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Thankfully thay are doing this title unification at TLC and not dragging it out until Mania. Unless, Vince somewhow gets involved and stops the titles being unified altogether?


That isn't what is happening though, for the next 3 weeks they will tease that fact that one man will leave as both WWE and World Champion, when in reality they will probably just switch the titles around and call the match a draw.



The following are highlights from the latest sit-down interview between Triple H and Michael Cole from the official WWE website:


On the goal behind unifying the belt at the WWE TLC PPV: "The goal is one champion. The goal being one champion at the end of the night. One Undisputed WWE champion. Let's face it - with the brand extension no longer in effect, there is no need for two champions; we only need one... I want there to be one Undisputed WWE champion; the championship that was held by all the greats. Bruno Sammartino, (Bob) Backlund, Bret (Hart), (Hulk) Hogan, Shawn Michaels, Rock, (Steve) Austin, myself, Cena. All the greats. I want there to be one champion who represents this company going into the new year."

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"I want"... "The goal is"... Not "There will be."


And (being nitpicky) Cena was never undisputed WWE Champion. He won the WWE title long after the undisputed title was in existence. You'd think Triple H, of all people, would have a better handle on title lineage- he was the first World champion when the titles were split between brands.

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Not even seen RAW but I love the idea of finally unifying the titles and having one champion again.


I thought they were gonna go with Cena/Orton at Wrestlemania but if they have other plans and are doing it now then I have no complaints. Either way, I doubt they're gonna do this now and then do the same match with the same stipulation for Mania.

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I wonder if they'll do a bullshit finish here, then book the actual unification for Mania and then be surprised that it doesn't draw.


The Battleground fiasco was only last month.

Even WWE wouldn't book two bullshit finishes to ppv Main Events twice in 3 months .... would they? :(

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I wonder if they do a shitty finish it'll lead to Vince coming back to complain that under HHH and Stephs reign there keeps being controversy and screwy finishes and he isnt happy and is back to sort it out leading to the power struggle?


But really I reckon there will be one champion thats clearly what HHH said, I cant see them doing another dodgy finish it'll piss to many people off if it happens again

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Nothing makes sense and nobody matters anyway. When even Punk and Bryan are getting mildish reactions you're fucking up. The Miz and especially Titus were tremendous in that segment but they don't stand a chance. This was TNA shit. The Wyatt's will be a full blown comedy act in a few months.


The opener was a great little match though. Nice to see other Shield guys getting the win. The bit where Rollins got straight back up after taking Rey's bum slam thingy annoyed me but I'd like to see them two at it again before Rey falls apart, again.

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WWE already advertising a title unification match for an MSG house show as well as the PPV, which is of course impossible without at least one screwy finish. Not sure if they are incompetent or just outright trolling at this stage.

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Seems like a waste to unify the titles on the poxy December PPV though.


They could have at least cobbled together some sort of one night tournament with recent former WWE and World champions.


Like the only other time in history this has ever happened before?


It might be a waste but it's also a draw, if they did it at Royal Rumble or Wrestlemania, the event has already sold itself, the dangling of a title unification match isn't going to add much buys to the 1 million Mania is going to get regardless and similar with the Rumble where it might spark a bit of added interest but generally the Rumble match sells itself and is the main drawing point


Now the TLC PPV is usually pretty low despite IMO usually being fairly decent but the thought of a TLC unification match should of booked right with some decent video packages of the history and importance of the title could increase the buyrate on the normal 175,000-200,000 that the event usually draws.


I'd say they are going with the unification and wont be a double title switch, It might be a screwy finish but one man almost Certainly Orton in that case would leave with both belts, quietly becoming 1 belt soon after.

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We have the Authority booking two handicap matches for the PPV. AJ Lee jobs again. Tons of Funk vs Woods/Truth again. Del Rio loses to Sin Cara. Bryan gets abducted but is back no bother. Big Show gets a concussion angle, but is back the week after.


What the hell is going on?

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