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The Official UKFF RAW Thread...


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I thought the Kane stuff was fun this week. I could have lived with Kane this past year or so if they'd been running the character with a clear alter-ego.


Only read the results, but this Kane stuff, alongside the PPV stuff...I can't decide if Seth Rollins is the biggest idiot in the world or Trips and Steph are. How can people who have got to their position be completely clueless, or in the case of the Authority, why are they feigning cluelessness in regards to Kane? Not sure how it played on TV but it all seems a bit silly.


It came across OK. It was clear that no-one really believed that "Corporate Kane" had no knowledge of "Demon Kane" returning. It was something different which the show desperately needs.


Apart from the hot opening segment with RKO returning to help Reigns & Ambrose, the rest was re-tread city.


The only exception being the latest Divas pipe-bomb which didn't seem to have the desired effect. The crowd were either dead for Paige's lines or they popped for them. She needs to be a heel though, she's too annoying to be a baby and the character (whatever it's supposed to be) doesn't lend itself either. Hopefully this will freshen things up now. Not a big fan of this pipebomb shit though. Why are you crapping over your own product? Why not just fix the problems. Why didn't Charlotte get to point out that if becoming Divas Champion was so easy Paige has failed a million times this year. Why didn't Becky get to punch her in the fucking face? Why does Nattie only have one facial (ooh er)?


Cheap shit to gloss over the fact that their "Diva Revolution" has been bollocks.


Ziggler/Rusev is still going, Owens/Ryback is ongoing, Shield-ish/Wyatts & New Day/Duds are obviously ongoing, Nikki Bella's got a rematch, Cena/Rollins was a rematch. Taker vs. Lesnar is gonna be a re-match. At least Kane & Rollins is different. Slightly.

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Sting wasn't mentioned. Looks bad for him.


Yeah Kane appearing to be nicey nice to everyone's face was quite entertaining. Not sure anyone is gagging for Kane / Rollins but I have seen everything Cena v Rollins has to offer. Kane as usual has stepped up to his supply teacher role while they warm up the next real opponent.


I quite liked Paige's speech so long as it gets followed through with - but I'm nnot holding my breath.


The commentary was nearly good this week. Yes, I know. They were telling the stories of the match and JBL didn't namedrop the rugby (that I heard).


New Day were as great as ever. Rusev's theme on trombone was a triumph.

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Paige's heel turn was actually pretty alright. Still gonna be annoying to listen to her but that adds to her rather than her just being an insufferable babyface. Promo was pretty decent, they've obviously been browsing the internet. Good to see Natalya about as well. Crowd reacting WRONGLY though with pops for Paige. I've never watched Total Divas or met a Bella fan, they get a pop most weeks and I have no idea why, it's so annoying. For once the bitter vocal smarks would add to an angle but I guess it all goes back to crowd energy for these segments which will be a long-term problem. On paper though, this was a great step-up.


Also no Y2J. What was that shoulder barge about then? I'd have quite liked Jericho v Ambrose. If they have a 6-man at HiaC and the Nu Shield win cos they have Orton, that sucks. Keep the search going please.


Xavier doing Rusev's theme on the trombone was fucking brilliant as usual


Big Show's promo was pretty good but bit annoying to see him pinning Cesaro, mainly cos it happened on the last Smackdown as well.


I thought the whole point of having DA DEMON KANE was that we wouldn't have to deal with his corporate character anymore. Seeing him trying to sound hard on the big screen was cringe. The under-the-ring spot was alright though. Goofy as, made me think "what is this weird arsed show I watch", but alright.


and that's all that's worth commenting on, usually get a bit more out of it than that

Edited by sj5522
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Apart from the hot opening segment with RKO returning to help Reigns & Ambrose, the rest was re-tread city.


Ziggler/Rusev is still going, Owens/Ryback is ongoing, Shield-ish/Wyatts & New Day/Duds are obviously ongoing, Nikki Bella's got a rematch, Cena/Rollins was a rematch. Taker vs. Lesnar is gonna be a re-match. At least Kane & Rollins is different. Slightly.

The problem is that pretty much every match they put on at the moment feels like a rematch or has been done a number of times before. Even adding the likes of Owens, the new divas and Black Sheep Wyatt, the roster still feels stale.


It also feels like they are watching other companies (ROH, TNA) and copying their storylines as well at the moment. 

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I really enjoyed Raw. I know a lot of people are going to hate the idea of Kane being in the main event it makes sense and I think both of his characters being on the program at the same time with brief moments of crossing over was actually pretty fun. Kane seemed threatening for the first time in about three years. Truthfully, it seemed pretty creative and I was left feeling surprised that they hadn't done it before.


Cesaro has been a bit of a sacrificial lamb for Big Show recently, good match and good following promo afterwards. I see that House Show having more buzz than some PPV's.

After the opening segment I was expecting the predictable tag team main event and it pleasantly surprised me in not happening. Obviously a HIAC one.

Loving New Day, they still get heat but they are getting over which may be a problem further down the line.


Starting to think we get a Lana/Summer swerve which sees Lana back with Rusev.

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I don't know if they'll have two Cell matches at the PPV but if they do, I really hope the blow off to the Reigns/Wyatts feud is a multi-man in the Cell. That's still pretty rare and could be great.


Taker/Lesnar in a Cell, Wyatts/Reigns, Ambrose & Orton in a Cell, Kane/Rollins in some sort of hell themed match (inferno?), a decent Cena match and New Day/Dudleys 3 on 2 and you've got a pretty good looking PPV.

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Kane is actually hilarious when you think about it in any depth. He's the most successful spin-off in the history of the planet. He's like if the show Joey had somehow ran for 20 years.

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They redeemed Kane a bit on this show. He's been reintroduced in a way that makes him perfectly fine as a contender for Rollins on the undercard of Lesnar vs Undertaker in a cell. His hair keeps getting worse though.


I'd much rather have seen Ambrose vs Jericho than another round of Shieldish vs Wyatts. 


New Day continue to be the most impressive thing in the world.



I thought the whole point of having DA DEMON KANE was that we wouldn't have to deal with his corporate character anymore. Seeing him trying to sound hard on the big screen was cringe.


Using a verb as an adjective is retard.



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I thought the whole point of having DA DEMON KANE was that we wouldn't have to deal with his corporate character anymore. Seeing him trying to sound hard on the big screen was cringe.


Using a verb as an adjective is retard.

That's so fucking pedant.

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The Paige turn is utter nonsense in that while they could have built some subtle, simmering jealousy and built to Paige going off on one down the road - you know, TOLD A STORY WITH IT - but instead they shot their bolt within 24 hours of Charlotte winning the belt, and it was about as satisfying as just running an on screen graphic between matches that says "Paige is now a baddie again." Honestly, they couldn't even have one fucking month where Charlotte has to contend with Sasha or Naomi, or Brie trying to avenge her sister or even Nikki getting her rematch (they well hard for rematches, innit) - no, they would be too much like patience. I know not many others will care as much as I care (or at least want to care) about what they do with the girls on the main roster, but it's infuriating to see such an obvious case of wank booking. It's cock custard.


Speaking of Naomi, her and Tamina look even more obsolete now. If you've got the Bellas, Sasha AND Paige lining up on the heel side, I really don't ever want to hear "I'm A-ma-a-a-a-zing (audience collective groan)" ever again. Seeing Sasha have to slum it with that pair feels a little bit like I've given some lovely jam, but instead of toast, I'm only allowed to eat it smeared on cardboard.

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