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Woah my bad, I though Jas said the article included Breeze as well. Even so, he still more years experience than I realised.


So even if you take him out, the others still have a minimum of a decade of experience behind them. Devitt has 14 years as a pro also, which still leaves an average of nearly 13 years experience (Neville drags it down)

Edited by WyattSheepMask
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It's just interesting to note the change in policy; does anyone remember the other year when they had the 'nobody 28 or over signed unless they've got a decent profile in other sports' policy?


That was odd.


More likely that was internet bullshit, than odd.

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I thought the rumour was that they had a guideline (but not a set-in-stone rule) of offering development contracts to under-30 wrestlers. But as Dart says, that was probably bollocks. I'd imagine they aim for youth but if there is someone in their thirties with enough upside, like KENTA, then they'd go for it.

Edited by PunkStep
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Meh. Lot of shite really.


I've enjoyed the Ziggler and Miz feud but playing hot potato with the IC Title does absolutely nothing for it. Also feel they are miles away from the main event scene now too. Need to continue finding interesting, long term feuds for these two. 


Good seeing Ambrose back involved but I've no idea where the WWE are going with any of their big story lines and I don't think they do either. But at least with the Reigns injury they are forced to think outside of the box again.

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Thank god for Dean Ambrose. The only thing fresh about this show was him. It wasn't perfect. At the beginning he had to run past Rollins to attack Orton, someone fucked up there. Then if he was under that table - incredible surprise btw - where did the bloody breeze blocks go?? :D


It was good stuff though. Ambrose mixing it with Cena made him feel big time. This angle gave the show a chaotic feel even though it was one big massive fucking retread.


The six man happened last week. The IC Title match has happened about 300 times this last month. Bo & Swagger fought twice last week. Henry/Rusev was a rematch. Ambrose/Kane has been done a bunch. And Cena/Orton is the most played out match in WWE history. Probably.


Not every match has to be new but surely they can look at a card and see that there is nothing fresh on it. Hold something back or give it a stipulation or something. You've only got 30 years of TV for reference. Have Swagger fight someone and Dallas be special referee and screw him over. Have Miz feign injury, let Sandow defend the title and then jump Ziggler. Do Ambrose/Kane falls count anywhere. Hell, hire Russo!


Well don't go that far but you know what I mean. Just have someone ask themselves why the hell are we doing this again and if they can't think of a good reason, don't do it!

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And Cena/Orton is the most played out match in WWE history. Probably.


Just been looking up some stats: Last night's John Cena vs. Randy Orton match was the 20th time the two have faced each other in a singles match on WWE TV. With the DQ win Cena is 11-7-2 against Orton.


20 times doesn't seem a lot on paper considering how long they've been around, and it certainly feels as though I've seen Ziggler vs. Kofi, Sheamus vs. Barrett and Sheamus vs. Cesaro more than 20 times already.


Then again, factor in all the PPV matches they've had too and it's surely 30+ times? It's hard to greet a Cena/Orton match with anything other than apathy when they've faced that many times. Even more baffling is trying to get people to pay for it as a PPV main event, when it's been given away for free 20 times now.

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People always say "why would anyone buy a PPV when the match has already happened on a free show" but it's not like anyone would watch a match ending in a DQ and then decide not to buy a PPV because of it. Lesnar could squash Cena on RAW next week but it wouldn't necessarily hurt the attraction of a match at a future PPV, the match just has to be booked right and make sense in the context of the feud. For example, if Lesnar squashed Cena, Cena then went away to rebuild his confidence and was off TV for a few weeks before coming back a new man, full of anger and venom, the fact that Lesnar beat Cena on RAW a few weeks previously wouldn't be an issue. A match on free TV can sell more PPVs for that reason. If one guy goes over the other clean in a 30 minute match then, yeah, I'd agree that fans would be less inclined to buy a PPV but if the match is booked properly and makes sense in the feud, it'll whet the appetite of the fans and make them want to buy a show they might not have purchased otherwise.

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I thought the rumour was that they had a guideline (but not a set-in-stone rule) of offering development contracts to under-30 wrestlers. But as Dart says, that was probably bollocks. I'd imagine they aim for youth but if there is someone in their thirties with enough upside, like KENTA, then they'd go for it.


I think the age thing is largely for recruiting athletes who'll need training from scratch rather than fine-tuning for the WWE style.

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