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He's WCW 4 life, so Vince will probably be screaming at Saxton to remind us he tried to take our milk or something.


Anyway, Goldberg knows his gimmick is about cosmetics, so he'll be juiced out his traps come the time he has to get his tits out. If you listened to his great Austin podcast shows, you'll know he still works hard in the gym.

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I'm sort of with you, HG. I suppose they could probably only get him for the one match, but it would have been nice to see him squash a couple of nothings on the roster before he went on to face Lesnar. They're relying heavily on peoples goodwill of WCW Goldberg and that one time they got it right at Summer Slam, before ruining it with the finish.


Still, I never thought I'd get to see Goldberg at it again, so I'll take what I can get. Even if it's the WWE Goldberg with that entrance music.

Edited by ColinBollocks
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Part of me wants him to come out next week and just get battered by Lesnar purely to break the internet.


My WCW fan would prefer a tense staredown, Lesnar tries to blindside him and gets speared.


I like Goldberg but have no interest in seeing Lesnar (presumably) get his W back. Thinking about it theres no-one on the roster i would particularly like to see him in with instead though which is a shame

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With Strowman asking for more competition, I just hope we're not getting Goldberg coming in and smashing him in 30 seconds to build Goldberg for Lesnar.


You know when we complain about Part-timers always looking like much bigger stars than full timers . . . this 100% agree with.


Sad fact is I think they might just do it.

Edited by Wrasslin
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I'm excited for Goldberg vs. Brock, but I can't imagine what type of match they'll have. Bill isn't exactly young. I can't see him agreeing to getting thrown on his head a dozen or so times.


It reminds me, wasn't where a Scott Steiner vs. Goldberg match in the Summer of 2000 that everyone raved about? Where it was just two blokes beating the piss out of each other? I remember hearing about it, but I've never seen it. I might seek it out on the Network.


I find it interesting that Meltzer is reporting that they aren't saving it for Wrestlemania because they already have plans for Brock at Wrestlemania. What opponent could they possibly have in mind that's bigger than Goldberg? Samoa Joe, maybe? Nakamura? Who am I kidding, it'll probably be Roman, won't it?


Let's all be honest though. Anything involving Goldberg is going to live or die based solely on what music he comes out to next week. If it's his classic WCW music, then I'm in. If it's the shitty WWE version then its 2003 all over again. You might as well pop Goldust's wig on him and wheel a fat, bloated version of Tripe H out, wearing cycling shorts, with a stupid handlebar moustache, to ruin his momentum entirely.

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Christ, I'd forgotten about Shane.


It's going to be Brock vs. Shane at Mania, isn't it?

I'd assume so, yeah. Unless we get lucky and they do that at the Rumble and then go with Shane bringing in somebody (Joe) to take out Lesnar at Mania. But that might be wishful thinking.


I'm really excited for Goldberg coming back, I know they are even more likely to screw it up this time as the last time, but i'll be excited about it anyway for as long as I can. Never did think we would see Big Bill make a comeback, even if it is only a couple of appearances, for one match, with his shit music.

Edited by WeeAl
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It reminds me, wasn't where a Scott Steiner vs. Goldberg match in the Summer of 2000 that everyone raved about? Where it was just two blokes beating the piss out of each other? I remember hearing about it, but I've never seen it. I might seek it out on the Network.

Fall Brawl 2000. How the fuck have you not see it? Get it watched.


There is no upside to Braun Strowman beyond this jobber squashing stuff. Goldberg murdering him is fine by me.

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Only thing that matters is if he'll still have his crap 2003 fed theme, or his proper WCW one.The success of this run all hinges on that!


Also, is this the last proper star they can bring back? barring Austin lacing up the boots again that is.

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