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NXT TV is rubbish. The Takeover shows make it worthwhile as a fan and it appears to be working as a development territory but as a weekly wrestling show it's boring as fuck. After every Takeover show, I get excited and give it another go and it's interminable. It's like a late 70s/early 80s studio television show and despite what nostalgia tells us, aside from Memphis, they were dull as shit too save the odd big angle.[/quote


Couldn't agree more. At present the incessant need to put women's wrestling on tv, does it no favours for me, as I cannot stand it. Everything always look half assed when the lads do it so much better. It's like watching the ufc and then halfway through an event, you put 2 lads on who should be fighting at you local leisure centre fight night and it supposed to stand up as the same quality.

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It was the show that really got me back into wrestling and that's because it's an easy watch, and the booking is the common sense stuff that's worked for sixty-odd years. Who are these people? Why are they fighting? Who will they fight next? It's simple questions asked and answered, week on week. It's not a perfect show, but it has many more hits than misses. The announcing is competent (which shouldn't be a plus but is compared to Impact & Raw & Smackdown) and the matches (mostly) simple and accomplished.

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I think The Shield triple threat has to be regarded as a dream match by the majority at the moment. People have been crying out for it for a while - and I imagine eventually some battle royal or Royal Rumble moment with all 3 in the ring at the one time will start to build towards it.

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I think The Shield triple threat has to be regarded as a dream match by the majority at the moment. People have been crying out for it for a while

I remember when people were saying wwe dropped the ball by not having a Shield triple threat at mania 30, it was stupid, it was waaay too soon. I hope they hold it off for ages, I'd like to see it when at least a couple of them have held the belt. As a mania title match or something.

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It was the show that really got me back into wrestling and that's because it's an easy watch, and the booking is the common sense stuff that's worked for sixty-odd years. Who are these people? Why are they fighting? Who will they fight next? It's simple questions asked and answered, week on week. It's not a perfect show, but it has many more hits than misses. The announcing is competent (which shouldn't be a plus but is compared to Impact & Raw & Smackdown) and the matches (mostly) simple and accomplished.

I think that's fine. And as an alternative it's perfect because it's different. Anyone who wants to watch a boring hour of wrestling ( :)) can do. I take issue with the suggestion that it's a model they should be following for Raw. The main shows are already far too close to that model as it is. Over three hours there is nowhere near enough going on outside of matches for little reason.


NXT does some things well, which is why the Takeover shows are enjoyable, but the journey isn't. That is true of the main shows too.

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The big issue with Raw, and one of the big problems with WWE in general, can both be solved by the same thing.


Accepting Raw has to stay at 3 hours (which is its biggest problem), it's how you use those 3 hours which is an issue. And not creating new stars is the big issue facing WWE. So, instead of seeing the same people over, and over, and over again across those 3 hours, they should give the mid-carders more time. Not more match time, necessarily (although a three-minute Neville-Stardust match does nothing for anybody) but time to get themselves over.


How do you do it? There's no easy answer, but I'd say that NXT - witness how Chad Gable was introduced and slowly built - points the way a little.

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Probably a rubbish idea but I've been wondering whether it could work to have NXT take up the first hour of Raw each week.


- It eliminates the need to perform in front of the Full Sailers

- The TV stations still get three hours of first-run live programming each week

- They could use the LED ring 'aprons' so it would take one click to switch from the NXT to Raw colours

- The ropes would be swapped easily enough during the ad break

- It would 'break up' the monotony of a three-hour Raw

- NXT performers would get to practice in front of larger crowds

- You could build a brand rivalry between Raw and NXT

- Fans would already be familiar with the wrestlers when they make their Raw debut

- It'd save having to recycle so many rematches on the main Raw show


It has its risks but it might work.

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The crowd being into the show & not just a bunch of bored parents sitting on their hands is part of NXT's appeal. It's the epitome of 'WWE Network' programming. Aimed at an older audience who are target demographic for Network subscriptions, people who'll have an interest in watching 20 year old episodes of Nitro etc.

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NXT taking up an hour of RAW wouldn't work in any way, shape or form. In fact RAW would probably lose a lot of it's fanbase and the ratings would go down further. It's all well and good that dedicated wrestling fans will tune into NXT but how do you capture new viewers or get casual fans to watch when a bunch of nobodies are taking up the first hour.

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NXT TV is pretty bare-bones, but that's the idea of it I guess. I love the non-scripted promos and the comfort displayed by most of the wrestlers. If the brand strengthened and got a second hour, I dunno how it would effect things/quality of the Takeover events

NXT TV is rubbish. The Takeover shows make it worthwhile as a fan and it appears to be working as a development territory but as a weekly wrestling show it's boring as fuck. After every Takeover show, I get excited and give it another go and it's interminable. It's like a late 70s/early 80s studio television show and despite what nostalgia tells us, aside from Memphis, they were dull as shit too save the odd big angle.[/quote

Couldn't agree more. At present the incessant need to put women's wrestling on tv, does it no favours for me, as I cannot stand it. Everything always look half assed when the lads do it so much better. It's like watching the ufc and then halfway through an event, you put 2 lads on who should be fighting at you local leisure centre fight night and it supposed to stand up as the same quality.

shut ya face

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I get that all the weekly content they have to write leads to them just trying to get through it with whatever, but I'd love it if they did more segments with wrestlers doing stuff away from the arena. Like those Team Hell No therapy sessions, for example. Not only does it freshen up their format, but it can also be a good way to make you give a hoot about them rasslers. I'm sure most will be awful, but it's surely more or equally effective than a Wade Barrett rematch.

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NXT TV is rubbish. The Takeover shows make it worthwhile as a fan and it appears to be working as a development territory but as a weekly wrestling show it's boring as fuck. After every Takeover show, I get excited and give it another go and it's interminable. It's like a late 70s/early 80s studio television show and despite what nostalgia tells us, aside from Memphis, they were dull as shit too save the odd big angle.

Absolutely. NXT's TV show is rarely anything of note. The Takeover shows are the stuff that gets raves. And rightly so. But NXT TV is nothing special.

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There's no point comparing Raw to NXT, or even today's Raw to glory-era Raw.

I compare the product to itself 10 or 11 years ago.. PPV quality is way-up on average, though that's partly cos of brand exclusive PPVs. But the creative aspect is way, way down. Imagine if Batista always came whinging to HHH to sort out his problems for him, or if Evolution's split was really unsubtly teased months in advance every other week to fill up 10 minutes. Imagine there being practically no midcard stories told back then. Creative just needs a massive overhaul if they can't keep to a pretty basic standard

Edited by sj5522
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