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The Official UKFF RAW Thread...


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For weeks they've been telling us they're making Darren Young great - AGAIN! And his much anticipated (slight exaggeration) return to the ring, he doesn't even get an introduction to the telly viewers. I didn't even notice him in the match until Cole pointed out Backlund was there to watch him. I do like the way he won though, it was different rather than get to the last three, x wrestler eliminates y while z runs in behind to eliminate y. JBL confusing Apollo Crews for Titus O'Neill, good fucking god! Miz was Miz on commentary and is doing a great job as IC champ, I hope he retains against Young.


Had a horrible thought Del Rio would win it when they were banging on about him being outside the ring but not eliminated. Expected him to knock about outside the ring then do the sneak attack and win. 


Sheamus and Ryder is an odd one. Sheamus is kicking shit out of Ryder for the benefit of Rusev, who just a couple of months had a big falling out with Sheamus with the League of Nations thing. Sheamus, only a few weeks ago, had issues with the stars of the "new era" yet he's now got a paddy on with Ryder who's been on the main roster longer than he has. 


Breezango picking up a victory was a welcome sight and they weren't in the same ring as Golden Truth, another welcome sight. Lucha Dragons most definitely going different ways in the draft with Kalisto getting a renewed push of sorts and Sin Cara probably going back to NXT or another low-rung tag team. Breeze and Fandango could have a wail of a time with little skits though.


Rollins and Ambrose in the same ring is always enjoyable. To give Ambrose all the credibility in the world, he has to be the number one pick in the draft.


Owens not going out to wrestle until Zayn was removed from commentary was the sort of chicken shit heel move that isn't used often enough anymore. Then taking pleasure in waving Sami goodbye was great as well, as was Sami going right after KO. The match with Cesaro was a good wrestling match but with nothing riding on it, nobody really cared. Disappointed at no Jericho involvement after he's sort of been entwined with this feud for a while now. Cesaro is just stuck going nowhere.


Titus going up against Heath Slater is worth watching for nobody in all honesty. Has the reason they're called the Social Outcasts ever been explained? The Oddities looked odd and like they were social outcasts, Slater, Dallas and Axel don't. Or is it in relation to social media? Either way, the name doesn't fit.


Having not seen the Final Deletion match between Matt and Jeff Hardy, I didn't see how New Day and the Wyatt's compared. What I will say though, I liked the idea but not the execution. It looked cheap and just shit really. More things like this is a good idea as long as they're executed better. 


Enzo & Cass against the Club shows the faith they have in the recent NXT call ups. Get them over in a similar way that the Outlaws did, give them schtick that the crowd can get involved with. It's amazing how many times those sort of things work. The finish to the match was predictable in all honesty but the surprise of Cena wasn't - hence surprise. And the crowd were well into it, which always help any part of any show.


Sasha and Dana are just worlds apart in terms of quality so having them go at it again is not all that inspiring. Nor was Vince's decision at the end of the show. It could be seen from a mile off that it was gonna be Shane on one show and Steph on the other. When he said "commissioner" I did get hopeful it'd be Regal or at the very least Foley. But nah. My choice for GM's would be Bischoff on RAW, Heyman on SmackDown.


The masterminds behind WCW and ECW fighting for telly ratings for the mastermind of WWE.

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It's the McMahons, just look at fucking Steph prancing around the ring Yes'ing, it's not heel heat it's a massive cringe festival of the highest order.


I have never liked Shane, he is a terrible terrible actor, he can't emote, everything is forced. He is good for falling from high places.


Vince just needs to be away from this and definitely off TV, I'm not knocking the guy, you cannot beat time, you can't, he is 70 years old, fucking SEVENTY. I think to myself, would I let my old man go on TV, would I fuck, I don't let him come to the pub with me he's only 62 but he's loopy, he got lost in  Morrisons last week.

