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The Official UKFF RAW Thread...


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Something that's seems to be forgotten is that just because someone is over in NXT doesn't mean it will automatically translate.

The Full Sail crowd are the type that live on the internet reading news sites, watching pretty anything with the word wrestling attached to it. They know a shit tonne about guys before they even get to NXT, so when people like Samoa Joe, Austin Aries and Sami Zayn debuted in NXT, they already have that built-in fanbase.

The debut on this weeks NXT (I won't say who in case people haven't watched yet) is another example. There hasn't been anything to indicate they were coming, but people already knew who he was.


Take The Authors of Pain as an example. They could be great wrestlers, could cut blinding promos, but they don't have the Internet points with the NXT crowd so are automatically heels.

Roode cut that amazing promo on his debut essentially calling them a bunch of fat cargo short wearing neckbeards, yet he's cheered to high heaven because he's known from the magical world of the message boards.

Edited by WyattSheepMask
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I always think Bo Dallas is a great example of the "NXT to Main roster Syndrome"


In NXT he wasn't initially over. My recollection was he was getting heavily booed in the same way Reigns does now, for essentially be The chosen one, and getting a big push. That slowly evolved from a smarmy face nobody liked, because he was shit, into the "BO-LEAVE" thing, and he was SUPER over with the NXT bods. 


Moving him over to the main roster, however, and the other 98% of the wrestling audience, had no idea who he was/what he's about, and just sat there like crickets. The writers soon saw this and he is were he is now.

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I think the NXT brand is loads bigger of a deal than when Bo or Adam Rose came up, as well as dancing Emma. Since Owens, Joe and the first Takeover Brooklyn the brand's got a hell of a lot more over. SO I think the current crop are in a better position to be places further up the card than guys from a couple years ago

Edited by sj5522
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I'd agree that NXT is in a far stronger position but then I look at Sami Zayn. He should be as easy to book as Daniel Bryan in terms of clear cut underdog baby face yet somehow they've struggled. Well, either that or they're just not bothered. Hard to know really.


It's not like guys like Neville who were always questionable on the main roster. He just doesn't have the personality to carry him forward. But Zayn has everything and there's no reason why he shouldn't be having a far better main roster run.

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Well they never really got Bryan right either to be fair, until the fans threw their toys out of the pram.


I've not hated what they've done with Sami, the Strowman stuff has been decent, re-running him v Owens last week was a mistake that didn't help him at all though. He just needs something of a hell of a lot more substance to sink his teeth into, plus mic time. He's stated on TV that he Will be a world champion one day, and I believe him/the company when he said that.

I'm fairly sure we're all supposed to be clamouring for Sami to Smackdown right now. I would have just done that at the brand split, but I think they're making us want it first so it gets a great reaction when it does happen.

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I've read a few people mention he should be booked like Daniel Bryan, but Bryan got over in spite of what WWE were up to, at times. I really like Zayn, but Bryan had something a bit special about him that seemed to make him bulletproof with the fans. A lot of that had to do with his "Yes" chant, of course, and Zayn doesn't have that connection.


Sadly, for most in WWE, if you want to get the main event run, your job is to take their potentially awful writing and turn it into something good, consistently. It's what Bryan did most of the time - Team Hell No was only supposed to be a quick angle, but Kane and Bryan got it over brilliantly. I imagine you need to convince Vince you're worth the investment.

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Sami Zayn to Smackdown might not be the Internet wet dream though. Smackdown has three major heels that babyfaces are being fed to, and Zayn losing to two of those three would cause shitfit city.

Zayn lost to Miz at Survivor Series, and that got the right kind of heat. I would really like to see Corbin v Zayn after the gems Corbin's been busting out with Kalisto lately

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With Big Show coming back on Raw last week I imagine he'll be going against Strowman soon. If Undertaker or Cena aren't wrestling Styles at the Rumble then I would have used Show against Styles as it would have actually felt interesting with the size dynamic between the two and how good Styles has been I think it could be something interesting for Smackdown for a month or two. But they must have Cena or Taker locked for coming back as other than those two, face options for Styles are very slim at the moment.

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Hopefully the New Day lose tonight, the shower of shites.

I really do not see them losing tonight, or the push and promotion for them to break Demolitions record will have been pointless. Maybe next week or the next PPV, but not tonight.

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They tie with Demolition if they retain tonight, so obviously the next time they defend (whether that's Roadblock or Raw) they will have broke the record.


I still see them holding the belts until Mania though.

Edited by Lorne Malvo
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