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Ortons the drone, the stooge, the pretty boy picked by the narcissistic owners who couldn't bear to see someone short and ugly represent their company. He's the pawn in the McMahon family power play, he HAS to be.

The issue is doing that in a way that stays true to Orton's character. It struck me as very strange when Triple H did the "that's my personal property, Orton just carries it for me" line and Orton doesn't have a problem with it. Randy Orton should still be Randy Orton, they shouldn't write him the same way they'd write a prettyboy stooge champion that's just been called up from NXT.

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There's a bunch of reasons why Orton wouldn't be that arsed with something like that. His arrogance means his character wouldn't believe that, anyway but his couple of years scratching his arse on the B show means there's no point kicking up a fuss. He's just found an 'in' to the main event; I don't think character wise there's any need for him to start rocking the boat, not when he's just won the title and had the world handed to him.


In the future, it'd make sense that when things are less steady, that he might start being more vocal or asserting himself more forcefully. It could, ultimately, be the angle that breaks the corporation up. But, for now, it makes sense that Triple H would lord his pre-eminence over all and sundry.


That's not to say I necessarily agree with your premise either.


After Austin was turned, he became a snivelling, whining, bullying, snide suck-up. That wasn't archetypal Austin. But it made sense, because if you present the WWE title and the main event as a strong enough lure in and of itself, then characters can be very malleable.

Edited by d-d-d-dAz
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After Austin was turned, he became a snivelling, whining, bullying, snide suck-up. That wasn't archetypal Austin. But it made sense, because if you present the WWE title and the main event as a strong enough lure in and of itself, then characters can be very malleable.


Also, it was the only way Austin EVER had a chance of being booed, by stripping away everything that made the Stonecold character so popular in the first place. WWE tried to keep him as the aggressive arse-kicker at first and it didn't work, he was still getting cheered.


It was like Cactus Jack's turn in ECW - when he stripped away everything that made him 'Cactus Jack' and became the goofy, anti-hardcore guy with the false front teeth he got the desired response. Keeping him as the big bump taking, maniacal interview giving Cactus Jack meant he just kept getting a face reaction.

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Also, lets not forget, the way they've tied other superstars into this (Trips threatening to fire them etc) this will probably end with an isolated Triple H subject to a superstar rebellion, whittering about 'owning' everyone but to no avail as he's been revealed as a deluded dickwad.

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This is probably ending with a Triple H (or Triple H proxy) vs a Vinnie Mac proxy though, isn't it?


So, after eating a WORLDS STRONGEST SLAM, Super Punch! and Yes Lock! From the WORLDS LARGEST MATES (I like that. Copyrighted.) and having the locker room side with the old boy, he challenges Vince to pick someone to fight him (or a proxy) for control of the company.

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Taking in to consideration the points about Orton submitting to being a corporate stooge, then the logical long term conclusion would be HHH vs Orton. You don't think they'd have the gall to pull that shit fest off at 'mania again do you?


In a way this angle is 3 months too soon. It's the sort of shit hot angle that is great for Wrestlemania pay off's. If this was TNA it'd be agonizingly booked to conclude in 2 years time where as in WWE's frenetic world it will inevitably be overbooked by the time 'mania rolls around. I still hold out hope for Bryan's big match though. He's probably going to face a brainwashed Kane in the near future so maybe he gets taken out of the main event untill the Rumble kicks things off again.

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He's probably going to face a brainwashed Kane in the near future so maybe he gets taken out of the main event untill the Rumble kicks things off again.

I like this. Bryan's red hot right now, but if they still want him to be red hot by the time WrestleMania rolls around (which may or may not be the case) then they will need to take him off the boil and let him simmer for a little while in between. An angle with the Wyatts and Kane through the winter would be great for all parties, then let Bryan win the Rumble.

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We've got Survivor Series to come and heat with the Shield, on top of the obvious Wyatt + Kane feud. There's plenty to keep Bryan simmering under for now. I just hope they have the balls to run with it through to Wrestlemania. Could be massive if they pull it off, and they have been so far.

Edited by Up Chuck
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Undertaker has to return somewhere for me. To aid against The Shield and maybe save Kane and bring him back from the Wyatts grasp - setting up a monumental six man and setting up Wyatt vs 'Taker if that's what they want to do. Rubbing shoulders as Undertakers mate in between could do DB+ nicely.

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I don't know about his brother, but Ziggler's doing stand-up now. Mostly at open mic spots.


"I've actually done stand-up a couple of times now. I go out to LA - maybe for one week a month I'm out there - just watching shows and studying things and trying to get up and get five minutes on a mic. But because it's not just something I wanted to do on a whim, like the way I make quick remarks on Twitter, I want it to be good. I've been a huge student of comedy for twenty something years. I love it. I want to know why people are getting laughs. Why this joke works and why that one didn't work. It all comes back to helping me be a better WWE Superstar. So I love it. And I actually was going to be on Mick Foley's show for SummerSlam. He was going to let me do five or six minutes. But because of how the show is scheduled - like, it's the night of SummerSlam - it may not be doable. But in the five nights I'm in LA, I will be getting up on stage once or twice. Of course, I'm not going to tell anybody where though. Not yet. Not yet. I have to get a couple more under the belt first."


His Twitter profile is "stand up comic. i wrestle to pay the bills. oh & former WWE World Heavyweight Champion (again) whatevs" and his background picture thing is of him on stage.


No doubt he got into it when he was banging Amy Schumer. I'd be interested in seeing his routine, but I wouldn't hold out much hope for it


It's like the massive Faye Reagan swindle.


You'll have to explain this one...

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