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The Official UKFF RAW Thread...


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Jericho wasn't mad. He needed to get himself disqualified.

Of course he was mad. Its obvious he was pissed off. If he wanted to get himself DQ'd he'd have done as soon as he found out Neville was hurt, instead of rolling him up, having the ref count to 2 and then DQ himself. It was an obvious cock up by the ref.
Nah. Once he hears he's hurt , he pretends to ask if he's ok, then rolls him up. Doesn't get the pin do pushes the ref and screams he's hurt! Getting himself DQd. I imagine he was meant to get DQd and beat Neville down for an AJ save. Hence his post match promo of "you drove me to it"


Jericho is a pro, and he's worked you.

You're working yourself. Why the hell would Jericho scream "he's hurt!" at a ref out of anything but blind range? Kayfabing concern for your opponent is a pretty shit way to get a disqualification a week into your new dastardly villain run.


Vince really, really needs to stop the whole "that all you got for ol' Vinny Mac?!" prompts in front of his dying crowds. It's genuinly embarrassing.

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And why would heel Jericho be so concerned with Neville being hurt?


You can clearly hear him say 'HE'S HURT, HE'S HURT MOTHERFUCKER'.


There was nothing about it, up to and including the rushed calling for the bell and awkward standoff that seemed remotely stage managed.


It was a breakdown in communication.

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So you think the ref DQs him because he pushed him?


He fakes concern, rolls him up, doesn't get pin so shoves ref and screams he's hurt.


It's so clear he is working.


So Jericho, the heel, decided the best thing to do in the situation was to make himself look like a babyface by showing concern for his injured colleague and trying to put legit heat on the Referee? How does that make sense? I know kayfabe is dead but I'm not sure Vince would approve of him getting into an argument about the finish on live tv either.


He was either legitimately pissed off or he's deeply stupid.

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It's a bit mad that of all the moves in his repertoire that could've put Neville on the shelf, it turns out to be a baseball slide. Shame, his match with Owens last week was absolutely terrific. Here's hoping when he comes back he's given something resembling a programme.


The League of Nations beat down was really good. Shit faction really, but the tag division is the right place for them and I like the 'THE LADS!' thing they do. New Day's face turn has been messy to say the least with that terrible E&C segment at Fastlane but that was a great way to cement it.


Love Sami Zayn and am confident his excellent acting, storytelling and selling will get him over, but I think he definitely needs a new finisher. I do like the name Helluva Kick though.


Trying to sink my teeth into that weird Lana/Brie feud and then they overcomplicate it with shitty Paige for presumably no real reason other than Paige and Lana's real life beef, remember that?


HHH's 'LOL you guys are losers, here's what you do' promos are getting fucking tedious. Ziggler was shit. The match was okay. Weird angle though, if Ziggler could face 'anyone' at Wrestlemania who would even be an appropriate opponent to handpick? Everyone of pretty much any worth is on the shelf or in matches already.

Reigns was decent, he's a good ass-kicker but obviously too little too late. The Rumble really fucked him and heel is the only way to go from here. Needs to happen either at Mania or the night after. When they were backstage and The Usos popped up I was begging that Reigns would twat them out of the way. That would've really sold the "Reigns has lost it!" stuff for me, as it was it was nothing we didn't see at TLC


Foley doing the only useful thing he's done in yonks - I'm sure he would rather be Becky Lynch's manager for no reason at all though. That barbie segment was great. Could not be more hyped for Ambrose/Lesnar after that.


Fuck these Golden Truth segments. I guess they're achieving their aim though as I really want to see them tag now just to fucking get it over with already. Aagh!


Heel Dudleyz becoming 10 time champs beating New Day after Mania would be pretty good. Would be a great way to debut Enzo & Cass against them too.


Shane and Taker segment was a bit of a carwreck in all honesty but I have to say I'm still enjoying it for the sheer surrealism. I'm satisfied enough with the bizarre storyline. The boss makes a match - it happens. Taker fights for pride, especially at Mania and doesn't really care who you are. Majority of Taker's Wrestlemania angles have just been responding to a challenge. Shane's stuttering really isn't helping the believability of that match, but fuck knows what they'll pull out of the bag.

Edited by sj5522
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Trying to sink my teeth into that weird Lana/Brie feud and then they overcomplicate it with shitty Paige for presumably no real reason other than Paige and Lana's real life beef, remember that?

It's to shoehorn them all together in a tag match in the stadium as well.

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So you think the ref DQs him because he pushed him?


He fakes concern, rolls him up, doesn't get pin so shoves ref and screams he's hurt.


It's so clear he is working.

So Jericho, the heel, decided the best thing to do in the situation was to make himself look like a babyface by showing concern for his injured colleague and trying to put legit heat on the Referee? How does that make sense? I know kayfabe is dead but I'm not sure Vince would approve of him getting into an argument about the finish on live tv either.


He was either legitimately pissed off or he's deeply stupid.

Jericho the heel hugs HBK, then low blows him.


Jericho the heel checks Neville is ok, then try's a roll up.


Jericho was meant to lose by DQ, and got himself DQd and has you thinking he lost his temper on raw, shoves a ref and starts shouting about him being hurt.


And you think he's not just acting a heel?

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Nah. You watch the video and see Jericho and Little Naitch effing and blinding. That's no work, unless they stupidly thought using the F word would be a good idea.


Yeah, dropping the "motherfucker" too. No way was this an angle. It was a legit verbal fight.


ADDED: Agree with Mungo too.

Edited by bAzTNM#1
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