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The Official UKFF RAW Thread...


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Hifffffyasmeeeeeeeeeeeeeellllllllllllll(badaduff) what the rock (duffduff dissshh) is cookin (BAT!)
Doo doodoo doodooooo badaddledoodoodin etc


I doubt he'd back, back. I'd say it was a one night gig as I doubt he'd come back back to feud with that Rusev chap.

I dunno if I like him when he's popping up regularly either.

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I absolutely loathe the Komen skits, fucking awful. Though I know why it's there even if I disagree with a lot of the Komen groups practices.


Ambrose was wonderful again. Why the hell should he lose at the Cell.

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I know the chant's more over than the woman doing it but that was a great visual with the crowd doing the finger point along with Brie, half hope they keep Bryan off til the night after Mania 31, the reaction would be mental


The Ambrose stuff was good, Paige's arse was good as always, not much else I can remember, which isn't a good sign as I only finished watching it 20 minutes ago


Oh and The Rock bit, Didn't like it, I know it won't do Rusev any harm long term and it got a great pop from the crowd but just seemed like a segment they'd normally do with someone far lower down the ladder, not the killer heel wiping out everyone in the midcard

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I still have it in my mind, for better or for worse, that The Rock may face Lesnar at Mania. Of course it's short term, but they might want to do it whilst they can. I can see The Rock being keen on it so long as he has space in his schedule for it. No idea where that would leave everyone else, but it's too early to piece together a card.

Edited by Sphinx
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Brie using the yes chant (to so much success) isn't getting Brie over, just proving the chant was over more than Bryan.


Yeah, that's why WrestleMania ended with Batista beating Orton for the title and leading the crowd in "Yes" chants.

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Had The Rock's surprise appearance ruined for me by WWE on Facebook, so that took the shine off. I thought it was pretty crap anyway, he wasn't quite as lame as he was during the Cena feud, but he was still pretty lame -- and it had added jingoism.


I skipped quite a lot of the show. Komen plugs, women who I've not heard of, and either the same matches we always see or matches we couldn't possibly be interested in. Mizdow is the best thing in the midcard.


Ambrose was great, though, and him, Rollins and Cena is a good issue. Rollins reminds me a lot of Triple H in 1999, where he's not quite at the level yet where he needs to be but they're definitely behind him and he might well grow into the push. Orton and Kane come off so rubbish, but Orton's actually performing really well lately, putting much more personality into his act than usual. I just can't care.


Reigns' interview was pretty bad.

Edited by King Pitcos
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I loved The Rock's surprise appearance, even if it did only serve to highlight the staggering gulf in quality and popularity between himself and everybody else on the roster. Doesn't harm Rusev to share some screen time with a megastar. Him and Lana were pretty good in the segment actually.


I think it's wonderful that WWE make so much effort to promote the Komen campaign, but fans will start to resent it or change the channel when it starts to take over the show.


Enjoyed the Wyatt promos again this week. Hope that whatever 'is coming' turns out to be more than just Erick Rowan singles matches on Main Event.


Roman looked like he couldn't give a fuck about his interview, it was shite wasn't it? He really needs to inject some personality into his character.


Nothing at all to comment on match-wise.

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I really could have done without that Roman segment. He just kept pausing seemingly waiting for Cole to ask another question and ended up just looking a little stuck about what to say. As the show highlighted Ambrose's personality it ended up showing up Reigns that much more. A nice little montage of Reigns delivering power moves to some loud music and A pre recorded bit of Reigns saying that he's hungrier than ever would have done the job.

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Reigns' interview was pretty bad.

What do you mean? We need more unscripted interviews don't ya know!


This had to be the week I got sick of the boring shows and read the thread before I'd watched the show.


Enjoyed The Rock's appearance. Lana and Rusev gave him some decent material and were enhanced by association I think.


Ambrose and Cena were ace. Rollins is coming into his own too. I actually think the threat of Cena winning makes the PPV less appealing though. I'm not bothered that Rollins cost him a whole month of hard work. I want to see Ambrose and Rollins in the Cell.


Agree with Pitcos on Orton. Much more interesting lately. He really needs something new to get his teeth into though. Something fresh.


Another intriguing Wyatt promo. Aren't they always?


Skipped the rest.

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