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The Official UKFF RAW Thread...


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Read like a decent Raw.


So with Charlotte vs. Nikki Bella set for next week (with both the Diva's title AND Nikki's claim to being the longest reigning Diva champ on the line), does anyone else thing this is probably one of the best opportunities they will have in allowing the Divas to main event raw?


Finish next week off with a 15 to 20 minute belter with a Charlotte win, and I'll be a very happy man. Or am I being stupidly unrealistic and optimistic?

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The Divas might as well main event Raw because there isn't much else going on.


If you love Seth Rollins, this show is for you. If you think he's a monotonous pussy then probably give it a miss.


The Wyatt family attacking Orton presumably leading to him teaming with Reigns & Ambrose was as good as it got.


The Lana-less Rusev/Ziggler shit was the low point.


Sting's tribute to Dusty Rhodes was nice. Inadvertent as it may have been.

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Sting's tribute to Dusty Rhodes was nice. Inadvertent as it may have been.

What did he do?


Been watching the videos and in the second one with Sting, all I could think about was Jack Nicholson as the Joker. I guess he’s already hashed the Heath Ledger Joker so is having a crack at Jack’s.

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The Ziggler Rusev thing gets shitter and shitter every week. I had my face buried in my hand for a lot of it, but that fucking sum-up video was so bad, and unforgivably needless. I had to laugh at the captions probably in comic sans "OMG!" "SCANDAL!" like the front cover of some weeping vag of a magazine


The women's stuff might start to take off a bit. Only the people with actual stuff to say got on the mic this week, which makes a lot of difference. Doubt there'll be any belters yet but at least we're at the focus point of the story rather than TEAM WARFARE. The match was just okay, but Raw doesn't really do thrillers unless they're shoutin "alright, here's a thriller for ya!". Cautiously optimistic.


Orton with Ambrose & Reigns is a bit underwhelming tbh. Not sure who I expected but still underwhelming. I'd have liked perhaps someone fresh or at least fresher. Shit to do yet another drawn-out Orton/Sheamus. Congrats the MITB holder has no momentum, great feud guys.


Not sure what's going on in the midcard. Cesaro v Miz was pretty dece until Big Show comes out, for some reason keeping that programme on life support when it looked like Ryback v Owens would be what they were building for..


Los Matadores kicking the shit out of the one entertaining aspect of their gimmick came out of the blue. R.I.P.


Apart from that I liked Sting's bits and I'm still not even close to bored of New Day yet, plus it was a laugh when that crowd member randomly thumped Big Show on the arm, but not a particularly compelling episode

Edited by sj5522
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Fuck that. WWE need a major clear out. Some guys have been around forever and just don't have anything left to offer.


You know how a few years back where Raw was really boring but every week you had the guarantuee that at least there'd be an awesome Shield six-man at some point. This is kinda' like what's happening with New Day now. You know the restt of the show has a good chance of sucking but New Day will always have a killer entertaining segment.

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As much I love seeing Sting, I do wish the feud was about him going for the WWE World Heavyweight Championship and not about a big statue.


It's just a filler feud to build to the inevitable Rollins/HHH feud isn't it.

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Triple H better do something bloody spectacular when he fights Rollins, which for some reason we all already know it's nailed on to happen. I credit him and Steph constantly scalding Seth with suppressed grins as a big reason for Rollins missing the mark atm. Stopwatch-timed 20 minute promo each week aside, which he can't change, and Seth's not actually doing anything wrong.

Trips' and Steph's relationship with Seth could actually be a good angle if it progressed properly and we didn't get them shitty shortcuts cos they needed to book the Lesnar match. We already saw the tease of it all falling down around Rollins, and we saw them make up after. But I guess we're meant to forget that.

Edited by sj5522
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Read like a decent Raw.


So with Charlotte vs. Nikki Bella set for next week (with both the Diva's title AND Nikki's claim to being the longest reigning Diva champ on the line), does anyone else thing this is probably one of the best opportunities they will have in allowing the Divas to main event raw?


Finish next week off with a 15 to 20 minute belter with a Charlotte win, and I'll be a very happy man. Or am I being stupidly unrealistic and optimistic?

Unless they change the timer , it runs out mid raw

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Read like a decent Raw.


So with Charlotte vs. Nikki Bella set for next week (with both the Diva's title AND Nikki's claim to being the longest reigning Diva champ on the line), does anyone else thing this is probably one of the best opportunities they will have in allowing the Divas to main event raw?


Finish next week off with a 15 to 20 minute belter with a Charlotte win, and I'll be a very happy man. Or am I being stupidly unrealistic and optimistic?

Unless they change the timer , it runs out mid raw


The timer says 7 days and 80-minutes during the Bella/PCB promo near the end of the Raw this week, so it would run out at the end or near the end of Raw next week.

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