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The Official UKFF RAW Thread...


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She is, but it's all too samey as Pitcos says. They really could do with Paige to break things up- I can't even remember whether she's heel or face but she hasn't had a proper programme with any of the three horsewomen there has she? Same with Nia Jaxx. There's two new feuds off the bat, regardless of whether she is heel or face.

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I think Charlotte has improved a great deal since she dumped her old man, but Pitcos is right about the lack of fresh matches for her, if you've bothered with NXT. They run the risk of doing a Cena/Orton-style burnout of the Sasha feud should they continue for the rest of the year.

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She is, but it's all too samey as Pitcos says. They really could do with Paige to break things up- I can't even remember whether she's heel or face but she hasn't had a proper programme with any of the three horsewomen there has she? Same with Nia Jaxx. There's two new feuds off the bat, regardless of whether she is heel or face.

Paige and Charlotte feuded last year. They even got to main event Raw with a promo battle once, and Paige did the "lol ur smackhead brother is dead" stuff that people kicked off about. But Paige with Sasha or Bailey is new to me.

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Charlottes something incredible when you look at how few years I she is. Rics daughter or not, she's a natural these days with the ropes. Dana there helping her stay heel needs to stay or she will end up baby face

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It'll be interesting to see when Cesaro/Sheamus get their title match. 


They'll be known as Sheasaro in a couple of weeks.

Sheamus will want them to be Sheasaro, Cesaro will want them to be Cemus. They will win the tag belts at the first time of asking in spite of the repeated failure of the more experienced and much hyped Gallows & Anderson just to piss off the internet fans.

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Truly the Brad Armstrong of our era.


On a more positive note, loved the cruiser tag match this week. Cedric totally lost Lince on the lumbar check but it looked awesome. Swann's charisma is fantastic, can't help but like the guy. More of that. Sticking Tony Nese out there for so long was asking for trouble, and trouble they got.


It does bring me to an interesting point - who the fuck are these fans these days? You'd attribute shit like "CM Punk" and "Randy Savage" chants to smart marks, and yet here was TJ Perkins, the Cruiserweight Division that is something designed specifically for them, that is actually good action, and they're vocally shitting on it. If it was dead silence and a crowd in Biloxi or something like that you'd just say - they're casual fans, don't know who they are, no personality established, and it'd be fair enough, you could just rag on the booking. But something about this just shook me. It's like you've got the true "smart mark" internet fan types that love wrestling, criticise when something is wrong, but also care more than anyone. Then you have this separate breed of WWE die-hard "smart marks" who are completely different and see things through their own lens. These are the assholes chanting "You deserve it", "This is Awesome" and "Fight Forever" any chance they get.


Oh my God. I've figured it out.


They're the Impact Zone fans. The types who think they're the best and smartest of all, do their little fake enthusiasm chants because it's their cue to be involved, but are actually blindingly ignorant and get exposed on occasion for the morons they are. It's not the die-hards taking over TV and PPVs. It's the people that chanted "Hoyt, Hoyt, Hoyt" and "Whaaaaao, Aaaaabyss" in 2006. What has this business become.

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On a more positive note, loved the cruiser tag match this week. Cedric totally lost Lince on the lumbar check but it looked awesome. Swann's charisma is fantastic, can't help but like the guy. More of that. Sticking Tony Nese out there for so long was asking for trouble, and trouble they got.


Yep, another really enjoyable match. Cedric looks like a star, he is definitely coming across as 'the man' of that division right now. Oozes charisma. And yes, Swann is insanely likeable.


I thought Tony Nese looked good, his spots seemed to wake the crowd up a bit. I don't think it was TJP's best outing. He's definitely destined for a heel run at some point, his cockiness that he occasionally showed during the CWC seemed more natural than his 'I've worked hard to get here, this is my dream' shtick.

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I watch on that amazing Raw in 10 minutes Youtube page so I might have missed it, but has the thing with TJP's key round his neck come up yet? That's an absolute gift for a babyface isn't it, especially if it's even remotely true. You could call it his Key to Victory or some shite and knock them out for a fiver a go at shows. Like when Bret had a necklace with himself on at Survivor Series '94 as well as his shades.

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Another not particularly interesting show this week. Nothing bad just a bit dull really. Obviously one pretty big story in the main event but I feel like we already saw this recently so it didn't resonate at all this time.


Owens line that New Day jumped the shark 7 months ago was amusing. Woods' response "Look at you. When did you last jump over anything?" was brilliant.


Everything just feels so smooth and sanitised on the shows. There's a real lack of reality and spontaneity. The Reigns and Rusev stuff was an example. They had that brawl that felt like a match without a ref rather than a brawl. Lana tells Reigns to "Go to hell" a load of times and then Reigns comes back with the attack on the stage and announces "I will go to hell and I'm taking you with me. Hell in a Cell blah, blah". I imagine someone writing this shit really thinks they're cute.


Rollins sit down interview was fucking dire. I hate Seth Rollins. I've never seen such a bland, talentless fuck pushed to this level in all the years I've been watching. Compared to Rollins, Lex Luger in 1993 was The Rock five years early. His voice lacks bass and everything he says sounds like a whine. It's like listening to a teenage girl whose had her iPhone confiscated. There's nothing interesting about him whatsoever and his current disposition being that he's slightly less of a chickenshit than Kevin Owens doesn't help at all. That fucking pedigree on Chris Jericho was the shits an' all.


I like the story they are telling with Brian Kendrick but not the pace it's flying by at. Nice promo for it though. Sheamus and Cesaro are having fun with their stuff. Sheamus kicking Cesaro's clothes because the Twat siren interrupted his entrance was a lovely touch.


I wish Owens & Jericho were a permanent addition to the tag division.


Forgot, Emma looked fit as fuck on her vignette. Not sure anyone whose name rhymes with Semolina is getting over though.

Edited by tiger_rick
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Jericho was the show again. He's actually getting better each week. Ashton Kutcher and Hyde from That 70s Show weren't half bad on commentary, either. Which says all sorts about the actual commentary team.

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