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I remember several ex WWE writers clarified that Vince had the date in his head when Rey was losing the belt and would keep reminding them as if Christmas was coming. Maybe Bryan's push is another one of those favours Vince allows to slip by. Maybe Vince was in love with the moment Bryan won the belt and not actually a title run. Because his momentum has been sucked dry. And when guys like Batista refused to put you over in a one-on-one match, that doesn't do you any favours.

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But Vince is a smart guy. Surely he sees the stupidness of killing Bryan as a character? Bryan must also not allow his character to be handled in that way. I know people bitch at CM Punk, but I remember JR speaking a few years back that what impressed everyone about Punk was that he would stand up against what he believe was rubbish for the character. Now I'm not saying you have to be whiney, just pick your battles, and Bryan must have known that would be awful for him? Show a bit of bollocks.


I hadn't heard that Batista rumour. Anyone have a source?

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But Vince is a smart guy. Surely he sees the stupidness of killing Bryan as a character? Bryan must also not allow his character to be handled in that way. I know people bitch at CM Punk, but I remember JR speaking a few years back that what impressed everyone about Punk was that he would stand up against what he believe was rubbish for the character. Now I'm not saying you have to be whiney, just pick your battles, and Bryan must have known that would be awful for him? Show a bit of bollocks.


I hadn't heard that Batista rumour. Anyone have a source?


Meltzer in a recent radio with Alvarez.


He does also say that the decision is not to do with any problems with putting Bryan over specifically but about money (lack thereof) and not getting what he was promised (fake title)

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It's quite unbelievable how much can change in 4 weeks, Bryan came out of Wrestlemania looking like a bona fide star, one of the most over guys in recent memory and how have they booked it? With pretty much the same storyline Zack fucking Ryder got after his "push".


As much as I'd love Adam Rose get a good run I don't think he'll make it past Summerslam without falling in to the comedy jobber ranks, the best thing about his debut was Zeb.

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You get the feeling that this will turn into one of those WWE self fulfilling prophesy's. Bryan was not one of their "chosen" stars. Therefore, they book him poorly, interest in him drops and they can say that they were right about him all along (even though the sabotaged his push"). It's very sad because they are cutting their nose of to spite their face!

Edited by Mr Tibbs
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Bryan was not one of their "chosen" stars.

That was an angle. It may well become a case of life imitating art but there is a difference.


Aside from Batista, who else is there that Bryan should be facing now? Orton has been done to death and well into the afterlife. He's beaten Triple H clean. He's had a long feud with Bray Wyatt.


Who else is on his level? Cesaro is no bigger a star than Kane. Lesnar is a part-timer.


Truth is, there just aren't that many top level heels. Hence why we had to suffer Randy fucking Orton for most of last year.

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Bryan was not one of their "chosen" stars.

That was an angle. It may well become a case of life imitating art but there is a difference.


Aside from Batista, who else is there that Bryan should be facing now? Orton has been done to death and well into the afterlife. He's beaten Triple H clean. He's had a long feud with Bray Wyatt.


Who else is on his level? Cesaro is no bigger a star than Kane. Lesnar is a part-timer.


Truth is, there just aren't that many top level heels. Hence why we had to suffer Randy fucking Orton for most of last year.


Come on mate. If you remember the original plan was for Bryan to face Sheamus at WM. When his run with Orton had finished he was moved away from the title. There were no plans for him to be pushed in that direction for WM season. Orton was to face (and loose) to a babyface Batista and Triple H was set to tangle with Punk. It was the sheer force of public opinion, as well as Punk walking and Batista bombing as a babyface that led to Bryans push being renewed.


It's not the fact that Bryan is facing Kane that people have a problem with. It's the way Bryan is being presented that is the problem.

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Despite all of the rumours about Sheamus, etc, I don't believe the plan was for them to do anything but Bryan vs. Triple H at WrestleMania. There was nearly a year of build up for it. The title thing I agree was a late decision.


Don't gisagree that Bryan should be booked stronger against Kane but I don't believe they are de-pushing him or cutting off their nose to spite their face. I think they are misguided enough to believe that this will make Kane appear stronger and sell people on the next PPV. And the reason they are having to build Kane to this level is that there isn't really anyone else better.

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Despite all of the rumours about Sheamus, etc, I don't believe the plan was for them to do anything but Bryan vs. Triple H at WrestleMania. There was nearly a year of build up for it. The title thing I agree was a late decision.


So what would the CM Punk plan have been? Could the plan have been for him to go up against Orton?

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If you really *have* to do Evolution/Shield then yeah, there's not much in the way of opponents for Bryan that wouldn't be decidedly upper midcard. If Sheamus or someone turns out to be his next challenger then he really is fucked. I know the circumstances are different but Stephanie getting all this heat with no possible real payoff is going to be a killer too.


That said, the nail has been hit on the head earlier. If Bryan is just going to let them book him *actually running away* from Kane and not kick up a stink when they pitch it, then what's the point in getting angry about it for him. This is on him.

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Don't gisagree that Bryan should be booked stronger against Kane but I don't believe they are de-pushing him or cutting off their nose to spite their face. I think they are misguided enough to believe that this will make Kane appear stronger and sell people on the next PPV. And the reason they are having to build Kane to this level is that there isn't really anyone else better.

Yeah I feel the same way. WWE aren't above missteps (just look at some choices in Bryan's WWE career) and last night was a big one. You get the feeling they thought the Kane threat needed to be bolstered (especially after losing again) and decided to turn their angle into a bad version of Terminator.


Bryan has always had the ability to eventually rise above all the rubbish they've thrown at him.

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Cesaro is the perfect opponent for Bryan after Kane. Believable as a main event player on the same level as Bryan, would put on quality matches and the Heyman tie-in can lead to a feud with Lesnar.

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