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2 hours ago, Supremo said:


One thing that's definitely worth thinking about - they had this Shield reunion planned and didn't do it at Summerslam, instead deciding to do that bait and switch and instant cutting of the feed once Roman won. They could've done this twenty four hours earlier and Roman's coronation would have felt far less like an orchestrated con job on everyone watching.

I had the exact same thoughts, think how incredible this finish would have been at Summerslam? The crowd were hot for something to happen, the anticipation for RAW would have been through the roof.


So yeah, wwe booked the perfect finish to Reigns v Brock but used it on RAW?


Also, please tell me its not Rousey v Steph at Evolution? Now i like a Steph match as much as the next person but she shouldn't be going for the belt at the big womens show.

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1 hour ago, theringmaster said:

I had the exact same thoughts, think how incredible this finish would have been at Summerslam? The crowd were hot for something to happen, the anticipation for RAW would have been through the roof.


So yeah, wwe booked the perfect finish to Reigns v Brock but used it on RAW?


Also, please tell me its not Rousey v Steph at Evolution? Now i like a Steph match as much as the next person but she shouldn't be going for the belt at the big womens show.

A McMahon, Making themselves the main focus of a PPV, even though there is no reason for them to be on the card? Inconceivable! 

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As fun as it is seeing the Shield back, I don't understand the return at all. Braun cashes in (Roman literally just told Renee he doesn't scare him) then Ambrose and Rollins appear, then they interfere in his match for no reason (DQ right?) and beat Braun up. Is Braun's cash-in still valid? Who won? 

These aren't 'I can't wait to see what happens next!' questions, they're 'this doesn't make any bloody sense' questions. 

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4 hours ago, Shy Dad said:

Is the Australia show before Survivor Series? Part of me sees them beating down HHH and Taker to go back to old problems leading to a six man at SS with Big Match John as part of the old guard.

This would be superb, will never ever happen though.

I honestly think Braun will end up being the heel here, he'll probably be teaming with Owens against the Shield before long because it makes no sense and is what nobody wants to see.

Edited by The King of Old School
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Watching it back, Roman sure as hell looks to pull a heelish face once Ambrose and Rollins start surrounding the ring. I know I’m torturing myself as it’s almost certainly going to be Braun playing heel, but still. Roman gives it a proper cocky, smug look as he raises his hands. Suits him a lot.

It’s probably going to be Drew/Ziggler/Braun vs. The Shield going forward. They’ve already released three new Shield T-shirts on WWE.com today. They’re almost certainly babyfaces.

I really want to see Shield vs. Undisputed Era one day.

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A babyface Braun smashing through the Shield to get to Roman sounds great though, I really think they should have rang the bell and had the cash in stand last night as that would have given Braun another reason to be super pissed off with them, as it stands it he doesn't need to go through Rollins/Ambrose because he has the guaranteed shot anyway.


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If they'd done that at SummerSlam, what next? Raw is a chore already without fuck all happening week to week.

They seriously need to sort out the middle of these cards. Ziggler vs. Rollins and Balor vs. Corbin are never ending stories. B-team vs. Revival and AOP vs. Titus Worldwide have already been done to death too. Sasha & bayley vs. Riot Squad in some form is on match 886/1054 already.

At the top, Shield vs. Braun and Rousey holding the women's belt sound decent but the middle is just the same dull fucking stuff week after week after week.

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What’s the average length of time before Vince gives up on a useless lanky? How long was it before guys like Snitsky and Heidenreich were binned off? I can’t be bothered with Corbin anymore. He’s so rubbish.

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8 minutes ago, Supremo said:

What’s the average length of time before Vince gives up on a useless lanky? How long was it before guys like Snitsky and Heidenreich were binned off? I can’t be bothered with Corbin anymore. He’s so rubbish.

I nearly cried when he became "acting General manager". Does that mean more of the fucker?

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Still struggling with these three hour marathons but on balance a good show overall - crucially it also leaves plenty of questions and anticipation for next week’s show in Toronto too. 

HHH’s promo was just masterful. He built up the Undertaker match perfectly and delivered with bass and conviction. Brilliant. 

It won’t last but the way they handled Rousey’s title presentation tonight was great - they’ve finally acknowledged the awkwardness of when Steph comes out as the heel authority figure but plays the babyface when she cheerleads the women. Surprised the Bellas didn’t attack but glad they didn’t - the longer they put that feud off the better. Could she be better on the microphone? Potentially in the delivery, but the actual points she made were decent enough. 

Ambrose looked hench and worked like a bloody stallion. Eight months out and he looked better than ever. 

Main event and the surprise at the end were top tele. Again, tons of questions to come from this but it was a genuinely cool surprise watching it spoiler-free. Great to see Balor back in the main event and even with the loss I think it was still a decent night for him. Strowman going heel now seems like the most logical next step as I can’t see the Shield going heel, but either way I’m excited to see what comes next. Roman working heel for the majority of the match with Balor was great and he just looks so fucking natural in that role, which I think is probably the most frustrating thing about a full turn never coming to fruition, because it could be such a massive game changer. 

Still a lot of bollocks on the show mind - AOP/Titus Worldwide and the absolutely diabolical B-Team bollocks literally belongs on a B-show like Main Event, or Superstars, Heat, Velocity, Metal or whatever the fuck they are pumping out these days. Corbin as acting GM only means he’ll be omnipresent on the show even more, which just makes me want to sit on my own testes in despair. To be honest with the exception of Ambrose/Ziggler and the main event most of the matches were quite lacklustre tonight. 

That said it was much more enjoyable than Summerslam. Almost a shame that the roster isn’t combined again, because if you clear out a lot of the Raw deadwood and throw in some of the midcard content from Smackdown you’ve potentially got an absolutely belting lineup there. 

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