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The Official UKFF RAW Thread...


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Still shite though. Not exactly a hall of fame worthy career. I know there's shit people in there but this just adds to it.

Eh? That's barmy. Rikishi is totally deserving of a HoF place in my eyes. Tag team champion when the titles were still credible, very successful run as Rikishi. He was massively popular.

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Total fad in fairness. He got over in late 99 (in a period where EVERYONE got over). By the end of 2000 most were hoping he would go away for ever. He was fun for a few months with Too Cool, but he was a guy they could never revamp. He was always going to be the bloke with his arse out. Cant think of a person I wanted to see the words "... released from his deal" next  to on WWE.com more than Rikishi for a few years there. Also, he was dog shit when he showed up in TNA. Him and Test were the two wrestlers for years I prayed we never saw on TV again. But they always poped up somewhere.


Liked him in the Headshrikers, though.

Edited by IANdrewDiceClay
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No problem with Rikishi going into the HOF. You deserve it when my girlfriend who absolutely hates wrestling says, "Oh, I remember seeing him when I was younger."


It's the only person she's ever remembered the dirty bitch.

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Kane and Big Show in the opening match and Kane and Big Show in the closing match? Is this real life?

I was still up last night when Raw started, I thought I'd stay up for a bit to see what happens. Cue Stephanie channeling the spirit of Teddy Long and- unpredictably- giving us a match with BOTH of them. Fuck this, bed time.

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So, that Sting bit looked a bit shit really didnt it? Were they trying to be that obvious that it was a wig? If they were, id have preferred them going down the route of having loads of them, maybe surrounding the ring as the lights came on, then off, then in the ring, then off again, then the video message. I liked everything other than HHH's banana skin fall and the wig though.

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I thought Roman's promo at the start was alright, he just needs to stop smiling and speak faster. Far too many long pauses in between sentences (no doubt due to the script having a *pause for reaction* bit inserted in there). On the other hand, Bryan's promo was cack. If Roman did the same promo everyone would be ripping the shit out of him. Also Reigns was wearing some super sweet silver and blue gear when he returned at TLC, he should chuck that stuff on rather than his old Shield kit.

Edited by LaGoosh
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