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Oh Roman... :mellow:


All the best Champions hold their titles upside down.


Great Raw, and great finish. I'm less optimistic they won't flush all of this good will towards Reigns down the drain, but as it stands it's hard to argue with putting the belt on Sheamus after all. He really was such an awful choice to have it, I honestly feel part of the reaction is just because Reigns has took it from him. Hopefully Reigns doesn't find himself as the heel in all of his upcoming programmes.  


Is Daniel Bryan (secretly) fit as a fiddle and good to go for the Rumble? I'd love Reigns to despatch HHH at the Rumble, then have those two as your title match for Wrestlemania. You wouldn't even need to give Bryan his fairytale comeback, they could even turn Reigns heel out of desperation for keeping the title. If Bryan's not in good condition, I'd want Reigns/Lesnar 2 for the title, personally. Brock as a surprise Rumble winner isn't out of the question is it?

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Is Daniel Bryan (secretly) fit as a fiddle and good to go for the Rumble? I'd love Reigns to despatch HHH at the Rumble, then have those two as your title match for Wrestlemania. You wouldn't even need to give Bryan his fairytale comeback, they could even turn Reigns heel out of desperation for keeping the title. If Bryan's not in good condition, I'd want Reigns/Lesnar 2 for the title, personally. Brock as a surprise Rumble winner isn't out of the question is it?



Why would you turn Reigns heel when he is finally over as the super face they want him to be? That would be madness right now. I imagine we might get HHH vs Reigns at the Rumble with Cena winning the Rumble. You then have Cena trying to match the record or Reigns cementing his place as the top guy.

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They need to put him against people he will definitely get cheered against. So Sheamus, Khonnor, Viktor, Sheamus again, and, erm, Sheamus again?

Rusev, Del Rio. You can turn a tide to get cheers if you actually book him right.

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Book him against Sheamus, Rusev and Del Rio as his fist three feuds and you're essentially hanging a sign round his neck saying 'Midcard champion, folks'.


He needs it established early that he's a proper champion.


Once he's finished pissing about with Sheamus, I think he should face Triple H at the Rumble and a returning Cena at Mania. Or Brock.


Just keep him in with the big boys.

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Every fucker's midcard. However if you book the new champion to only defend against big-name part-timers or Cena, then they all stay midcard.

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Yeah, I don't think there's any chance they can keep getting him cheered, so it would be pointless to try. You might as well get a couple of Sheamus-level guys and Triple H beat whilst he has reasonable babyface momentum, because at the moment Lesnar, Cena, Bryan or any true genuinely liked top level face starts sniffing around again, he'll be toast.


He can still be the WWE's great future hope, but I reckon they've actually got over the biggest hurdle just getting him over again. Over as a face, or heel, it's all gravy for the time being. The long, Hogan/Austin/Cena face run they desperately want from him doesn't have to be right now.

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They've basically got to have everyone he faces be explicitly aligned with the McMahons. The bounty idea I've read in different places is a good one - have different guys taking the money to try and take him out.

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Surely Reigns vs HHH at the Rumble is the logical move. Triple H winning the Rumble doesn't make sense.

U could tell the story that since WM last year HHH has been putting every road block in front of Reigns. The Big show, The Wyatts, Sheamus. They have all failed. Reigns beats Sheamus at the RR. There is no one else Triple H can depend on except himslef. He lays out a low card entrant in the back, enters the rumble late and wins. You all failed so I'm gonna get the job done myself!!

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I'm pretty sure they're going to fuck this. Reigns stripped of the title for attacking the owner and COO with the rumble match for the gold. Some loophole from Vince and Steph both physically attacking him first with HHH still being a somewhat active wrestler in the past year or two meaning Roman gets reinstated placed at number 1 after running a League of Nations gauntlet to get into the match. Possibly on the night.


Reigns gets to stand in the ring 1 on 1 as 30 is announced, either HHH or Lesnar, eventually sets up a Mania rematch of Reigns loses or wins.


It's so shite sounding it's bound to happen.

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They've already changed hands on it and brought back a 70 year old man because they're terrified by losing viewers. Hell Vince getting punched is almost as if them saying "tune in, see what I deserve for not listening to you".


Can easily see them doing it again just so when Reigns finally does beat HHH one on one they can say that he's finally overcome all the odds and deserves to be champion, just in time for Cena to chase tying Flairs reigns.

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I'd be happy with Reigns v Cena at Mania, especially with Cena going for his 16th (is it 16th?) title run. Only problem is that probably means another Cena Rumble win, ugh.

I was trying to think of an outlandish way to get to Reigns v Taker (Everybody fails to stop Reigns, even Triple H, so Trips enlists Taker to beat him at Mania) but that wouldn't work with Reigns remaining a face. Damn.

Edited by Mr.Showtime
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