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The Official UKFF RAW Thread...


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I finished watching it there this evening, and have to say, I hardly remember any of it already. Hated the stuff with the New Day, which is getting to be the norm these days - cringeworthy rather than funny.


Heel Miz is great in the mid card at being a proper heel that you want to see get beat up and lose. Even against Kane.


I liked the highlight reel segment, thought everyone did a good job there. Even dowm to Owens wearing trousers for a talkie and Zayn being serious on his ring walk, instead of only turning the serious face on once the promo started.

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Heel Miz is great in the mid card at being a proper heel that you want to see get beat up and lose. Even against Kane.


He's not QUITE that good. A mystery opponent for the IC title had me drooling for what must have been at least an hour so when Kane came out it had me cussing.

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Raw was alright this week. 


Quite enjoyed the Seth/Cena & Styles/Ambrose matches but its so predictable that when 'The Club' cost Cena that Cena is then going to cost Styles in the later match. I did think the end of Raw was quite cool when you had the club on the top of the ramp beating down on Cena & Seth doing the same to Ambrose with the camera panning between both. Cute little touch. 


The New Day - I am a big fan of them but do think they have run out of ideas and opponents, I think it would be good to split them up now, but whilst they still make money they won't do. I also think it could be cool (in a wacky WWE way) if they do something with Woods in this whole Wyatt feud, they made it look as though he was under Wyatts control or something. 


Battleground looks as though it should be a card suited for Summerslam, so I am wondering whether the roster split might change the card or put the card back a month or so? It may sound a bit WTF but they could easily use Battleground as a PPV between the two brands and then use have the shield triple threat, Cena/AJ, Owens/Zayn the following month for Summerslam. 


You could even have Seth try and do all he can saying Roman is suspended and shouldn't have a title shot after 30 days and then have Shane/Steph say the match is now at Summerslam. Then just do a brand v brand thing at Battleground. 

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I cant see how they could do a Brand V Brand PPV at Battleground with the Draft taking place on the Smackdown before, There would be no time to make or plan any Match ups whatsoever


The whole PPV would just be Random Guy vs Random Guy with no reason whatsoever behind it other then 5 days before they were drafted to different shows.


Still not quite sure why they didn't have the draft on the week after Battleground

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Probably so the announcers can go on about "last chances" in matches for the IC and us title.


What I don't like is they haven't announced anything but the fact Shane and Steph want control of both. We've only got 2 weeks left it would be nice for some announcements on TV about how shit will work

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All? Not all. Some would be nice, build up and answer a few questions week by week. We are only just over 2 weeks away and this is fairly close (at least normal people would see it that way). Questions about teams staying together and who will be in control of each brand would have been better answered a week or so ago. Then you can have scouting, persuading superstars to join brands. Plenty of other things could be done to promote it and further the interest than what has been done.

Edited by simonworden
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Fair point, I've got a little mixed up in my head it's been a long day. I mean the other way around with superstars wanting to be picked. Although without knowing exactly how it could be done, in my opinion scouting a letting g superstars gave a say would make them look like bigger commodities and not cattle.

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It's a draft. You don't need to persuade the superstars to go to a brand, they need to go where they're selected to go.


To be fair, they didn't always hold to that narrative. I remember them making angles about Steph pulling out the stops to sign Scott Steiner, and signing Brock Lesnar to a Smackdown-only contract, leading to Bischoff introducing the WHC.

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All? Not all. Some would be nice, build up and answer a few questions week by week. We are only just over 2 weeks away and this is fairly close (at least normal people would see it that way). Questions about teams staying together and who will be in control of each brand would have been better answered a week or so ago. 


Why would they have been better answered a week ago? Because idiots have no patience?

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