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Had a great time in Manchester, the closing segment was fantastic. A little annoyed Ric Flair came out and essentially spoiled it before hand, but it was still a great moment to be in the building for.


Eh? How did he spoil it? He just came out to annouce/remind that The Undertaker would be on Smackdown. I myself thought when he came out to say that it must mean Undertaker isnt showing up tonight

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Had a great time in Manchester, the closing segment was fantastic. A little annoyed Ric Flair came out and essentially spoiled it before hand, but it was still a great moment to be in the building for.


Eh? How did he spoil it? He just came out to annouce/remind that The Undertaker would be on Smackdown. I myself thought when he came out to say that it must mean Undertaker isnt showing up tonight



As i hadn't heard Taker was doing Smackdown until that point, i just figured they wouldn't telegraph a return angle like that, thus he must be returning tonight on the bigger of the 2 shows (especially given it was the show closing angle). With follow up on Smackdown. If he hadn't said anything at all, i wouldn't have even considered Taker as an option for Raw.

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First time going to a RAW taping and enjoyed it much more live than watching it at home. Undertaker/Kane turning up was obviously a highlight although I agree with Rick – how does this sell the match now at Survivors?


There were some very strange booking decisions on this show. Like, why is Sheamus either a) in the tournament and b) why would he be trying to progress? It makes no logical sense for him to do anything other than weaken the tournament participants by interfering, attacking them backstage etc. as much as possible to increase his chances of a successful cash in. Hell, they could even tie this in to where Sheamus costs someone their spot in the tournament and then they prevent him successfully cashing in at the end of the night to start a fresh feud. Ambrose would be perfect for this if his bezzy mate Roman was the one to win the belt.


As for the comment above about Roman/H’s – I really liked where Triple H was going with this and I thought he did a good job putting Reigns over – Triple H talking uninterrupted for so long while Reigns stood there like a tool totally killed it for me as I imagine it did with a lot of the rest of the crowd. Then they booked him in a match against Big Show in a match nobody cared about. To me that is a really strange approach to getting the guy over.

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Well, after two good weeks Raw was just a show again. It was kind of there, meandering along. The opening segment - and first match - was HORRIBLE but it carried itself after that.


I didn't like the end, though. You had the Wyatt Family overwhelming the Undertaker and Kane weeks ago, and then Bray Wyatt bragging about stealing their power, and then these two fellas come out and beat up the whole family with no problems. This is supposed to sell a PPV match?

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"Because everybody knows that European magic is gar-barge"


"And Harry Potter sucks!"


"Because New...Day ROCKS!"


I want them all to be joint world champion, serious man crush on all 3, its the best group in years WWE has done. Kofi Kingston is a favourite part of my week's wrestling, who'd have thought you could ever say that?

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The difference in reaction Roman Reigns got in Liverpool at the house show, to what he got an hour away in Manchester for TV was startling. Definitely something to what Meltzer is always reporting about his house show pop.


You're never changing that by putting him in 15 minute segments with Big Show, mind.

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What's the reason behind the different pops though? Are there more kids at house shows? or just more narky/sad twats at TV? Surely the make up of the crowds can't change that much?


I dunno like, I reckon there are a lot more knobheads at TV. Thing is, with a house show at Liverpool you generally just get people from Liverpool going, or close by and most of them kids who have a good time.


At TV, regardless of where it is you get the smart fans travelling from all over, it's why the football stadium of whatvee city they're in always gets booed. I myself have travelled from Nottingham to the Manchester shows, and the train station was rammed when we got in, so many different accents etc. These are people who probably wouldnt go to a house show so I reckon thats why the crowd reaction changes so much.

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The morons don't care about doing stupid chants etc if it's not gonna get on TV. Luckily last night it only lasted for about a match. The piss poor attempt at getting a JBL chant going after the wave was comical. It was like they were looking through their manual to remind themselves what it is they do next.

Edited by The Dart
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I quite enjoyed the show this week, it was nice to have a story running through the whole thing. The opening was classic Triple H 2004 though, just sooooooo loooooong. And as others have said - who cares now the Brothers have cleaned house? Surely the Wyatts dominate them on this show, so that they realise they need another two guys to face them at Survivor Series? Or at the very least take a kicking. Baffling.

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The difference in reaction Roman Reigns got in Liverpool at the house show, to what he got an hour away in Manchester for TV was startling. Definitely something to what Meltzer is always reporting about his house show pop.


You're never changing that by putting him in 15 minute segments with Big Show, mind.


I think it is largely in the booking. When he first came out the reaction wasn't too bad but then have him stand next to Triple H without saying a word for ages and then wrestling big show just made him look like a geek for 30 minutes. Personally I would like to see him freshen up his act a bit as all the shield stuff is a bit stale and isn't as cool with just one guy. A proper entrance, better ring gear and maybe a new theme would help for me. I think they have the right guy, they just haven't put the pieces in the right order yet.

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And the issue is that it doesn't matter how big his house show pops are if he's getting booed on TV. Because that's what gets taped. It's a pain in the arse to book around but you can't ignore it. The only other way would be to offer TV tickets at house shows before they go on Internet sales or something.

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And the issue is that it doesn't matter how big his house show pops are if he's getting booed on TV. Because that's what gets taped. It's a pain in the arse to book around but you can't ignore it. The only other way would be to offer TV tickets at house shows before they go on Internet sales or something.

Without getting into the whole smart crowd argument again, it's not every crowd. Even Cena is over in some towns. Reigns isn't nearly as divisive.


I question whether they care. I really do. Because it doesn't seem that hard to me. When you're in tough cities, don't expose the guy. Have him run in and help people the crowd like. or have people the crowd like run in and help him. Or pre-record some cool shit where he's not standing there waiting to deliver a line. Or have some cunt run his mouth and Reigns just run in, deck him and leave. Or just have him talk shit about Cena.


So many things you could do that don't involve him standing around pulling faces and wrestling the fucking Big Show. Stop having him wrestle meaningless matches on TV. Want him to be money? Tell people he's fucking money. Not outright but make it obvious. You want to see Reigns fight, you pay for it.


I'm starting to come around on the makeover. It's been a while. A freshen up wouldn't do him any harm whatsoever. I like the entrance but I'd mix that up too. People'll be starting to think he lives up there.

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