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The Official UKFF RAW Thread...


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The thing that everyone was probably thinking after watching this weeks Raw would've been why was that Henry and Rusev segment on last to close the show? At the end of the day i think it's obvious that Henry is not the chosen guy to beat Rusev's undefeated streak. Surely it would've made more sense to close the show with Lesnar and Cena being pulled apart ? Unless Brock didn't want to hang around the arena until 11.00 to close the show. I hope that Bray is not going to be booked in a programme with Big Show next. I find the Big Show to be so fucking boring. If he was to leave it would be fine with me. And when is Sister Abigail going to join the Wyatt family? They used to drop hints on commentary that she could be on her way but it seems to have gone quiet. Unless we just have to wait for another Diva from NXT to be ready for the main roster. It seems like the whole "Authority" angle is slowly being phased out. Shame if it means Triple H and Steph aren't going to be on Raw every week. I was loving Steph's promos lately.


As seen on last night's WWE RAW from Lafayette, John Cena and WWE World Heavyweight Champion Brock Lesnar were used earlier in the show while Mark Henry and Rusev were put in the main event slot.


This was said to be a Vince McMahon decision. WWE wanted to use Cena, Lesnar and Paul Heyman to essentially counter the NFL's Monday Night Football game. The announcers and Cena kept referring to the fight taking place at "halftime" because they wanted fans to switch from the NFL game back to RAW.



Source: PWInsider Elite

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The thing that everyone was probably thinking after watching this weeks Raw would've been why was that Henry and Rusev segment on last to close the show?


No. They put it there becauser MNF crushes them these days so they were playing with putting the big angle on at half time. Fuck, MNF's even my priority on a Monday over Raw.

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Wonder why they're are going with a 1hr kick off show before NOC? You would think they would only bother doing this for the "Big Four" not for a NOC PPV. Also they said for the first time a one hour kick off. That's bullshit because they've done that for at least two other PPV's WM29 was one i remember. And WM30 had a 2 hour kick off. And since Jericho is going to be on Christian's peep show i wouldn't be surprised if he gets attacked and his match with Orton doesn't happen on the PPV itself. Either way he's going to be written off TV again one way or another on Sunday as we know it's his last night again.

Edited by Lemon Juice
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The thing that everyone was probably thinking after watching this weeks Raw would've been why was that Henry and Rusev segment on last to close the show? At the end of the day i think it's obvious that Henry is not the chosen guy to beat Rusev's undefeated streak. Surely it would've made more sense to close the show with Lesnar and Cena being pulled apart ? Unless Brock didn't want to hang around the arena until 11.00 to close the show. I hope that Bray is not going to be booked in a programme with Big Show next. I find the Big Show to be so fucking boring. If he was to leave it would be fine with me. And when is Sister Abigail going to join the Wyatt family? They used to drop hints on commentary that she could be on her way but it seems to have gone quiet. Unless we just have to wait for another Diva from NXT to be ready for the main roster. It seems like the whole "Authority" angle is slowly being phased out. Shame if it means Triple H and Steph aren't going to be on Raw every week. I was loving Steph's promos lately.


I'm sure somebody beat him by DQ.

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Just finished watching Raw. It was shit. I've had an email from WWE today saying this:

Your WWE Network subscription has expired, but you still have time to reactivate your account and you can even use the same email address and password that you did before. You don't want to miss Roman Reigns take on Seth Rollins at Night of Champions.

So imagine my surprise when they just did the match on Raw anyway. "Come and give us money to see the thing that was on telly last night anyway!" This is the sort of rubbish that makes me despair, and it's the reason that you don't get a big fight feel unless a big-money part-timer is involved. With full-timers, they'll always, always be tempted to do the pay-per-view match early to fill TV time.


It beggars belief that they've paid for Brock Lesnar to do Night of Champions because this is such an important month for renewals, and then the rest of the card is a load of nothing. Usos vs Goldust and Stardust has been done, Reigns and Rollins has just been done, Orton and Jericho is a boring generifeud. Henry vs Rusev is fine for an undercard match, and the two midcard title matches have been built okay, by WWE's standards. But this is a one match card.


I found this Raw a lot worse than that one a week or two ago that was panned, just because they did such an awful job at making anything interesting, and they really left a sour taste in my mouth with that Reigns vs Rollins match. If there's anything that'll get me negative as fuck, it's doing your pay-per-view matches on Raw.


The Cena/Heyman/Lesnar thing this week wasn't great. It was effective in parts, but the whole thing of Cena pretending to be a bully didn't really work for me. The fight was good though.


Haven't they already said that Sister Abigail is dead or something?

Yes, but that will never stop idiots casting NXT women in the role.

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I didn't know why the crowd was laughing at Heyman's attempt at sweet talking Khali into letting him leave the room. Going by the live reaction we found out that the backstage skit was live and not pre recorded anyway and by that i mean you usually hear another match going on in the arena when most of these skits are done. I laughed more at the part when the clumsy fucker almost trapped his hand at the top of the door.

Edited by Lemon Juice
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It's just the usual 'what they should have done...' goons who think they have the answer to everything, the same kind of people who think that the main event of Wrestlemania should be CM Punk v Daniel Bryan v Dean Ambrose in a 2 out of 3 Iron Man Match.


The AJ suggestion came around after that period were she came off as a bit of a bike after being involved with Punk, Bryan, Kane, Cena and Ziggler all within a few months

Edited by WyattSheepMask
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It was little things like after Lesnar kicks Cena out of the ring and hes just stood there like a big goon totally oblivious to Cena getting in the ring. Also when Cena got the upper hand on the outside it just looked slow and clumsy. I did love it when Cena ran the ropes when Lesnars music hit.

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Nowhere is it more evident that scripted promos suck than when Reigns is doing one. He's playing the ice cool, man of few words destruction machine. But he sounds like a man geeing himself up for another difficult trip to the toilet and it's really hard to get behind him. And there's no reason for it not to suck - the people writing it clearly have no concept of coolness or toughness so it immediately sounds like a 13 year old's promo. Couple it with his wooden delivery and the guy's getting noticeably colder every week.


Is there such an absence of trust in letting the wrestlers talk for themselves, they think they'll say something homophobic/racist/offensive if they dare let them go off script? Surely that's what all the media handling training is for? I know we're in the traditional lull period now, but almost everything, bar Cena/Lesnar, is so sterile.

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