utterly contemptible, Super Indy Standoff Lv3 +1 Limit Break shite. I really enjoy both wrestlers but that *one* part of that sequence, I loathe because in that one instance, it stops looking like a fight. Even a modern, state of the art fight where both guys are super quick and do aerials - that simultaneous handspring-backflip-pose and pause is no longer fake fighting, and regardless of the type of wrestling match, I still like it to be fake fighting.


So maybe Vader has like, 12% of a point. But he's still bitter as fuck about being old and fat and having a small willy.

Edited by air_raid
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Big fan of both. But in all honesty, Vader is on point. It's a very athletic, probably rehearsed, dance routine.

Great on your local indy show. Not really sure if many Japanese veterans would like it.


However, wrestling has evolved.


What would Benoit and Eddie think?

Edited by LWOLeN
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Not even seen it yet, but I can imagine. Ospreay's match at Invasion Attack was pretty decent, though on a second viewing there were a number of occasions where his moves were clearly unnecessary. Forgiveable in the overall context of that particular match. Ricochet, on the other hand, I find to be entirely pointless. Don't enjoy his matches, moves, or his smug face waiting to be applauded by over-polite Japanese fans, for some irrelevant gymnastics. A poster boy for 2005 indie horseshit. Saying wrestling's moved on just doesn't cut it. This isn't state of the art modern wrestling, just the same super-spotty crap that's been around for 15 years+ & once that initial novelty wore off, probably slagged off by many of us for a similar length of time. Pointless then is pointless now and pointless period.

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Big fan of both. But in all honesty, Vader is on point. It's a very athletic, probably rehearsed, dance routine.

Great on your local indy show. Not really sure if many Japanese veterans would like it.


However, wrestling has evolved.


What would Benoit and Eddie think?

Go and read MVP's comment on Twitter and come back and tell me his point is valid in 2016 with style and choice.
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The bit where they both do a springboard and then land at the end of that GIF, if you cared about that type of thing you could easily argue that they were both going for a Tajiri-style springboard elbow, both noticed each other at the same time, so both landed knowing they weren't going to connect.


Not that I care, it looks like a wild, ridiculously fun match that I can't wait to watch, but if you care about them looking like they're attempting moves then that double flip is hardly the worst thing I've seen in that regard.

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