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I get your point mate, but wouldn't being forced to do demeaning jobs or wear clown suits at WrestleMania actually make a babyface look worse.


They're meant to be the goodies (though I'm sure Bill, Tim and Graham would argue with that) who shouldn't be advocating bullying of that nature. Remember the shit Cena got for torturing Big Johnny that time? Does Reigns come out of a similar situation looking any better for it?

I posted about this recently. Loads of popular babyfaces are arseholes. They key is making sure the heel deserves the commupence and making sure that the punishment fits the crime. Some of the things I suggested maybe tame but this is a tame era. If a guy sparks Steph out next week, she becomes the sympathetic case. If Daddy's rich bitch has to do some demeaning job then it fits. As long as it's sold right, people will buy it. You also don't have to blow your wad in one go. You can have Steph getting her dues in a small way every other month if you like and save the really big deals for the big occassion. Like Rousey decking her at WM.  


If we must have Stephanie and HHH as authority figures, I'd split them up.  Have Stephanie interact exclusively with the Divas and HHH with the Superstars.  At least that way they can be stood up to and still fit the PG rating.

That's a really good idea.

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Given the little week long run of WWE being the tits it'll be interesting to see does any WrestleMania angle get a de facto start during the Slammys a la HBK/Taker.

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Steph needs to study Sensational Sherri tapes. Sherri was an asset to whoever she managed but would forever get her comeuppance for interfering in matches, whether it be getting a bucket of water poured over her head, slapped by another female the babyface had brought to the ring with him (usually Elizabeth), falling on her arse, getting her hair cut or getting knocked off the apron by the heel charging at a moving babyface.

Sure, she'd get the occassional atomic drop or press-slam but you'd always cheers the face that did it because you knew she deserved it. She made sure her taking a bump was always a last resort.


Steph getting speared by Reigns on Monday would have got a huge pop (they were in Philly for Christs sake) and nobody could argue she wouldn't have deserved it. Sadly, that was never going to happen.

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So she chops the balls off everyone she can, buries anyone she gets the chance to, all for her to wear a clown suit at Wrestlemania? None of those ideas give anything back to the wrestlers she saps the life from.


It's a wrestling show, it's a show about fighting. If it can't build to a match where she puts someone over they shouldn't pile heat on her. It's pointless. She hasn't made a single star, just made the product a chore to watch and made all the wrestlers look like bitches

Well, fucking obviously, hence the discussion.


And the commupence doesn't have to be physical. It has to be sold as being utterly humiliating and the people in the crowd will enjoy the fuck out of it. If the person putting her in that position is someone on their way up, then they can make a star. But they're not trying so they won't.

A comeuppance should be physical, because it's a show about fighting. Stories involving main talent should revolve around them looking like people you want to see fight. I don't understand how being bullied by a woman for a year only to embarrass her once makes anyone look good at fighting. The crowd will chuckle at her being humiliated, but it's not going to create matches that sell tickets

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I don't ever see the point in building mad amounts of heat for any character that can't get in the ring for a proper match.


It's one thing for Vince or Triple H to be the evil, heel boss with loads of heat, because eventually (back in the day, in the case of Vince) they'd get in the ring and have a match. Whether that's Austin and Vince beating WCW in the ratings by teasing a match for the main event of RAW and then their PPV cage match the next year, or Triple H getting in the ring with Bryan or Punk (ignoring the shit booking in the Punk one).


If Steph wants to be the heel bitch boss on TV every bloody week it should be in the woman's division, so if things build to a head she can either get her arse kicked in an angle or actually build up to a match. As it is she just makes the blokes look like fucking wimps. It was the same thing when they seemed hell-bent on making heel announcer Michael Cole the most hated man in the company - despite the fact that he had zero interest in being an in-ring talent. It's just a total waste of heat. 

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Stephanie needs to study her own tapes. She was great in 2000 and 2001. A real asset.

I think that's only because she ended up getting a Rock Bottom, Stunner and Pedigree now and then. I doubt you'd think that if she had got no comeuppance at all.

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Booking Steph should be a piece of piss, she gets heat and passes it, vicariously, to a heel she's knocking about with.

She finally gets humiliated, directly or vicariously, and you make a big face because they finally dished something back out.


If i remember right Vicki winged and got heat in an edge taker feud, then taker press slammed her onto edge, charvo et al. She looked a fool and it made me cheer taker like a trooper, yet I think it was post match and he lost.

Edited by Tommy!
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Stephanie needs to study her own tapes. She was great in 2000 and 2001. A real asset.

I think that's only because she ended up getting a Rock Bottom, Stunner and Pedigree now and then. I doubt you'd think that if she had got no comeuppance at all.



Yeah but she also got outsmarted, the piss taken out of her and made to look foolish as well constantly. The babyfaces didn't just stand their like idiots while she slapped them around.

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I've always hated when men beat up women in wrestling. I wonder when the last time it happened on WWE TV?

I couldn't tell you because they had the face male get one over on the heel female without violence for a good while before and after the "hit women for heat" spell in the attitude era.

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