Wasn't that the point? I personally thought Stephanie doing her own Yes chant around the ring was top work. Her delusional, out of touch character would think the crowd would be well up for a Yes chant after she got the Raw job. She then followed it up by nearly falling on her arse on the way up to the ramp, which was again good work, even if she didn't mean it. Being a McMahon I bet she no sold it to everybody then went home and beat her stupid shoe with her face.

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If they're bringing GMs back, they should have Chiefs of Staff too. Chief Morley for Smackdown and Chief Holly for RAW.


Tatanka, surely?



An interesting proposition.


Alright. Chief Holly as a heel Chief of Staff on RAW for the Authority, and Chief Tatanka as the face Chief for SD. Leading to a Chief vs. Chief match at some PPV at the Kansas City Chiefs' stadium, for the prestigious title of Chief of Chiefs.


Y'know, if you write the word "Chief" often enough, it starts looking like it's spelt incorrectly.

Edited by Carbomb
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Wow, the majority are slating WWE and praising TNA. I think we've gone back 6 years.


Other than the Cena, Enzo, Cass / The Club section and Ryder being interesting with Rusev, Strowman was the highlight of this show. He looked a lot bigger than usual and that roar was tremendous.

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That was definitely Strowman's finest hour. He looked great in that brawl. Terrible idea to broadcast it the week after the superb TNA madness though. It didn't really do anything to further the story, either.


Fair play to them, almost everything on the show they tried to present a reason for. It does seem like they're trying again, creatively. But they're either not trying very hard or they're inept.


I'm enjoying Breezango a lot, I hope they're getting some chances to shine after the split. Conversely, I've found Sasha Banks since her return to be quite shit. Her voice is awful, the way she pronounces words with a "t" in them makes me want to vomit. It used to bother me with Vickie Guerrero as well. "Randy Or'on."


The Brock talking about SummerSlam clip was laughable.


It was a bad show, but a step in the right direction in a way.

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WWE gets slated every week. It deserves it sometimes too. I've no problem with people calling a crap show a crap show. I just don't understand the people who seemingly watch the shows expecting something else. We know what it is by now. Moaning about the same stuff everyweek or posting massive whinges like that WWE Overload thread aren't going to change that. Some people seriously need to find something else to do with their time.

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Agreed. I only watch the PPVs and not the Raws and Smackdowns as nothing I've read on here has shown that things have changed. I sometimes don't bother with PPVs either. It's been that way for a couple of years at least. I barely watched Raw in the build up to Mania this year too.

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Real Minor Gripe 


But it bugged the Hell out of me that they insisted on calling it ''Smackdown Live'' Every time they made mention of Smackdown


Yes we know its Live now but we don't go around calling it ''Raw Live'' Just call it Smackdown please


Like I said silly gripe


Thought Raw was Ok for what it was, That Cena pop was Massive and the entire crowd seemed to be happy to see him


Next weeks Raw will be interesting with the WWE Title Match and the GMs being named for each show, It was obvious it was gonna be Shane and Steph for the 2 roles of leading the shows but adding in a GM position as well at least adds some intrique as to who they might pick, assume Shane will choose a Face and Steph a Heel. 

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Real Minor Gripe 


But it bugged the Hell out of me that they insisted on calling it ''Smackdown Live'' Every time they made mention of Smackdown


Yes we know its Live now but we don't go around calling it ''Raw Live'' Just call it Smackdown please


Like I said silly gripe


But it's going to be called Smackdown LIVE from now on. They've already shown the new logo.

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Quite a good show this week. Most segments seemed to be going somewhere. I'm a fan of Battle Royals so I enjoyed the opener. Called the Darren Young win the second I saw Backlund but I enjoyed what they did with the finish. Young sold it beautifully.


I liked the New Day/Wyatts stuff. It paled in comparison to the Final Deletion so whoever booked it to happen this close wants a red hot poker up the arse but relative to the mundane shit on Raw most weeks, it was really good. Not entirely sure what the point was but not that bothered.



