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TNA Name Changes

Direct Impact

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Now I think about it, I think it's worse for TNA wrestlers going to WWE than the other way round. True, they don't have the name recognition problem, but Braden Walker? Marcus Cor Von?


When did the WWE start giving wrestlers such shit names anyway? I can't recall that being the case in the main part during the 80's or 90's.

Almost all wrestlers ever have had shit names. The WWF didn't often make up name names in the old days, though, they'd just use the name the wrestler was already using and maybe give them a gimmicky nickname around it (Million Dollar Man Ted DiBiase, ) or instead of it (Mr Perfect, Diesel etc). It seemed like the mid-ninetieswas  when they started doing name names... Hunter Hearst Helmsley, Duke Droese, Henry Godwinn, Rocky Maivia etc. 


Pretty much. If Braden Walker and Marcus Cor Von got over, nobody would think they were shit names. Rob Van Dam for instance is pretty terrible if you really think about it. If a wrestler came on the scene now called Kenny Segal, people would piss their sides. But he got over huge and 90% of his whole act was point and saying his name. I remember people thinking Dean Ambrose and Seth Rollins were crap names, but can you imagine them as anything else now? If you catch on, the name is just a name. I always remember thinking X-Pac was fucking horrid when I watched Live Wire one afternoon and heard they changed the 123 Kid's name (another crap name if you think about it). But if you get over, you forget. You can have the best name ever, but if you aren't interesting in the slightest, nobody is going to care.

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Racking my brain for some other name changes that haven't been mentioned yet. 


I remember when they brought in Brooke Adams as Bischoff's assistant and thinking renaming her to Ms.Tessmacher (like Lex Luthors girlfriend and assistant in the old Superman movies) was pretty goofy. But its actually kinda worked out for her and kinda stuck. I suppose she wasn't exactly that famous in WWE though. 


Regarding the earlier post about Justin Credible choosing P.J. Polaco - that wasn't to do with TNA wanting the rights to the name, and wasnt by choice. I believe some kid trademarked the name without his knowledge and demanded money. It resulted in Credible going by "Justin Time" and "PJ Polaco" on the indys for a good while. Anyone else remember this story?


Still think WWE has been worse when it comes to their names though, its like their using some sort of random name generator. Joe Hennig to Michael McGillicutty still makes me facepalm when I think about it.


Does Xavier Woods own the name "Consequences Creed" or TNA? Him and R-Truth as "Truth and Consequences" has a ring to it. 

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Who was the guy who got lumbered with the name Rellik? I wanna say Vito but i think i may be wrong. Anyways point being that i always thought that was a shoddy name, they might have just got away with it if we didn't have to hear Taz say "That's Killer spelled backwards" every 10 seconds.


Edit: A quick check tells me it was actually Johnny Stamboli not Vito, well i was close enough.

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What is the best name in wrestling though? Ever, I'd say Hulk Hogan, Andre The Giant, Rey Mysterio and Goldust are up there.


Yeah, Hulk Hogan for me.

Even nicknames seem to have gone by the wayside. "Long Island Iced Z" isn't much compared to "Stone Cold" or "The Hitman". But as noted earlier, Bret Hart (nicked) and Steve Austin came up with those names as opposed to being given them on arrival as happens now.  

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