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The Official UKFF RAW Thread...


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That Roman promo to open the show was awesome, until he had finished the finished the first line. Then it all went down hill, became boring and made him look weak. The only kind of reaction he was getting was name dropping the other wrestlers in the match. He is so easy to book, all they had to do was have him say “no, I’m not scared of the Chamber.” They force dialogue on him which not only isn’t needed, it creates the only flaw in his whole damn act (other than maybe the ring gear and music but that isn’t a deal breaker.) He would be over like fuck if he did one line promos. Maybe two lines on a special occasion.


Edited by UK Kat Von D
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1 hour ago, UK Kat Von D said:

He is so easy to book, all they had to do was have him say “no, I’m not scared of the Chamber.”

He seemed so petrified of the Chamber that I thought he was actually going to poo himself. That was shit writing. He's a bad ass that shouldn't be scared of any person/structure, write promos accordingly.

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Shit, having a brain fart. It wasn't the wrong forum at all....

I basically asked if the difference in reactions Reigns and Strowman gets are simply down to the powers that be trying to change RR into Cena MkII, seeing as they are both getting the mega push and being lined up as the top guys...

Edited by Cod Eye
wrong forum
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Yes. It's the Diesel effect. Diesel got over as a bad-ass by looking cool, kicking arse and saying very little [sound familiar?]
He then became champ and Vince had him smiling and wearing Santa hats and doing videos with his wife and kid. [sound familiar?]

What's that saying about those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it?

Not saying WWE's doomed btw. Far from it. They'll be totally fine but it's funny how Strowman has got over by looking like a killer, kicking arse and saying very little.
It's when he starts cutting longer promos and wearing Santa hats that we need to start worrying....   

Oh wait....

Image result for braun strowman santa

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Braun seems to be an anomaly in that respect though because he's been funny and smiley on Mixed Match Challenge but has still been over as fuck and has still looked like an absolute killer when it counts. The promo on Elias last week seems to show they've added a bit more humour to his character and he can get away with being a bit dorky because everybody watching still knows he's still this absolute badass and he carries himself that way.

When they try the same thing with Reigns it comes across as forced and faked as he looks so uncomfortable. At this stage Braun might even get away with saying sufferin sukotash and still be cool as fuck. 

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I think that cello segment is a good modern example of what Triple H, E&C, Austin, John Cena etc suggest doesn't happen enough in modern WWE, which is talent taking a ropey concept, embracing it, and eventually making it their own. In a lot of other hands that cello segment would have been terrible, but Strowman helped turn it into a laugh. To do so as a babyface seems to get rarer as the years pass too. Reigns is good, but I doubt he'd look anything other than a complete knob doing a similar segment. You can't teach charisma and Strowman has it to spare.

Edited by ColinBollocks
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Safe to say that's Roman's best promo since the night Raw was filmed in their offices. Came across great.

Cena/Taker then? Doesn't really do it for me. They missed the boat on it big time and I've never been able to get past that.

Trips sucker punching Angle suggests a mixed tag between those four? Not a bad filler. Imagine Rousey selling for Steph though? Ugh.

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Steph storming up to Ronda and breaking into ‘...I’m terribly sorry’ is the best thing she’s ever done on TV.

For those who didn’t quite believe it, are we all now willing to accept that Braun’s dominance at EC was just a consolation prize, rather than a foreshadowing of him entering the main event?

The booking of Mania is just a bit... terrible at the minute. The matches are good, certainly as good as they could have put together, but Jesus...

Cena challenges Taker, but then says it’s impossible so he’s chipping off to Smackdown. Everyone knows it’s happening now, you don’t dangle that sort of carrot and then not do anything about it but... well, strictly it wasn’t bad booking, but they didn’t half flatten that crowd out. That pop was so huge and genuine for that match, I just wish they’d have had Cena say he was going to call out The Undertaker at every show until he shows up. Gives him the excuse go to Smackdown, without killing the buzz. Plus, I think it’s much more exciting to see Cena chase The Undertaker than it is to see Cena chasing the admin team who told him the match was impossible.

I’m assuming they’re trying to be clever with the Lesnar thing? As they definitely originally announced a face-off. Was a really good promo, probably with a hint of truthfulness behind it, but my only worry is that they think they can change the fans opinion of Roman by spending 6 weeks pointing out how much of a wrestling-hating mercenary Brock is. They’ll end up with Brock/Goldberg if they’re not careful. At least in Roman/Brock 1 the fans cared about Brock killing a Roman. If they take that away they’ve really fucked up.

At least Kurt Angle is a snivvelling shite desperate to keep hold of his job. Wrestling fans historically like that, don’t they? HHH is going to need his wrestling boots that night, having to carry Steph, Ronda and a near-crippled Kurt to something at least watchable.

Balor/Rollins/Miz should be fun. They’re definitely having Miz drop just before he becomes the longest reigning IC Champion. They should, anyway. The Miz would be great with that material.


Edited by d-d-d-dAz
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11 minutes ago, d-d-d-dAz said:

For those who didn’t quite believe it, are we all now willing to accept that Braun’s dominance at EC was just a consolation prize, rather than a foreshadowing of him entering the main event?

Nah. They've just given us Braun VS Elias, albeit with an inconclusive finish, and I can't see him chasing Elias for 5 weeks or so waiting to get his hands on him again. Likewise, I can't see Reigns and Heyman promos week after week after week (with the obligatory pull-apart brawl one week).

I still have faith they're going with a three-way, and that they didn't want to ignite the fire last night as they were busy building Cena/Taker, the IC triple threat, the Rousey mixed tag and the women's matches instead.

Edited by PunkStep
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1 minute ago, PunkStep said:

Nah. They've just given us Braun VS Elias, albeit with an inconclusive finish, and I can't see him chasing Elias for 5 weeks or so waiting to get his hands on him again. Likewise, I can't see Reigns and Heyman promos week after week after week (with the obligatory pull-apart brawl one week).

I think that is exactly what will happen, they still have Bray and Hardy going after each other after what seems like 3 years, so 5 weeks is nothing.

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7 minutes ago, PunkStep said:

Nah. They've just given us Braun VS Elias, albeit with an inconclusive finish, and I can't see him chasing Elias for 5 weeks or so waiting to get his hands on him again. Likewise, I can't see Reigns and Heyman promos week after week after week (with the obligatory pull-apart brawl one week).

I still have faith they're going with a three-way, and that they didn't want to ignite the fire last night as they were busy building Cena/Taker, the IC triple threat, the Rousey mixed tag and the women's matches instead.

Your optimism gives me hope for humanity, Punky.

Can we meet in the middle, 6 way gimmick match for the IC title? Elias/Strowman/Balor/Miz/Rollins/Jeff Hardy (yes I’m pulling names out of my arse now)..

*edit* seriously though, the fact they used the old fire extinguisher last night suggests to me they’re going down the Elias/Strowman hardcore match to open the show route. Similar to JBL/Finlay back in the day.


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3 minutes ago, The King of Old School said:

I think that is exactly what will happen, they still have Bray and Hardy going after each other after what seems like 3 years, so 5 weeks is nothing.

There's a good point, Wyatt saying that he's not done with Hardy brought out a massive sigh from me. For fuck sake, just kill it already.

@d-d-d-dAz deal! I was bored at work yesterday and guessed at an IC ladder match for Mania with the names you mentioned but with Matt and Wyatt in there and no Jeff. Looking like a triple threat instead now though, which to be fair should be very good.

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