Agreed with both these points, there's some right whinging bastards this week thought it was a very good show after no doubt a bit of a stinker last week. Loved the DY thing and it was interesting to begin Raw that way rather than some talking. The finish was great! Never seen a battle royal end without the winner Looking Strong, so one ending this way is fine. There's now intrigue in the Darren Young thing that I don't think you'd get had he chucked Baron Corbin out. Agreed with rick that DY's selling of it was great, very understated and him gradually showing more emotion as the crowd began to chant his name felt real, really happy for him. The Miz is such a good heel that this momentum could continue, who knows.


I was a bit disappointed there was no ripple of a TNA chant after the New Day/Wyatt thing, fair one, they are ripping it off a bit but different is good and I thought it was pretty good. Not like they were also trying to make it funny or give someone some mad accent - it's the exact type of thing people have been screaming for for the Wyatts to be doing, and I thought it was pretty creepy at points, Strowman looks quite something when you don't expose his flaws. Really interested in the New Day again and how they react. Wyatts dominating tag scene and having more regular insight into them on a Smackdown that's been overhauled visually sounds really good actually - wouldn't even mind a Sister Abigail thing down the line but there's no reason why they should have done it already, I've changed my tune on both teams since this feud first began. Philjax why are you talking about Decay hahah? Generic kreepy faction with a Sexxy Lady plopped in charge, because TNA's women's division is so great right now.... Think our tastes are completely different mate


Ryder is lowkey a good underdog babyface, I have no issue with him. He won't win but he might get close, it's wrestling. Rusev looked fucking brilliant. I ACCEPT YOUR CHALLENGE!

The Cena pop was brilliant. Enzo turned Cena face lol. Honestly it's him, Styles and Nakamura in terms for my absolute favourites going anywhere right now, I've never loved Cena more than I do right now. And 12 years ago I had a Word Life chain...

Sasha's promo was great.


Really looking forward to this triple threat match, just can't call it and it's got my head all over the place. Roman regaining would be hilarious and hopefully a way to turn the fucker heel. I want Dean to retain though, but if I had to predict I would say Rollins. Fuck knows, should be great tho.


I watch this shit cos I like it, lads. Dunno about youse.

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Vince just needs to be away from this and definitely off TV, I'm not knocking the guy, you cannot beat time, you can't, he is 70 years old, fucking SEVENTY. I think to myself, would I let my old man go on TV, would I fuck, I don't let him come to the pub with me he's only 62 but he's loopy, he got lost in  Morrisons last week.

The difference is Vince would kick the shit out of you if you got in his way. There was nothing wrong with him this week, he built my intrigue in this brand split very well.

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WWE gets slated every week. It deserves it sometimes too. I've no problem with people calling a crap show a crap show. I just don't understand the people who seemingly watch the shows expecting something else. We know what it is by now. Moaning about the same stuff everyweek or posting massive whinges like that WWE Overload thread aren't going to change that. Some people seriously need to find something else to do with their time.

I'll admit that my Overload thread was a bit of a massive whinge. I think most of us are just passionate fans who miss a time where it was exciting and must see TV. You're right though, no amount of fans complaining on a message board will change things.


Who knows, things may pick up at some point. If not you can always look to that little Soundstage 21 in Orlando for some mad Hardy Boyz videos. I'm honestly still laughing at some of that, shows where my mind is at these days!

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Vince just needs to be away from this and definitely off TV, I'm not knocking the guy, you cannot beat time, you can't, he is 70 years old, fucking SEVENTY. I think to myself, would I let my old man go on TV, would I fuck, I don't let him come to the pub with me he's only 62 but he's loopy, he got lost in  Morrisons last week.

The difference is Vince would kick the shit out of you if you got in his way.


Maybe 20 years ago aye, today he struggles to get in the ring. He's finished, both as a booker and on screen character.

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