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The Official UKFF RAW Thread...


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That was the 3-D that Harper and Rowan used, wasn't it? Looked a hell of a lot like it if not.

Yeah it was. And as a result people online are jumping to the conclusion that a Dudley Boys return and feud with Harper & Rowan is imminent

Clutching at straws while fantasy booking is awesome. I now really want to see Harper and Rowan against the Dudleys

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Guess that R-Truth thing was just a random segment. It was mildly funny I spose but really pointless and distracting - it's all I took in from that entire promo. For a sec I thought someone in the back somehow mistook him for Kofi or something


That was the 3-D that Harper and Rowan used, wasn't it? Looked a hell of a lot like it if not.

Harper looked quite embarrassed at the "we want tables" chant.


Are J&J faces now? That's mad and difficult to envision long-term but I enjoyed the segment and the match, good to see them wrestling. Kane though is terrrrrrible, they're trying so hard to make him a face again (I think, its hard to tell, or care) and nobodies investing any emotion into him at all now. Always thought he was a shit choice for an authority figure. He should be having macabre feuds with Wyatt not wearing a bloody suit or boring people to tears on the mic or competing in a MITB match.


Also how is it PPV week already? Bit shit to have just a 2 week build. Not that I need 9 more hours of Raw, just seems really soon

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That was the 3-D that Harper and Rowan used, wasn't it? Looked a hell of a lot like it if not.

Yeah it was. And as a result people online are jumping to the conclusion that a Dudley Boys return and feud with Harper & Rowan is imminent



Not sure how. In the history of the WWE, has there EVER been a scenario in which someone uses a finisher and results in a previous WWE star to return to avenge them using said finisher?


In fact surely it's WWE way of outright saying "Dudleys ain't ever coming back"? Although I'm sure there are other examples, it reminds me of the time when Angle started using the ankle lock. People "thought" Shamrock was going to return to take on Kurt Angle, but ultimately it was WWE's way of sticking it to Shamrock.

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Decided to watch the entire episode of Raw for the first time in months. A regrettable decision.


R-Truth was the best thing on Raw. It was the only thing of value on the entire show. It seemed plausible that he'd be in the match. He was put into the Mania ladder match and chamber for no reason, so why not the money in the bank too? Pretty funny stuff actually.


Overall they only had two shows to promote the PPV and were completely devoid of ideas by the second show. This was awful.


Rollins might be my least favourite champion in a very long time. I can't even think of a reign weaker than this one. Miz was more entertaining and believable. The booking doesn't help at all but Rollins is not captivating in the slightest. Seeing people laud him for his performances and calling him "wrestler of the half year" is mind boggling.


It might be a while before I watch a full Raw again.

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In defence of Rollins, he's getting this run during the worst period of WWE creative in years. He's good between the ropes, but can't turn his predictable promos into anything interesting. I don't hate or like him, which is the problem. Just there doing stuff with Kane and that.

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That was the 3-D that Harper and Rowan used, wasn't it? Looked a hell of a lot like it if not.

Yeah it was. And as a result people online are jumping to the conclusion that a Dudley Boys return and feud with Harper & Rowan is imminent



Not sure how. In the history of the WWE, has there EVER been a scenario in which someone uses a finisher and results in a previous WWE star to return to avenge them using said finisher?



Eddy Guerrero coming back and attacking RVD for using the frog splash and calling him a "klepto" for it springs to mind.

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FF'd through everything besides the Cena/Owens stuff, which was fine. Thought an NXT lad might come out and beat Owens with Cena's help so as they can get the belt off him.


Rollins really is the most boring champ in recent memory, though his association with the mind numbingly dull authority doesn't help him much. They really should get a face authority figure in for a while, just to lighten things up a bit.


All the Tough Enough folk look interchangeably crap too.

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Thought an NXT lad might come out and beat Owens with Cena's help so as they can get the belt off him.

They've got two more weeks worth of NXT TV already taped where he is the champ still to broadcast and they've announced a title match for the Japan show on the network. No way was anyone beating Owens for the NXT belt last night

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Thought an NXT lad might come out and beat Owens with Cena's help so as they can get the belt off him.

They've got two more weeks worth of NXT TV already taped where he is the champ still to broadcast and they've announced a title match for the Japan show on the network. No way was anyone beating Owens for the NXT belt last night


Ah right, I only watch the NXT specials so had no idea about that.

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R-Truth was the best thing on Raw. It was the only thing of value on the entire show. It seemed plausible that he'd be in the match. He was put into the Mania ladder match and chamber for no reason, so why not the money in the bank too? Pretty funny stuff actually.



Ah, that would be an explanation that makes sense. That is pretty funny if they are taking the piss out of their own booking, but it did just come off as 'lol R-Truth thought he was in the ladder match..oh he's gone now, haha' *R-Truth buried even further into irrelevancy*

Edited by sj5522
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The Harper/Rowan 3D is weird. They used to do a double chokeslam (they never won with it though). They should have stuck with that, it fit them better. Is Tyson Kidd out of action for long? Those four are going to tear it up.

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