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1 hour ago, PunkStep said:

Please don't suggest that just in case somebody at WWE sees it and thinks it's a great idea.Cass is heel, wouldn't make sense.

Plus, more importantly, Cass is Shit.

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I love that Michael Cole is taking so much flak online for his 'sorry for what you're about to watch' line.

Ultimate Deletion wasn't my cup of tea, really, but I'm happy for Matt that it's been pretty well received across the board. I can only imagine Michael Cole now in the office with an increasingly exacerbated Vince McMahon saying 'no, boss, I don't get it either...'

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It depends where they go with it. I'm not keen on the idea of them having Braun win the tag belts by himself - it's just a bit too gimmicky, even if it in keeping with how he's booked - but if he fights on his own and loses, what does that prove? Two blokes beat one, it's hardly an upset.

If Strowman has a partner that takes the fall, or somehow costs them the match, it at least sets Strowman up with a programme after Wrestlemania.

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It feels like there’s been a real run of rubbish towns on the road to Wrestlemania. The crowds have been awful.

I don’t like how much of the Wrestlemania card is still to be nailed down, but there was some good stuff on this show. 

I really enjoyed the Steph/HHH package, but I hope they were being deliberately ridiculous, because they know that we know they have the power to make these things themselves, and aren’t trying to seriously pretend that Steph is a terrifying elite athlete. If it’s the former I’m in (as so far the story has been great), if it’s the latter I’m out. It’s a shame that this whole thing can’t end well as Ronda doesn’t seem very good at wrestling in any way shape or form.

The Miz TV segment was good.

I think rather than trying to be clever, tonight was the night to have The Undertakers music hit or something. It would be fine in a vacuum but with Braun still missing a partner and Shane probably out, it just adds to a messy feeling for Mania season rather than a single streamlined story.

The Lesnar/Reigns feud doesn’t do much for me, and I’m a Lesnar fanboy, but I love that they did another ‘IM NOT FINISHED WITH YOU YET’ beatdown.

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21 minutes ago, d-d-d-dAz said:

I don’t like how much of the Wrestlemania card is still to be nailed down, but there was some good stuff on this show. 

I count 14 matches that are either official or fairly obviously happening (Cena vs Taker). What isn't nailed down?

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I don’t mean in terms of what we know implicitly, but the fact that you have 3 marquee matches that are being built around them actually, specifically not being locked down: Braun and someone/Sami, KO and probably Bryan and someone/John Cena wants The Undertaker.

Also, I’m guessing Bayley/Sasha will happen.

From a storytelling perspective, I find having so many ‘up in the air’ stories at the same time makes everything feel a bit on hold, and like Wrestlemania can’t possibly be 2 weeks away.

Edited by d-d-d-dAz
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I don't think they have space for Bayley/Sasha, plus they really need them to add credibility to the not-fabulous-Moolah battle royal. Plus, it'll ruin their slow build heel turn for Sasha, which they plan to finally execute in 2028.

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I think we'll end up with both battle royals on the main show this year.

I wonder if Shane is out of Mania they might go with a singles match? Bryan vs either Sami or KO would be pretty good I think as the card is a bit multi man/tag match heavy. You can always stick the off man out in the corner an have them involved anyway, and Bryan could get someone in his corner like Big Show or something.

I wonder if people like Jeff Hardy, Samoa Joe, Cass etc will return for the Andre battle royal?

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That video package/interview for HHH & Steph was very good. Like the great packages they did for Shane before the HIAC with Taker. Why the fuck do they only waste them on McMahons? That's rhetorical btw. Nakamura has been crying out for stuff like this. Got to give it to the real stars though.

How OTT was that Bayley/Sasha brawl? It's been a snidey breakdown so far. They first physicial contact is a backstage brawl where they smash each others heads into things? Really? Really?

Loved Miz on this show. Again. Cena was cool at the end too. Lesnar/Reigns brawl was decent. Just wish when Reigns is "not scheduled to be here" he'd wear normal clothes. I'm not sure getting a kick in fair and square sells the match though. I get that they're trying to make him the underdog but it's far too late. All this does is take away any momentum. At this point, I'm hoping for a Heyman turn and a heel Reigns coming out ala Austin at 17. Otherwise the next few months are going to suck.

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I'm hoping for a Heyman/Reigns alliance coming out of Wrestlemania too - not because I think a heel turn would automatically fix everything wrong with Roman Reigns' push, but because I can't see a single worthwhile programme for him as a babyface champion. There's nothing there he could do that he hasn't done already, short of bringing Ambrose back as a heel.

Them trying to present Stephanie as a force to be reckoned with is exactly what I was dreading. That match should be 90% stalling until Ronda gets her hands on Steph, and makes her tap out in seconds. If Stephanie gets heat on Ronda for a prolonged period, they have absolutely no idea what they're doing. Ronda's first match, especially against a character like Steph who - as much as she never does - should only exist to get her comeuppance, should be a quick scramble for an armbar, and an easy win, to remind people why Ronda was a big deal in the first place. But the moment it became apparent Triple H would be in the same match, it was clear it was going to be a self-indulgent twenty minute melodrama.

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