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The Official UKFF RAW Thread...


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Yeah, AJ Lee is the worst babyface in the world. At least when she's a heel, her shitty smug "I'm too cool for this" overacting has the desired reaction. I'd love to see Stephanie beat her like Lesnar beat Cena at SummerSlam. Paige came off half-decent, which isn't hard when being compared to the Bellas and AJ,


Nothing else of note happened on Raw, outside of Triple H saying "WWWE" and talking about who should challenge "Brock Cena." Main event was a bit weird. It peaked in what seemed like a big finishing sequence, then Jericho did his special and they go to a break immediately, come back to a chinlock. I didn't have much interest in it because it was just a throwaway six-man, but it seemed like its momentum went a bit then. Good hot tag for Cena after that, mind. There was no effort at all this week put into doing anything interesting with Roman Reigns, and they didn't advance Cena-Lesnar at all unless I've just forgotten Heyman's promo.


Miz and Sandow have a good act with the stunt double gimmick. Miz in general has found his feet again since coming back doing the Hollywood character. Sheamus is brilliant, but like Orton, Cesaro and numerous others, the stale/dull/directionless factor casts a boring gloom over everything he does.

Edited by King Pitcos
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I was thinking about the early days of TNA recently and wondered what would have happened if Samoa Joe, Christopher Daniels and AJ Styles would have formed a faction once Angle beat Joe. I've got the same intrigue for Sheamus, Ziggler, Miz and Cesaro (I would have said Del Rio instead of Cesaro a few weeks ago). They all have potential but like King Pitcos said, not one of them has any direction. Have Heyman manage them for a few months. Does anybody else think that as a unit they could be greater than the sum of their parts?

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Mark Henry knocks it out of the park again. 


If only the crappy crowd reacted properly to his boss lines.


I'm glad WWE logic doesn't apply to the real world, otherwise we'd have some cretin running Apple because he fell over in the lobby and sued.

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I was thinking about the early days of TNA recently and wondered what would have happened if Samoa Joe, Christopher Daniels and AJ Styles would have formed a faction once Angle beat Joe. I've got the same intrigue for Sheamus, Ziggler, Miz and Cesaro (I would have said Del Rio instead of Cesaro a few weeks ago). They all have potential but like King Pitcos said, not one of them has any direction. Have Heyman manage them for a few months. Does anybody else think that as a unit they could be greater than the sum of their parts?

No mate.

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'Have Heyman manage them' is like the go-to line for fans trying to fantasy book the rebooting of midcard no-hopers. That tactic completely derailed Cesaro this year. He went from being red hot on the verge of a big face turn at WrestleMania to being the total wet fart that he is today.

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RAW was definitely on the telly this week – I did enjoy Miz again, and Henry is the daddy. In fact, although they're two massive fat hall of pain bastards, him and Show are like a tag team of two nice dads... they should be doing vignettes in sweaters, drinking tea down in the garden shed to hide from their wives.

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'Have Heyman manage them' is like the go-to line for fans trying to fantasy book the rebooting of midcard no-hopers. That tactic completely derailed Cesaro this year.

It didn't do much for Axel last year, either, once they stopped pretending it was working. He was back in a nothing tag team with a body guy six months later. Heyman really works at taking someone already great over the top, but he's useless at making someone mediocre shine.

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So where do we think the Miz/Sandow partnership is going? Forgotten about in a couple of weeks?


I'm hoping they do something along the lines of Miz ducking out of matches because he doesn't want to risk his money maker, then Sandow wins the IC title on behalf of Miz but doesn't hand it over to him. Or they could even just have Miz win it and they could do a Freebirds thing so Miz or his stunt double can defend it.

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Miz/Sandow are really good together and I liked Bo's promo but apart from that Raw dragged for the most part. If they went back to 2 hours, shortened the segments and matches and cut the shit (like Adam Rose) Raw would be a huge pleasure to watch. The best exaple of this was when in the main event there was this big exciting moment where everything was going nuts...then it went to commercial and came back with Jericho in a headlock.


I think if they had a babyface AJ vs heel Stephanie storyline in the future I would end up killing myself. The most annoying babyface vs the most annoying heel. AJ must have learned her babyface mannerisms from herh usband because fucking hell is she unlikeable. Stephanie is a great heel when she's in a proper fued where she actually has to show arse but when she's involved in segments like the Bella one on Raw she just comes across as hateable (in a bad way, not the good way) and makes everyone else look like shit. Both her and Tripel H need to go back and watch Vince in his prime to see how to do a proper heel authority character that gets everyone else over just for being involved with him. With Triple H & Steph it feels the complete opposite for the most part.

Edited by LaGoosh
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Pretty terrible show this week as nothing happened beyond the Henry and Rusev stuff. Enjoyed that. The big kick was superb and Henry cut a passionate promo. Big Show's pep talk was funny though. Not intentionally. Looking forward to Rusev and Henry colliding.


Pity's reminded me of Trips "WWWE" gaffe and "Brock Cena". They made me laugh. Opening segment was rubbish other than The Authority actually looking like a proper faction. Reigns smile is cool as fuck too.


Also agree with Pity on the lack of development with Reigns. He was a bit part in the Cena story here and an Orton rematch isn't gonna do much for him next.

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I seem to have completely stopped watching again. I'm in that position where I've not really got the time or inclination to watch Raw on a whim, so I've spent the last couple of months briefly checking the online reactions to the shows to see if I should bother. It's never better than middling, and certainly no "Wow! Can't believe how great this week's was!" in here, so I end up not bothering. Half the time nobody even bothers posting about it until halfway through the week. Probably not missed much, have I?

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After Summerslam, Cena needs to be coming over as an arse-kicker, promising to take the fight right to Brock this time.  He has to, if we are to believe he has any hope.  They started heading that way last week with the "I'm not going to beat Brock, I'm going to beat his ass" and the more aggressive showing against the Wyatts.


This week, though, he was just saying if he didn't get his contractually obligated rematch, he would sue.  They're basically telling us that Cena's only getting his rematch on a technicality, not that it is in any way going to be different this time out.  He just came over as super lame, resorting to legal tactics rather than promising a closer fight.


And the "TAG ME IN" sign at the end made him look a proper spenk.

Edited by Big Benny HG
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Henry VS Rusev should be an absolute blast when it happens. All-hoss matches are often the shits but Menry has been on a bit of a roll in these kind of matches in recent years. His matches against Big Show have ranged from decent to downright brilliant and his match against Big E was fantastic. Really looking forward to it.


But to be honest, I'm in the same boat as Astro for WWE in general at the moment. I deleted Monday's Raw without watching a minute of it, not even fast-forwarding. Just not feeling it.

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I seem to have completely stopped watching again. I'm in that position where I've not really got the time or inclination to watch Raw on a whim, so I've spent the last couple of months briefly checking the online reactions to the shows to see if I should bother. It's never better than middling, and certainly no "Wow! Can't believe how great this week's was!" in here, so I end up not bothering. Half the time nobody even bothers posting about it until halfway through the week. Probably not missed much, have I?

As soon as it's autumn, I'm pretty much programmed to switch off now. I love Lesnar, but I'm not keen on a rematch. It'll probably have an interference or a shitty finish anyway. Lesnar in the Hell In A Cell I'd watch though. I've never been able to cope with Raw at 3 hours, but when it's this time of year I don't care to try highlights or anything either.

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