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Hi John,


So I can't watch content directly from the App within XB1 or am I mistaken?


I've just watched a tutorial RE setting up the XB1 for Unblock US: http://support.unblock-us.com/customer/portal/articles/1375352-how-to-setup-your-xbox-one-to-use-unblock-us


Having never used a service like this, I'm a little confused as to how this works. Do I watch only via the Internet Browser in XB1?

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Hi John,


So I can't watch content directly from the App within XB1 or am I mistaken?


I've just watched a tutorial RE setting up the XB1 for Unblock US: http://support.unblock-us.com/customer/portal/articles/1375352-how-to-setup-your-xbox-one-to-use-unblock-us


Having never used a service like this, I'm a little confused as to how this works. Do I watch only via the Internet Browser in XB1?


No, you watch within the Network app, in the same way as you would watch Sky, Netflix or YouTube on XBox.  You just need to have set up your unblock settings (usually by entering alternative DNS settings in the XB1 network set-up) to make that app think you are connecting from somewhere else.



EDIT: stupid new UKFF.

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So where extacty does Unblock US come into the equation? I used to have Netflix before it turned God awful, and I'd change the DNS manually to get the US Netflix. The digits would change every month or so, but could be found online.


Anyhow, I signed up to WWE.com with an Email account and US zip code and I'm struggling to purchase the network. All Network links take me to: http://www.wwe.com/shows/howtowatch But when I click on the yellow "buy now" tab, it just opens up a new identical window. 

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So where extacty does Unblock US come into the equation? I used to have Netflix before it turned God awful, and I'd change the DNS manually to get the US Netflix. The digits would change every month or so, but could be found online.

You can try and find alternate DNS settings if you want, but Unblock US is a constant, reliable one for less than three quid a month.

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So where extacty does Unblock US come into the equation? I used to have Netflix before it turned God awful, and I'd change the DNS manually to get the US Netflix. The digits would change every month or so, but could be found online.

You can try and find alternate DNS settings if you want, but Unblock US is a constant, reliable one for less than three quid a month.



Hi mate, yeah it sounds good. I was doing some more reading up on this (I'm pretty much a novice when it comes to most computery things) and it seems consistent. Like I say, with the USA Netflix I was always having to change the DNS settings. Sometimes it would be hassle when you time your dinner right to sit down and watch something only to find you've been locked out. So yeah, I'll definitely give this a punt. 


Still having trouble signing up to the network on WWE.com though. I've tried on three different computers now and still no luck! 

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Unlocator.com has an odd flaw in that you can register with a totally fictious email account every week, saving you the money. Email addy doesn't even have to exist. I've been using "a@a.com" for months.

Works exactly the same as Unblocker.

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Does anybody else use Apple TV as their main Network source?  I can't seem to watch on there without it stopping to buffer constantly.  I thought it was my ISP for ages, but I've currently got the live stream on both Apple TV and my iPhone and the iPhone stream is working like a dream, while Apple TV won't go 10 seconds without buffering.  Does anybody know what could be causing this?

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Cheers johnnyboy, hadn't really considered that to be a factor.  Although, not long after I made that post I pulled the ethernet cable out and started connecting via wifi and since then it hasn't buffered once, so I'm hoping the ethernet connection on my router is just shit.

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How do I know what show I'm currently watching? It seemed like an Andre/Hogan WM3 special, but it had "WWE COUNTDOWN

Counting down the Top Ten Biggest Blunders ever to happen in WWE history, as voted by the WWE Universe." in the title underneath.


I'm on a PC. How is the huge attendance & success of WM3 a "blunder"?



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